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"Well, why wasn't he sitting with Kaleb Jones?" Hunter asks.

When I called, he said he was at the gym, but that he could talk if I didn't mind being on speaker phone. Every once in a while, I hear comments from Nick Wright, one of our teammates, and Drew Charette, our goalie, but I've become a professional at ignoring them. There's a slight breathlessness to Hunter's voice as he speaks. He's trying to hide it, but it's nearly impossible to do when you're lifting weights.

"I don't know!" I exclaim, displaying my high level of exasperation. I'm trying to lace my skates with the new laces I bought after work. My old skates were beginning to fray at the edges so I figured it was time to get some new ones. "But the seat next to Smith was the only one available when I got back from my appointment. I could handle sitting next to him, but then Mrs. Lapointe goes and pulls some shit like that! I can't believe this. Could this year get any worse? I mean–"

"Hey!" Hunter interrupts. "Not all things are bad this year. We're still best friends."

I smile to myself, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He's got a point. I don't know where I'd be without a friend like Hunter, if I'm being totally honest, and I love how exclusive our friendship is. Although we had a bit of a falling out the other day, we were able to make up. Hunter apologized for being too pushy. I apologized for snapping.

"I don't know," I tease. "There was this kid in my Chemistry class that could easily re—"

"If you're about to even refer to the process of replacing me, I will lock you in your bedroom, Brenna," he growls.

"And you would love that," I tease. "Wouldn't you?"

On the other end, Hunter coughs. I know it's mean of me to tease him about his not-so-secret crush on me, but he makes it too easy. Thankfully, despite my knowing, he doesn't press; he knows that I'll never be able to see him as anything but my best friend. And the fact that he has listened to that makes me love him even more. He's the sibling I never had.

"I'm sorry," I sigh. "That was uncalled for."

"No, it wasn't!" Nick calls. "Tucks needs a good reminder, every once in a while, that you're a solo babe."

On the other end, I hear some muffled movements and voices. I think someone groans in pain, which brings a smile to my face. Hunter probably punched Nick. And, honestly, the kid deserves it. He's the biggest chirper on the team.

"Hey, Bren?" Hunter asks. His voice is clearer now, which makes me think he's taken me off of speakerphone.


"I'm going to get going, okay? I'll text you when I'm home."

For a moment, I fear that I've offended him. But this is Hunter we're talking about—we've had this discussion so many times, and he knows that I'm not looking for a relationship. Hockey is my driving force, and I don't want to make someone feel like they're less important. "Okay," I sigh. "But seriously, what am I going to do about this disaster? I already have to put up with him through classes and hockey, and now we have to meet up at least once a week for this stupid French project."

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