chapter seven

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Yoongi woke up an hour earlier than usual. He quickly hopped into the shower, nothing but a silhouette of the pale boy in the reflection of the mirror and shower.

After a while of the comforting warmth into the freezing stiffness of the air. He dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist, walking back to his room. He opened the door and looked through his closet. Yoongi heard the soft purr from Jimin waking up.

Yoongi chuckled softly when the two made eye contact. Jimin quickly pulled up the blankets to block his view, he almost fell off the bed.

"Good morning." Yoongi chuckled softly again.

"Good morning, Yoongi" Jimin sputtered out and hid more into the covers.

"Are you hiding under the covers cause you're.. blushing?" Yoongi teased and sat on the bed, putting on a shirt.

"N-No! I am not!" Jimin poked out his head, looking like a baby swaddled in the black blanket.

Yoongi squished his face and laughed. "You are!" Yoongi smiled at him adoringly. His eyes showing most of his feelings. he didn't want that to happen but it did.

"Your smile is beyond gorgeous... please, keep doing it." Jimin mumbled "And s-stop looking at me like that! Jeez. You're making me blush..." Jimin giggled at Yoongi's cheeks turned just as red as Jimin's.

Everything went silent as the space slowly got smaller and smaller. His heart was beating out of his chest, wanting to get closer.


Yoongi grabbed his phone, looking down at it before he stood back up to finish getting dressed. He had to leave soon.

Jimin cleared his throat quietly and rubbed his neck, laying back down.

Yoongi, in a rush, pulled up his boxers and jeans. He grabbed his phone and tossed the spare house key on the pillow next to Jimin.

"If you plan on leaving to get out of the house, lock the door before you leave"

"Yes sir" Jimin chuckled and held it. "Does that mean-"

"You can wear my clothes, I just want them back" Yoongi grabbed his car keys and house key. "I'll be back in a few hours"

"What if I get bored? Can I come visit you or just something?"

"I don't know..?" Yoongi chuckled and shrugged. "But I have to get going"

Jimin scrambled and got up to walk with Yoongi. "I'll walk you out then, yeah?" Jimin smiled but turned red again when Yoongi reached over and wrapped a blanket over Jimin's waist.

He must've kicked the basketball shorts off while he slept, they were kind of big.

"Thank you." Jimin smiled through his blush. Yoongi nodded and slipped on his shoes in the living room after Jimin had walked him there.

"H-Hey." Jimin grabbed onto his arm before he opened the door, he gulped.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, genuinely concerned.

"You never answered my question.."

"What question?"

"Would you mind if I.." Jimin bit his lip, scratching his hand a bit. "Uh..if I..uh if i kissed you?"

Yoongi turned a red before he chuckled, pulling Jimin up a bit. Yoongi pecked his lips and Jimin covered his mouth afterwards.

"I'll be home soon" Yoongi repeated. "Please remember to lock the door if you plan on leaving."

Before Yoongi could fully walked out the door, Jimin pulled him back down to kiss him a bit longer this time. Yoongi cupped his cheeks before he pulled away.

"I have to go." Yoongi was a bit breathless. "I need to go to work" Yoongi reminded himself with a chuckle, making Jimin pout and nod.

Yoongi smiled as he walked to the car, getting in and resting his head on the wheel.

"Oh lord. What have I done? What was that? The hell just happened?? Did I kiss Park Jimin?? What. Does. This. Mean!?" Yoongi groaned, filling the car with the sound. "What am I gonna do...?"

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