chapter six

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Yoongi's lips parted from not knowing what to say. He decided silence was the best option. Jimin's humid breaths on his arm. Yoongi adjusted finally to get a bit more comfortable.

"Mm.. don't move.. so warm beside you." Jimin mumbled against his arm. Yoongi chuckled quietly as fixed Jimin to make him comfortable.

Yoongi's phone had played very soft music. The soft beat of the song made Yoongi relax more. He looked up at the organized cluster of gleams next to the orb of night. Like they lead his eyes to the orb.

Jimin's head fell to his lap. Jimin's voice hummed the song softly. Yoongi smiled and played with Jimin's hair, running his fingers through it and braiding little segments.

"You ask me what I'm thinking about.. I'll tell you that I'm thinking about..Whatever you're thinking about." Jimin spoke with the song. Not quite singing but not quite talking. "Tell me something that I forget, but you might have to tell me again. It's crazy what you do for a friend.."

"Go ahead and cry little boy" Yoongi mumbled with Jimin's soft voice that was now singing, both changed the lyrics.

That's how it was. Jimin softly singing on Yoongi's lap while Yoongi mumbled the lyrics, altering them slightly. Yoongi felt a wet spot on his jeans where Jimin's head had been.

Yoongi lifted Jimin a bit and cupped his face. Jimin was whimpering quietly as he shaky hands tried to wipe his cheeks even though Yoongi had already been doing that.

Yoongi's heart reacted before his words, pulling Jimin into a warm embrace. Yoongi rubbed his back hesitatingly.

Jimin wasn't crying a lot but silently as he tried to stop it. Jimin was still humming before both the humming and crying stopped.

"Sadness and tiredness never mix together well" Yoongi mumbled and carried the sleeping boy along with most of their things to the car, struggling a bit.

He finally got everything into the car. He started to drive, the sound the car made when it started scared Jimin slightly and woke him.

"I- please, don't take me home.." Jimin looked at Yoongi.

"Why is that.." Yoongi's stopped what he was doing.

"M-My dad comes home today... I.. can't go home. I don't want to." Jimin mumbled and Yoongi decided to leave it at that, not wanting the boy to cry again.

Yoongi was silent for a bit, thinking. Jimin must've read his mind.

"If you're bothered by it, I could stay at a hotel. It's fine. Just anywhere else but home."

"Well. Do you wanna stay at the hotel? Or at my apartment?" Yoongi asked and stretched. Jimin's only eighteen.

"The hotel is out of the way isn't it.. I can just stay at your apartment for a bit right? Just tonight. Hopefully.." Jimin mumbled the last part.

Yoongi nodded and started to drive to his apartment, his heart wanting to jump out of his chest and just hug Jimin and just smother him in love and affection and just- and just tell him everything would be okay.

Okay in his embrace. In his warmth. In his love. Just with him.

Yoongi never could do that. His body and heart never getting along and agreeing on what to do. His brain saying to do something else. There was always a war.

Brain never got along with heart and heart never got along with body and body hated both brain and heart because he was just never perfect. Perfect? Jimin was perfect. He looked like it. But perfect people break eventually. Unfortunately Yoongi broke a long time ago. A four year old never, never, deserves to go through any event like that. An unspeakable event. Forget about it and erase it.

Yoongi stopped at a red light near the apartment, the red tint of the beam lighting Jimin's face as he tried to wipe his face with the blanket.

Yoongi's hand reached over and pulled the blanket down a bit. Jimin giving Yoongi his attention.

"I have work tomorrow. I won't be home from 6am to 7pm" Yoongi said to him before looking to the green light.

He drove up to the parking lot. Listening to Jimin's hum of acknowledgement.

"There should be food." Yoongi smiled at him before the two grabbed everything and walked to the elevator, Yoongi locked the car from the glass of the elevator.

Yoongi did go grocery shopping for real food but just never made any. The metal doors slid open and Yoongi walked out, Jimin following.

Yoongi unlocked the door and let Jimin in, he threw the blanket on the couch before putting the rest of their snacks on the table. Jimin stood there, his eyes on the piano before he shook his head and followed Yoongi's actions.

"You can take the room and I'll sleep out here."

"No Yoongi. I can sleep on the couch, it's alright."

Yoongi's chuckled softly. "Well I obviously called couch first."

Jimin giggled a bit before asking a golden question. "You play?" He looked over to the piano, gesturing to the instrument.

"Sometimes.. not very well anymore" Yoongi said very plainly and simple. If only it was actually like that.

"Ah come on. You can't be that bad!" Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and dragged him to the piano. "Play."

"Play?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow as his hands slowly rested on the white and black, trembling.

"Just something small." Jimin smiled and sat by Yoongi.

He had froze up before taking in deep breaths. Yoongi's started to play the first 45 seconds of the song Jimin had been singing when he went over to their house. Jimin smile grew as he listened. Yoongi was slowly figuring out why his music always sounded better than ever. It was Jimin- or the feelings Jimin brought to Yoongi. Yoongi smiled and he rested his hands back on his lap.

Jimin clapped and stood up, Yoongi's rubbed the back of his neck and he stood.

"I have to get to bed" Yoongi chuckled as he looked at the numbers on his phone.

"Already?" Jimin pouted for a second but it was the cutest second ever. "Well. Goodnight then, Yoongi"

Yoongi nodded, "Goodnight, Jimin".

Yoongi had handed Jimin something to change into for the time being, a shirt and basketball shorts. That's all Yoongi really wore to sleep. But today he was wearing sweats without a shirt to keep his heat balanced out.

Yoongi grabbed a pillow from his bed as he laid on the couch with the red blanket Jimin bought and the pillow, quickly falling asleep.

Jimin walked into Yoongi's room. It was very simple. Simple but nice to the eye. Jimin was stiff for a few seconds. He set the clothes on the bed before quickly undressing to only get dressed again into Yoongi's clothes.

Yoongi let out a satisfied breath when he felt the apartment grew silent. Jimin must've been asleep now. Yoongi shut his eyes after he moved to face the cushions, going back to sleep.

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