chapter ten

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There he was. Standing in the doorway, facing Jimin who'd been rubbing his eye.

"Don't make this weirder than it has to be, Yoongi" Jimin mumbled with a red face that was hidden from the overall darkness of the room.

Yoongi smiled and nodded, taking a step closer to get in the room. Jimin took a step back in response before ultimately just climbing back into bed. He sat there. Like a puppy that was too small to get down, waiting for his owner to pick him up and place him down on the ground. Yoongi just took off his shirt and put on a different one once he walked to the closet. Yoongi looked over to Jimin and waved his hand to tell Jimin to look away before turning back to the closet to slip down his jeans to put on sweats.

Jimin, of course, looked away when asked and laid down. His back facing the boy with a pout before he felt the bed dent slightly. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist immediately and nuzzled his face into Jimin's neck.

He finally took that step away from his boundaries. Completely jumping over the line. The line wasn't there anymore. He had completely lost it.

Jimin shivered and tried to squirm out of his grasp to hide how flustered he was. "S-Stop it. Let go. I-I told you not to make this weird!" He whined and continued to squirm until Yoongi let out a low groan, nonverbally telling Jimin to stop his actions.

"I'm comfortable. That means go to sleep" Yoongi mumbled against the back of Jimin's neck before he adjusted the blankets to cover them both so it was more evenly distributed.

Jimin only smiled to himself and held onto one of Yoongi's hands, bringing it up to his chest to hold.

"So I just go by what you say now?" Jimin poked at the sleepy cat behind him.

"Well. You're in my apartment.. in my bed.. in my arms. So yeah. We go by what I say" Yoongi smiled and pulled him closer. "Now stop talking. Go to bed. I have work tomorrow"

"Is there ever a day when you just don't work?" Jimin asked very quietly not really needing an answer from Yoongi, since he already knew the answer. A simple no.

Yoongi let out a breath and kissed the back of his neck between his sentence. "No. But I can make time."

"I was- I didn't mean-" Jimin let out a sigh, kissing Yoongi's palm twice as repayment for the small kisses on his neck. "I don't want you to ruin your pattern is all.."

"But you're with me for only this week, Minnie." Yoongi turned Jimin over so he could see the boy who looked on the verge of tears. "Ahh. Why are you gonna cry..." Yoongi's hands reached up to hold Jimin's cheeks but Jimin stopped him and smiled through his tears.

"You mean so much to me. It's scary. Like someone up there, who knows who, just made everything I wanted and placed it right in front of me this whole time. It all came so fast. And you've been here since elementary and I just now. Just now get this. The last thing I want is my dad to step in and ruin it for me. For us." Jimin mumbled as he spoke, each sentence Yoongi pulled Jimin into his chest to comfort the boy.

"I came in here to help you sleep. Not for a therapy session" Yoongi teased and Jimin hit his arm lightly, letting out a muffled giggle and a small sniffle.

Yoongi did sound a bit rude about how he didn't say something sweet back and instead make a joke. He was just thinking. He's been sticking to the same pattern since elementary school. He's known of Jimin's existence since elementary. Then fate one day decided that, Min Yoongi will work as a damn housekeeper for Mrs. Park on weekends. Park Jimin's mom.

Park Jimin.

The boy with the roses and the crescent eyes when he smiled that stayed that way. Always smiling. Always bright. It really did hurt Yoongi when he wasn't bright. But Yoongi couldn't ever express that. It was too difficult. Having to step out of his comfort zone was enough but now. Now it was completely destroyed.

On the other end was Jimin, standing there with nothing. He effortlessly broke down Yoongi's walls like it was made of hay. Just blew it down. The crazy thing was that Yoongi was fine with it. He let him. Let it happen and didn't fight back. He didn't try to rebuild after every attempt, every smile, every giggle, every song. He never attempted to build back up those walls from stopping Jimin from coming in.

There the two were, sleeping together. Jimin had fallen asleep in Yoongi's chest, holding onto him like his life depended on it. Yoongi had put himself to sleep with his thoughts. But they still seemed to wander.

Wander around, dance around maybe, even prance around. Prance and jump, twirl and flip, just there.. keeping him up and haunting him even though he felt as if he was knocked out cold.


Yoongi reaches over to his phone, clicking all over the screen to shut it up. Just for five more minutes. Or ten. Which was unusual. He'd be up by now but today he just wanted to hold onto Jimin a little tighter. Jimin?

Yoongi rubbed his eyes, realizing the lack of.. Jimin.. in the bed. He quickly scurried up and got dressed, stumbling as he walked out of the room with a toothbrush in his mouth and his jeans loosely on. There Jimin was. Standing in the kitchen. Humming and he glided from left to right and right to left. He was cooking.

Yoongi let out a relieved breath and fixed himself, walking to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth and hair. He rinsed off his face and stepped out. Jimin looked up in front of him, standing outside of the bathroom door with a smile.

"Good morning" He sang and handed Yoongi the normal black sneakers he always wore. "I made you breakfast, but your gonna be late. So I'll just make dinner tonight instead. I should've timed this right but-" Jimin shrugged. "I only woke up about 20 minutes before you did"

Yoongi could only express his love through his smile, bending down slightly to kiss Jimin's lips. The sweetness of artificial oranges overwhelming him so he pulled away, leaving the smaller boy smiling.

"Oranges?" Yoongi asked and wiped his own lip with his thumb to get rid of the taste. Yet he almost found the taste addictive and that he wanted more. Perhaps it was just Jimin's lips.

"Oh yeah. I ran out of the usual strawberry chapstick I use. Had to make do." Jimin smiled and held Yoongi's empty hand, the other holding his shoes, and walked him over to the couch; sitting him down. "Put on your shoes. You're gonna be really late"

Yoongi quickly nodded and slipped them on, kissing Jimin's forehead as he took the keys from Jimin's palm.

He ran to the car and surprisingly made it to work only fifteen minutes late. The manager did think something was wrong with Yoongi for being the slightest bit off his scheduled pattern and tried to send him home. Yoongi only smiled and shook his head no with the normal, "I'm okay. Just slept it."

With that, everything was normal. Walking and walking. Table to table. Time would go by. It was quick today. Yoongi assumed it was the fact it was busy today and he'd already missed fifteen minutes of the work day. Before he knew it, it was damn near six pm.

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