chapter twenty-five

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Jimin made himself comfortable on Yoongi's thigh. He lost all energy to keep up the "act" of this. He was resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder as the dog laid close to them, watching the tv with Yoongi. They were exhausted. They still had about 30 minutes of watching the dog and man. Jimin was just about ready to give up and go back home. The dog began to bark like crazy when the door knob started to shake, waking up Jimin and Yoongi who just fallen asleep. Jimin stood up when Yoongi patted his thigh. Yoongi opened the door to be hugged by Jennie. That's when suddenly the gods gave him more energy. Yoongi hesitantly hugged back before letting go. Jimin patted Yoongi's back. "We can go home now, right?" Jimin smiled through his jealousy as Yoongi nodded.

Jennie and Jimin made eye contact. Long brown hair, pretty face, young, whor- no bad Jimin. You don't even know how she is, what she does, her problems. No need to get upset. Jimin stuck out his hand from Jennie to shake with, "Hi I'm Jimin."

Jennie did shake his hand and with the brightest smile she spoke. "Hi, I'm Jennie. Yoongi's girlfriend."

"What?" Jimin went wide eyed he scoffed and smiled. "Repeat that please.."

"Yeah please repeat that.." Yoongi rubbed his temple since he was very confused cause not once did he agree that he was ever in that relationship with Jennie Kim.

"I said. I'm Yoongi's.. Girlfriend." Jennie glanced over to Yoongi. "You asked me out a few days back.. you even did all my work at the cafe while I was sick.."


"You did what?" Jimin looked over to Yoongi, practically telling him to shut up and let him speak. "I'm sorry but there must. Must. Be a mistake." Jimin chuckled and tried to hide his frustration.

"No...? Yoongi asked me out."

"No I didn-"

"I'm talking. Yoongi." Jimin snapped back at Yoongi. "I don't think he'd do that you see. I'm Park Jimin. Yoongi's boyfriend."

"Jimin.. I think I see what's wron-"

"I'm talking, Yoongi." Jimin clenched his jaw and smiled back at Jennie. "He was with me the past few days. He probably did your work out of pity."

Jennie shuffled through her purse, pulling out her phone. Her nails tapped the phone before showing Jimin the screen. Clearly it showed Yoongi's name and a few text messages that were sent to Yoongi. But it didn't make sense cause not once had Yoongi ever touched his phone while they were together.

Jimin smiled, pushed back Jennie's phone to her chest. "I'll get going. Figure this out between you two, k?" Jimin pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. "I have to get home." Just like that, Jimin left the house with the slam of the door. Jimin didn't understand why he was upset. He couldn't be cheating cause it didn't make sense and it was sudden. That's not how things usually are.

Yoongi just stood there when Jennie hugged him. He never texted Jennie. Jennie never texted him. They weren't dating. It made no sense. Yoongi gently pushed Jennie back. "We aren't.. we aren't dating Jennie.."

She raised an eyebrow and tapped her phone screen. "We are."

"No. No we aren't. And if I sent that to you, which I know damn well I didn't, then I'd say that we are breaking up." Yoongi ran a hand through his hair. "Which wouldn't make sense cause, we weren't dating to begin with." Yoongi groaned, he was very very confused.

Jennie huffed. She crossed her arms and huffed. "That's not how you should talk to your girlfriend Yoon".

Yoongi's was starting to get a bit pissed. "Jennie! Listen to me! We aren't dating!" Yoongi snapped, "The number that texted must've been someone else. Maybe you just confused it to be me. But it wasn't. Cause I'm not dating you. I'm dating Jimi-"

"That hoe?" Jennie tilted her head, "Look how he was dressed.."

"Shut up.." Yoongi mumbled and not down on his lip

"He is. Look at him Yoongi!"

"I said shut up!!" Yoongi snapped, making Jennie back down immediately. "Find someone else to watch your shit dog. I quit."

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