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Tucker and I almost collide in the hallway upstairs. I've almost ripped this house apart searching for my phone. It's nowhere to be seen, which is frustrating me.

"Shit," I mutter, regaining my balance.

"Sorry," Hunter says.

He looks disoriented. I wonder if it's his meds, but I bite my tongue. Poor kid. He must be in a lot of pain. I can't imagine the loud music is good for his concussion. I may need to stop looking for my phone and get him out of here. He should've stayed home with Brenna. Not just to keep her company but to help with the healing process.

I rest a hand on his shoulder. "You okay, man?"

Hunter's shoulders slouch. "I'm exhausted. I want to find my phone and get the hell out of here. Not that I'm worried. There's a reason I don't have a passcode. Nothing to hide and nothing important resides on that phone. I just need it to contact people."

My grip on his shoulder tightens. "Wait. You can't find your phone, either?"

He shakes his head, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His shoes make a squeaky noise against the polished hardwood flooring. The expression on Hunter's face also reads skeptical. He's looking at me as if I'm the definition of ridiculous.

Maybe I am. But don't tell me both of us losing our phones is a coincidence. Especially when Connor is in the house.

After several seconds of silence flitter by, in which my mind convinces itself Connor is behind this, Hunter speaks. "Dude. What is going on? You look like a madman."

I release Hunter's shoulder, making my gaze level with his. "My phone is missing, too. I haven't been able to find it all night."

His eyebrows furrow. "What? That doesn't make any—shit."

Realization dawns on him.

I set my lips in a firm line and nod. "It would make sense. Brenna trusts us the most. Snagging our phones..." I trail off, running an aggressive hand through my hair. "He probably used my phone to text Brenna first, claiming I'm wasted or something. Bet that asshole didn't even think about slurring the text message."

Hunter snorts. "Probably not. He's pretty damn stupid. But everyone knows I'm not drinking. If Connor posed as me to confirm you being drunk... Brenna would worry about you, Shea."

I turn away, kicking the corner of the small table in the hallway. "Fucking Connor. I'm going to kill him."

"We all want to," Hunter replies. "But just remember that murder is too expensive. We should go downstairs and wait for Brenna. If Connor doesn't see her, then whatever he's planning won't happen. Not that she'll believe whatever he tries to spin. Connor's proven himself untrustworthy, and Brenna's pretty set that you're trustworthy."

Bending the Rules (The Rules,  #1)Where stories live. Discover now