chapter eleven

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Yoongi smiled when he looked at the clock. The bold numbers on the clock. Practically screaming. "7:03! 7:03! Time to go home! Time to see Jimin!"

Yoongi let out a breath as he took off the apron, hanging it up where his name tag had been on the whiteboard. He clocked out with a hum.

He dug through all his pockets to find his keys before eventually finally found the keys to the car. He continued to look, unable to find the apartment key. His breathing started getting more frequent.

"My key my key" He patted around his pants pockets before sighing. "Maybe Jimin's awake" He refuted himself everything's okay to go home now.

He sped walked out and into the car, getting comfortable in his seat. Anxiety. Was Jimin awake? He didn't wanna disturb Jimin. He remembered grabbing the apartment key. But where'd he put it? God if he lost that thing. Jimin has the spare bit that's his. This was the car ride. Silently asking questions to himself. When he parked in the lot he sat in the car, the light in the apartment was still on. Bad and good. Bad for him and the electricity bill. Good that Jimin was awake.

Yoongi got out and locked the car, walking up the flights of stairs for once and knocked on the door. "Jimin. Open the door I lost my apartment key"

A loud thump was heard from the kitchen, like someone had dropped something. Shortly after that, a squealing Jimin was running towards the door and opened it.

"You're back~!" he exclaimed before happily wrapping his arms around the elder's neck.

The first thing that caught Yoongi's eyes was the fact that Jimin was only in a tee shirt and, to his surprise, panties.

Yoongi smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. "What have you been up to while I was gone?" He asked and set the car keys on the table after slipping off his shoes.

"Cooking dinner. It uh..." Jimin bit his lip, rubbing the back of his neck. "It didn't go as planned. I tried though! And I still have some noodles left from my lunch. It should be enough for us."

Yoongi chuckled and kissed Jimin's forehead. Yoongi wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist and pulled him into a tight and warm embrace. Jimin smiled and stood on his tippy toes to wrap his arms around the elder's neck and kissed his cheek.

"Now what's all this for?" Jimin asked and let out a hum. "Are you planning to end it is that why..?"

"Of course not Jimin. I could never let you go" Yoongi smiled and pulled away from the hug. "Now why don't you heat up those noodles and I'll play a movie?"

Jimin nodded and scrambled to the kitchen, getting the noodles ready to microwave as Yoongi walked over to the couch and sat down, scrolling through Netflix before getting up to get water. Jimin reaches up to put the bowl in the microwave, his shirt lifting. Yoongi pulled his shirt down and helped him but the bowl in the microwave.

"Let's not just walk around in panties and a tee shirt." He chuckled at Jimin's pink cheeks.

"I-I went home to grab some things from my house. My dad went out to go get groceries so I was able to grab a few of my clothes. So I don't wear out all of yours" Jimin smiled at Yoongi once he turned around. "Why don't you play me a song while I heat up food?"

Yoongi smiled and gave a small nod, walking over to the piano. His fingers laying gently on them. His fingertips grazing them as he played.

Jimin smiled and walked over, sitting next to him. Jimin knew the song. Yoongi was focused on the keys but the sound of Jimin's soft voice joined in. They mixed well. It made Yoongi happy to know that Jimin was there. The sudden rush of comfort, like Jimin's arms wrapped around him a hundred times as he sang to him; loving him.

Yoongi's fingers froze up, feeling the pleasant pressure on his lips. Jimin's hands cupping Yoongi's face gently. Yoongi's smile grew on his face as he pulled away from the contact of their lips slowly. His hands wrapped around Jimin's waist.

"The food is done" Jimin giggled after his small little whisper of words. He stood up and brushed off the shirt, walking to the microwave.

Yoongi leaned on the piano gently, letting out a breath. He loved how Jimin cared so much. He loved how open Jimin was. He just loved.. Jimin. Was that too early to say? That. Word?

"Yoongi. Come eat" The other boy smiled and laughed from the kitchen.

Yoongi had been staring at Jimin while he was in his ow world. Yet Jimin was his world. The only thing on his mind was that one person that meant so much it ruined his pattern, but he loved that. He truly did. He love every single bit of Jimin with everything he had because Jimin was just that lovable.

Yoongi nodded and helped Jimin get the bowl out of the microwave and set it on the coffee table in front of the screen that decided it would play a random movie. The two plopped down on the floor and slowly began to eat.

The tv sang to Jimin and Yoongi as they ate. The screen told jokes that made Jimin laugh. The screen make them cry. It made time go by quicker than it needed to. By the end of the movie all that was left was the night sky, an empty bowl, and two boys who were passed out on the floor.




Yoongi was gonna be late, he scurried up after shutting off the alarm

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Yoongi was gonna be late, he scurried up after shutting off the alarm. He ran to the room and got dressed with a groan. He rushed to brush his teeth. Brush teeth, brush hair, brush Ji- no.. brush teeth, brush hair, put on shoes. Put on shoes. His shoes. Where were his shoes?

Yoongi stubbed his toe on the dresser when trying to get his shoes and covered his mouth, trying not to wake Jimin. He slipped them on and grabbed his phone, shoving it into his pocket with his wallet. He rushed out to the living room and picked up Jimin, placing him on the couch with a blanket. He kissed his forehead and grabbed his keys. He felt bad he couldn't make anything for Jimin for when he wakes up but he was late.

He drove to the house with the dog he'd be watching today for the owner. He let out a breath and sat on the couch with the dog.

"I wasn't that late today.."

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