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"Tell me again why we agreed to come to this party," I say as we climb the steps to Connor's house.

KJ claps me on the back. "Free food and drinks."

"Unity," Jayden says.

"To get my cast signed," Hunter shrugs.

Ian slings his arm around Hunter. "To take care of my baby cousin."

Although he's smiling, Tucker gives him a shove with his good arm. "Fuck off, Ian. You're three days older than me."

Grinning, Ian gives Hunter a shove. "Still makes you the baby."

Their exchange reminds me of me and Noah. A cousin is a mix between a best friend and a sibling. You don't see them every day, but you know they'll be there for you. No matter what. Plus, the banter is a shit ton of fun. Noah and I chirp at each other like hockey players.

Speaking of Noah... I haven't seen him for a few days. Mom's been home to take care of Chelsea, and I've been off of work for a week. Playoffs are rigorous. Once the first round is over, things will calm down a little. We'll have more time between games (three days as opposed to two). I'll have to call Noah tomorrow and see if he wants to hang out.

However, the excitement over seeing my cousin fades quickly. We're at the door now. Already, I can feel the bass thumping. We're supposed to let ourselves in because the doorbell is nonexistent at this point. Sometimes, I wonder how Connor gets away with having these parties. My parents, despite their dysfunctional relationship, would murder me if I ever threw a large party like this.

I pause in front of the door, glancing over my shoulder.

"You guys are cute, really, but seriously. Why the fuck are we here?"

Hunter looks at me. His nose is bruised, and he looks exhausted. I'm not sure why he came tonight. He should've stayed at home with Brenna. She opted out of the party to take a break and relax. When she told me that, I almost started crying. Prior to being diagnosed, Brenna would've opted out to go to a spin class instead. This time, she's on the couch, in her pyjamas, and reading a book.

I'm so fucking proud of her.

"We're here because hashtag-Shenna is paranoid about Connor's games," Hunter says.

KJ wrinkles his nose. "What the fuck is 'Shenna'?"

Hunter rolls his eyes. "Their ship name."

Jayden snorts. "That's a terrible ship name."

"Have to agree," Drew nods. "Brenna would kill you if she heard that one, Tucks."

And, of course, Ian has to add his opinion. "Their ship name should be 'Bhea'. Then it's like pronouncing 'bae.'"

KJ's eyes widen. "Fuck, man. Why didn't I think of that one?" He looks at me, that familiar evil glint in his eyes. Now that KJ's realized this "ship name" (which I think is stupid), he'll be relentless with his teasing.

Bending the Rules (The Rules,  #1)Where stories live. Discover now