chapter five

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His feet stayed on the petal that used to make the piano sound better no matter the circumstance. But that's not the same anymore is it. Yoongi sat there, playing the same repetitive fragment that Jimin was singing, attempting to think. Stumbling on certain keys.

"What made this sound right? What song did I listened to that made me like this? What did I do? What did I. What did I."

Yoongi sighed, pressing firmly on the keys with a tense groan. Yoongi sat there, the keys ringing out the supposed to be reeking sound but even then, it sounded well. His hair over his eyes.

"Jimin..." he sat up, his phone ringing; shaking and falling off the piano.

Yoongi jumped back a bit before picking it up and clicking the green circle.

"Yeah?" Yoongi ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his keys before slipping on his shoes.

"I'm done getting ready. You should, uh, pick me up?" Jimin seemed a bit uneasy, he sniffled a bit too.

"I'm on my way then." Yoongi hung up and got into the car, turning on music as he drove.

He never really trusted himself driving without it, he relied on it. He relaxed more when he had it.

He pulled up to Jimin's house. The black Alfa Romeo standing out against the brightness of the outside. Jimin came outside. He got in and asked.

"Are you rich or something?"

"The opposite actually. My mom and older brother gave me money before I left and I built off of that with my many.. many jobs. I save for the things I want." Yoongi mumbled as he drove.

Jimin nodded softly and rubbed his neck. "I just take care of my mom and work on the weekends."

"Well that seems less stressful." Yoongi smiled faintly, one hand on the wheel.

Jimin squeaked and reached over to Yoongi's other hand on the windowsill and put it back on the wheel.

"Two hands Yoongi! You drive with two hands! I don't know where you come from, but here, with Jimin, we have rules!"

"Rules? I'm from Daegu, Jimin." Yoongi chuckled quietly and shrugged it off.

"Rule one-" Jimin started but Yoongi cut him off with a laugh.


"SHH. Rule one," Jimin smiled and giggled before trying to keep a stern face. "You drive with two hands. Rule two, talk to me. I'm lonely- text me when you can." Jimin smiled and Yoongi who was focused on the street but was easy to see his blush. "Rule three, don't ever ask me why I'm crying, I will literally start bawling. Don't ask why. I wouldn't be able to tell you."

Yoongi smiled. It amazed him that all it took was for him to talk to Jimin once and just like that they talked as casually as longtime friends.

"And rule four.. I'm really, and I mean really.." Jimin took in a breath. "Sensitive. My feelings are very very fragile" Jimin mumbled and looked down.

"Like glass?"

"Like very thin glass"

Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, from relationship to relationship he just wasn't ever happy even though he thought he was. Always one sided. Or always cheated on. It was a pattern. Which made sense to Yoongi's mind. Patterns. He knew those well. Too well maybe.

Yoongi stopped at the red light, they were just driving and listening to the radio. Jimin humming quietly at times when they weren't talking.

"What should we go do?" Yoongi asked as they passed by everything, it was already getting dark; showing how long it took for Jimin to get ready.

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