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Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.


My head is spinning as I toss the keys onto the counter. The kitchen is dim, smelling of chopped parsley and other herbs. My stomach doesn't feel well after consuming the milkshake. However, I feel no guilt drinking and enjoying it—even if I'm paying the price now. Although I hate processed foods or drinks, they're good in moderation.

Dairy, though? Yeah, I'm fucked later.

Ordering the milkshake was a stupid move.

However, thoughts about processed foods can only infatuate my mind for so long.

Brenna's words still echo in my head.

You are not a feminist. You're far from it, Shea. Though I will give you props for trying.

Her words piss me off a little. Is trying not enough? Do I not qualify as an ally if I'm trying?

The answer is obviously no.

Fuck, Brenna would murder me if she could read my mind.

After rifling through the fridge for five minutes, I decide on a quick ramen bowl. There are leftover ramen noodles from last night's stir fry, as well as some chopped bok choy and snow peas. All I have to do is make a quick broth.

Leaving the leftover noodles and veggies in their containers, I grab a pot from the corner cupboard. I set it on the stove with a dollop of olive oil. Next, I dice some garlic, shallots, onions, and ginger. After they're in the pot, I let them sweat for a bit, adding some salt and pepper. The aroma filling the kitchen soon has my mouth watering.

In a separate bowl, I combine some chicken stock and bonito flakes. Which I then add to the pot.

I feel like a fool for cooking close to midnight.

But my stomach needs something other than that damn milkshake.

To the broth, I add some konbu soy sauce, miso, mirin, and a splash of sriracha sauce. It's not your typical ramen, but I'm working with what I have in the fridge. Which is... diverse. When Dad is a father, he's a decent cook. He's always open to trying new recipes from different countries. My cooking skills are one attribute I'm proud of inheriting.

As soon as the broth is steaming, I add in the noodles and veggies. I'm careful with how much time I give to the noodles and veggies. Then, I remove the pot from the heat and turn the stove off. Veggies are better when they're crunchy. Mushy noodles are gross, too.

I fill a deep-set bowl with the ramen. I add some green onions, red chili oil, and bean sprouts. It smells delicious. I'm hoping it'll counteract the dairy I shouldn't have consumed.

If I'm awake until three with an upset stomach... The milkshake was worth it.

Even if I'm mildly lactose-intolerant.

Bending the Rules (The Rules,  #1)Where stories live. Discover now