chapter two

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"Ah hello"

Simple words Yoongi. Process them, form them, say them. Speak, like the dogs, speak.


Wrong. Try again and restart. Hope he didn't notice your mistake.

"I'm here to help with the house. Mrs. Park had called me saying she needed hel-"

There was the same woman, the same height as her son. She had dark hair, completely opposite of her son's fluffy blonde hair. Yoongi had to stop himself from playing with it- or at least wanting to play with the blonde's hair.

"Yes! You've arrived, how nice." She woman smiled as she cut Yoongi's words off, brushing Jimin to the side to let in Yoongi. "Come in come in. It's cold."

Yoongi gave a small smile. Not wanting to show how gummy his smile was. Yoongi was pulled in by Mrs. Park, Jimin was caught staring at Yoongi and Mrs. Park pointed that out making Yoongi's cheeks heat up to a pink almost as red as Jimin's.

A rose bush. Jimin's cheeks just looked exactly like the rose bush. Fascinating how similar the two were.

Yoongi helped clean the dishes for them to make dinner. Mrs. Park insisted that Yoongi would stay for dinner and Yoongi felt bad if he didn't.

As he was walking past the front door to get to the upstairs bathroom, since he needed to clean in, Jimin had opened the front door. The two bumped into each other.

"I'm.. sorry" Yoongi rubbed his forehead since the two had bumped theirs together.

"N-No no. I'm okay, are you okay? I uh.. I didn't hurt you, did I?" Jimin bit his lip, not keeping eye contact with Yoongi for long.

Yoongi gulped down his attitude and lifted Jimin's chin, patting him on the back. Silently reassuring him he was okay before he walked up the stairs.

As Yoongi walked he could hear Jimin lecturing himself about his clumsiness.

"Cute." Yoongi mumbled but immediately covered his mouth, stopping his feet when he reached the bathroom.

He cleaned it. Silently. The occasional laugh from the mother and son downstairs. But when it stopped and he heard a click to a door opening he couldn't help but look up. The crack of the door loud enough to hear the smooth melodies of Jimin's voice.

He sings.

Yoongi smiled and tapped his fingers as he cleaned the tub, knowing the song.

It ended when Yoongi had finished and walked out, the two making eye contact. Jimin was walking out of his room when Yoongi's had walked out of the bathroom.

Jimin gave him the softest and sweetest smile Yoongi has ever seen. Yoongi, in return, gave his gummy smile back. Jimin's face heated up as he giggled. Like a song. So soft, so smooth, so cute. So very cute.

"Smile more often when you come over, okay?" Jimin rubbed his neck as he mumbled the rest.

Yoongi chuckled softly, almost like symphony that went perfectly with Jimin's little giggle.

"Of course." Yoongi brushed his hands off. "I should get going really.."

"But. I mean. Staying just a few more minutes for dinner wouldn't be that bad. We aren't monsters here" Jimin's small hands held onto Yoongi's veiny wrist. "Come on".

Yoongi turned a pink, Jimin stopping the dragging at the start of the staircase. Not letting go of his wrist, kinda of liking the way it felt in his hands.

"How-" Jimin took in a breath. Almost scared to ask. "-Old are you anyways..?" Jimin chuckled, not trying to sound rude. He was just surprisingly really interested in the male.


God brain. Just work this once please.

"Twenty. I'm twenty" Yoongi smiled when Jimin looked a bit shocked.

"Oh? We aren't that far apart now are we. I'm eighteen. You just seem really.. mature I guess." Jimin gulped down his original words and nodded softly, letting go of Yoongi's wrist for him to walk.

Yoongi and Jimin had a basic conversation, both knowing they'd see each other more often then rather seeing them across from each other. One at the park. One with the rose bush. They just wanted to be familiar with each other. Familiar? Platonically? Romantically? Who knows really. Yoongi didn't know for sure.

Yoongi sat at the table, across from Jimin. Looking down on the table. A nice brown wooded table.

The dinner was nice, better than the instant ramen Yoongi ate everyday. It almost made Yoongi feel some type of way. He hasn't had a homemade dinner with family or people in a while. It made him. Sad. No never sad, but he missed the homemade food.. a lot.

Jimin and his mother acted like he was apart of their own. Yoongi didn't want to admit but, he didn't wanna leave. After the meal he cleaned all the dishes, Jimin helping.

"Jimin it's okay. I got it. You should be helping your mom should you not?"

Jimin chuckled with his words, "She goes into her room every night after dinner. She gets tired easily. I don't blame her."

Then Jimin just smiled. His wonderful smile. A cute smile. A nice one as well. A masterpiece deserving all the attention in the world. To be framed- but not not to be shown to just anyone.

It was now 7:56pm, Yoongi was slipping on his shoes. His keys dangling and making a sound when he moved them.

"I'll see you next week" Yoongi bowed and Jimin smiled since he was the one watching Yoongi leave, his mom busy with resting.

"I'll see you tonight. You're always at the park. I see you there sometimes. Always a pattern." Jimin pointed out, a soft giggle leaving his lips.

"Yeah. Home is boring. The park is just as boring but, it's better than home" Yoongi confessed as Jimin smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I'll see you then, huh." Jimin's smile still on his face, his eyes matching his smile.

Yoongi nodded and walked off to the apartment, a smile on his face.

"I'm not obsessed. He's just. Something else. Right?"

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