chapter eighteen

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Yoongi had finally gotten some sleep. He got dressed as quick as humanly possible for Min Yoongi. He zoomed out of the house, double checking if he had everything before walking to the park. He was just on time, maybe even a little early. He sat on the swing. Every time he closed his eyes, the only thing he could see was Jimin and their weekend together. Though he swore theirs time together would be longer but he couldn't really remember. Now that he was here, sitting and thinking, he couldn't remember a lot of it.

The door opened to the comfortable and tired Jimin. His hair was a mess. A big floof of blonde. A nice big sweater covering his body and of course some slides. He had a white sweater and black fluffy slides. Jimin was practically a mom.

Yoongi smiled as he looked back down to his hands. He didn't even have to touch or talk to Jimin. A simple look could make him happy for the rest of his day. Jimin watered the roses that looked like they were still healthy when Jimin was gone. Yoongi stood up to head to work, walking to the roses to get his usually dose of just admiring them. Jimin smiled up at him when Yoongi stood in his spot right in front of the bushes.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Jimin asked and brushed some of Yoongi's hair behind his ear before bringing his hand to cup and caress Yoongi's cheek. "Did you already eat?".

Yoongi held onto the hand that was to his cheek, a warm smile on his face. He gently closed his eyes and nodded, "Good Morning. I slept terribly, you weren't there. And I ate a piece of toast before I left."

Jimin chuckled and waved his other hand for Yoongi to bend and come close, "Lemme tell you something". Yoongi bent down to Jimin and got closer, he was just a tad bit confused but went with it.

Jimin has gave Yoongi a small but loving peck on his cheek near the ear he was supposedly gonna say something in. "Have a nice day at work."

Yoongi chuckled at how cliche Jimin could be, but it made him really warm inside. Yoongi gave a small nod. He was a bit quiet today only because he just didn't really know what to say. It was as if he hit the reset button and had to start off back at square one with Jimin.

"I can walk you to work if you really miss me that much." Jimin teased Yoongi, nudging at his side with his elbow. Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed Jimin's hand. He laced their fingers together and shoved his hands back in his pockets.

"Then walk me."

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