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After a week off from anything hockey-related, it feels good to be back on the ice. From the chill across my cheeks to the smell of artificial ice to the skates on my feet, I feel like I'm back in my realm. My comfort zone. However, if I'm being honest, it still feels strange knowing my coach is my uncle. It's one thing I need to learn to accept. That's what my counsellor told me. I've had two appointments with her already, and I'm picking up on red flags within myself.

Such as my resentment towards my uncle. Although explaining the situation would've been a better route, he had a valid reason. And the approach was paved with nothing but good intentions. Many people disagree with this, but people need to remember we try to make the best decisions we can for our loved ones. I'm allowed to be upset, but I have to understand this from his point of view. The same goes for my mom.

My emotions are valid, and my reaction is nothing obtrusive. Plus, there is always resolution to conflict. It just needs to be talked about and dealt with.

I skate forward, the puck gliding across the ice ahead of me. My palms sweat as I wind up for a slapshot against Drew. It whizzes past him, lodging itself in the top left corner. As I skate behind the net, Drew removes his goalie mask and grabs his water bottle from the back of the net. He squirts some water in my direction.

"Save it for Terrace," he jokes.

Despite my uneasy emotions, his teasing brings a smile to my face. This is one thing I've loved about playing with West Kelowna's hockey team. The majority are welcoming. They don't single me out because I'm a girl. They feel like family.

"Not my job to save the puck," I retort.

Drew snorts, taking a sip of his water. "Touché."

I skate away with a smile on my face. As I return to the back of the line, I inspect Terrace's team. They're a good team. Second in the tournament so far, right behind us. This game will decide whether we go into the final round in first or second place. If Terrace beats us, they'll gain one more point and be in first. That means fewer games for them to play in order to grab gold—if they can keep up their winning streak. They slaughtered Shea's team last night 7-1.

"Checking out the competition? Or are you staring at your boyfriend?"

Blinking, I glance at Hunter, confused. "What are you talking about?"

Hunter points his hockey stick at the left side of the ice, just shy of the penalty box. On the other side of the glass, I see Shea, Jayden, and KJ. They're dressed in their base layer clothing with matching sweaters. Kelowna's colours are black with lighter red and a bluish-pine-green. Their jerseys are a lot like the Kelowna Rockets jerseys, with an emblem of the Ogopogo on the front.

When Shea notices me staring, he raises his hand in a soft wave.

I wave back, unable to hide the smile on my face. Shea's team isn't playing Vernon until later, about an hour after my team's game ends. Him being here to watch my game makes warmth spread through my chest. Although we discussed watching each other's games prior to today, Shea was unsure if he'd make it. Now I can see that was a bluff. His practices are never longer than two hours, and I'm sure Shea, Jayden, and KJ concocted a lie to tell their coach. Probably said they were attending the game to scope out the competition.

Bending the Rules (The Rules,  #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt