chapter nine

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The boys covered their mouth in shock. Jimin shook his head and Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck.

"M-My dad won't like that.. he's really really. God. Homophobic. I mean my mom could care less, but my dad? He's just. He's crazy"

Yoongi bit his lip and fumbled with his fingers under the table. He didn't know what to do. If he knew he'd made things better and less awkward.

"How long will your dad be in town?" Yoongi finally asked, his hand under his chin and his fingers slightly over his lips as the thought of a solution.

"Well.. a week.." Jimin mumbled and looked down, his fluffy hair covering his eyes when he did.

Yoongi reached over and lifted Jimin's chin up, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Until that week is over-" Yoongi continued to move his hair before he sat back down. "-You'll stay at my apartment"

Jimin smiled fondly at Yoongi. Jimin let out a peacefully hushed giggle and stood up, grabbing Yoongi's hand to pull him up, pulling him into a hug. Yoongi rubbed the back of Jimin's head since the boy's head was buried in his chest.

Yoongi kissed Jimin's head as he grabbed his keys.

"Did you walk here?" Yoongi asked quietly and Jimin shook his head yes. "Let's go home. I need to change"

Jimin looked up to Yoongi with the brightest smile a boy could have, his eyes making the smile. Yoongi let go when Jimin did. Jimin laced their fingers together as they walked to the car.

Both of them were gonna make the most of this week before Jimin had to go back. Jimin just needed to notify his mother.

It was amazing how everything was so quick. But it also scared Jimin. How Yoongi just magically appeared and let boom like that they were what you'd call a couple. If that even made sense.

Was it always like that? Someone going into your life and giving you whatever they could.. before eventually leaving? That's what Jimin's dad did. Gave everything to Jimin before leaving. Leaving and only coming back every so often. He was scared that, what if Yoongi was to come into his life and give him everything he ever needed and wanted but only to leave. Could it possibly be just that? He hoped not.

Jimin has been staring into space, not realizing Yoongi's voice communicating with him.

"O-Oh. Sorry. Must've.. zoned out" Jimin chuckled nervously as his words came out as shaky as ever, rubbing the back of his neck from the sweat that came with being nervous.

Yoongi was slightly worried. Though he didn't say anything, it was written all over his face. He only nodded and smiled, tightening his grip softly on the smaller hand in his.

"It's okay. Wasn't anything important anyways." Yoongi's voice soft as he unlocked the car.

"Baby-" Jimin covered his mouth in shock, those words never left his lips. He played it off like it was supposed to come out. Yoongi's eyes widened and his cheeks turned a pink. "Everything you say is important to me"

Yoongi smiled and stopped Jimin from walking into the car, pulling him closer by his cheeks, cupping them in his hands while Jimin placed his hands over his.

"Mm. Kiss?" Jimin asked, standing on his tippy toes a bit to look at Yoongi's eyes that were a nice brown that some would think were basic. But Jimin could see so many stories written in the pools of dark tinted honey.

Yoongi smiled with a chuckle. "You don't have to ask. You know I'm gonna kiss you either way" Yoongi let out a hum and bit his lip, squishing Jimin's cheeks before pecking his lips twice.

Jimin let out a whine and tried to pull Yoongi back down who'd been leaning on the car slightly. Yoongi placed his finger on Jimin's lips.

"Get in the car. We gotta go home" Yoongi smiled and rubbed Jimin's hips when he backed up.

Jimin cupped Yoongi's cheeks in his small little hands, the pad of his thumb caressing them gently. Silence. Just for a whole second before Jimin let go and got into the car.

Yoongi smiled and rubbed his cheek where Jimin had held as he walked to the driver's seat.

He opened the black metallic door and sat down in the leather seat. He started the car and began to drive. Jimin reaching over and turning on the radio, never liking it being too quiet.

Jimin held onto his own hands in a ball, softly placed in his lap as he watched everything pass by in a dancing blur.

The apartment close in view as Yoongi sped up the vehicle to pass a yellow light.  Jimin has noticed this and looked over in a hurry.

"Stop trying to run the yellow lights. You've been doing that." Jimin attempted to say in a serious tone, but came out with a giggle and a smile.

Yoongi smiled and nodded, parking the car in the apartment lot. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I'm not dumb. I run the yellow lights for fun."

"You're definition of your fun is dumb." Jimin mumbled and got out of the car, Yoongi following.

"Yeah? Sitting at the park watching a boy water roses everyday didn't seem dumb" Yoongi commented and shoved his hands in his pockets to find the apartment keys.

"Yeah yeah" Jimin smiled and waved his hand in a dismissive manner, opening the glass door with another and kept it open for Yoongi to walk through.

Yoongi brought out his hands from the pockets. One with the keys and the other empty. Yoongi quickly grabbed Jimin's hand, with the empty hand, and weaved their fingers together as he pulled the blonde into the elevator. With that earning a small yelp from Jimin.

Jimin turned a faint pink from how close the two were in the elevator. Yoongi wasn't strangling Jimin's hand, but also not holding it loosely. A comfortable grasp. Making Jimin feel protected in a way.

Jimin lead the two out and to the black door, letting Yoongi unlock it and open the thing.

Jimin let out a hum as he stretched, plopping himself to sit on the couch. Yoongi slipped off his shoes and sat next to Jimin, patting the other's leg.

"I'm tired. Like really tired, and you're sitting on where I sleep." Yoongi snickered.

Jimin huffed quietly as he stood back up to take off his shoes. He pouted slightly but it faded into a smile when he watched his so called boyfriend lay his head on the pillow. Boyfriend? Maybe.

"Goodnight Yoongi" Jimin sang softly into his words as he bent down to ruffle Yoongi's hair.

"Mm. Night." Yoongi smiled faintly and pulled up the blanket, not really caring if he was still dressed. Overall from being just really exhausted and lazy.

Jimin walked to Yoongi's room and slowly opened the door, cautions to not wake the boy in the living room.

He repeated the action to close the door after walking in. The habit of locking the door before laying down clicking as he did lock Yoongi's room door. He let out a breath and stripped himself of the limiting clothes and dressing in Yoongi's loose ones. He once again plopped himself on the black colored sheets, wrapping himself in the blanket and stared at the door.

It was gonna be a long night. He was signing softly to himself to try and put himself to bed. But that didn't work. So he tried counting sheep. That didn't work either. Maybe if he just relaxed. Nope. Time had gone by so fast while trying to sleep. Why was tonight so difficult to sleep? Last night he slept just fine.

Yoongi had been having the same issue, watching the tv hopping it would bore him enough to force himself to bed. The two let out a breath, both frustrated.

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