4. Lost Together pt 2

Start from the beginning

Albert awkwardly smiles at him, Selozar hid his small blush signing Albert they should start to walking more once again to get out of this place. Albert nodded at him then continuing to walk with Selozar not going too fast for him.

As they walk together Albert started a conversation with him, "Selozar, so if- When we get out of here, where would you go next after this?" Selozar stood in silence thinking how to answer that question. "I have no where else to go, so hopefully if you could maybe let me stay with you for a while.." He replied but then quickly added, "T-That is if you want!!.."

"You're welcome to stay at my house Selozar. Maybe.. We can live together for longer. You don't have to go anywhere else but our home," Albert says nervously. Selozar nodded agreeing with him but didn't think through it so much distracted from his kindness. "Y-Yeah.." He says as he walked next to him. "I-I actually have been feeling pretty lonely, I did needed some company around me." Albert said quietly and looked away from him to the snowy ground.

Selozar looks up at him, "I-I'll try to keep you happy then." Selozar says then smiling and blushing too.
Albert chuckled softly at his reply "Haha, thank you Selozar. You're just the sweetest person." Albert said which in a moment after he regret it. "Oh my god oh my god SWEETEST?! why did I say that!!" Albert thought in his mind feeling embarrassed from the name. Selozar blushes a lot from what Albert told him, it really meant a lot to him since he's always insulted.

While they're walking they saw an apple tree, they approached it getting closer to it knowing what it is. Selozar then saw an apple on the snowy ground, he picked it up. Selozar was nearly going to take a bite out of the apple but Albert stopped him by smacking it away from his mouth.

"Do not eat that one Selozar- the ones in the trees are way better. The ones on the ground might be spoiled don't eat it, please-" Albert says over explaining since he didn't want him to think he did that just to annoy him. Selozar then let's go of the red apple falling in the ground making a small noise. "Oh um t-thank you for warning me about it," Selozar said.

Selozar attempt to reach for an apple on a branch, but he wasn't tall enough to reach it. Albert saw his struggle to reach for the fruit. He reaches out for one apple and another apple for himself too. Albert tried to see which one looked better by the bits of sunlight since the leafs covered the sun. He then hands it over to Selozar after finally deciding the good choice for him. "Don't worry, I got you." Albert said smiling down at him. Selozar smiled back at Albert , then in a few seconds he grabbed the apple from Alberts hand carefully.

Selozar hungrily bit into the juicy apple he received from Albert, he did too then taking even more bites after the first one. Albert then finished eating his apple, it was tasty from what he thought in his head.
Selozar then saw Albert reach for more apples from the branch keeping it in his pocket from his hoodie.
"Just in case for later if we need more." Albert said to him, he grabbed how many he could fit in his pockets, about four fit inside his hoodie pocket.
"If you want another one you can ask for one before we leave here." Albert said to him. Selozar nodded at him, "yeah, I'll like another one." He mumbled quietly but Albert heard. Albert then reach out to the branch for another Apple for Selozar. He hands it over to Selozar. He thanks him after for his help. Albert nodded as in you're welcome to him.

They both continued to walk yet again, they walk even more together to find a way out of this woods or get any help from somebody. They stand a bit close to each other, smiling but hid them.

Through walking more they do see a few animals, not any dangerous ones. Which was great for the two otherwise they'll be in danger. Selozar felt pretty amazed by this, they all look so beautiful and pretty adorable. Selozar wasn't allowed to go outside, but soon he will discover more of the outside.

Selozar smiles looking forward seeing more snowy trees near, usually he'll look down as he walk but this time something had lifted up his spirit, Odd of how someone can changes someone's life. They proceeded to walk more. Selozar started a conversation this time asking a question to Albert. "Albert, do you think Alone will find us, even if we do leave this place?..." Selozar says worried and concerned for themselves. Albert didn't want to say yes or no to his question, he didn't knew the future of course, "I hope he doesn't," Albert said instead.
"I-I don't wanna be hurt again by h-him.." Selozar said lowering his voice sounding scared.

"Don't worry Selozar, I will protect you from now on." Albert gave a smile to Selozar letting him now everything is okay. Selozar smiled back at him cheering up and felt protected. "Albert, thank you. I-I.. lo-" before he could finish his sentence Albert and Selozar heard something in the bushes. This immediately startled Selozar thinking Alone has found them both, he hid behind Albert. The bushes stopped moving, "I-It was probably an animal doing that," Albert says in a fearful tone. After a few more seconds, it was reveal to be an harmless animal. Selozar then let's out sigh of relief that it wasn't him.
Albert looked over Selozar that hid behind him, "So what were you going to say?" Albert says curious.

Selozar then quickly shakes his head, "Oh it's nothing," Selozar said. Albert nodded at his respond understanding. They continue to walk yet again hoping they're not stopped this time. It didn't feel like they got any closer to the road or anything helpful. They felt even more lost but together they felt found in each other's eyes. The both search and search for any exit to the place, but nothing was found..

After looking around they saw a huge gap of light up ahead, Albert excitedly pointed at the light getting Selozars attention, "Look Selozar," Albert called out to him, Selozar saw ahead too there was light waiting for the two of them. They began to walk towards what looked like the exit.

They get closer to the light and once they finally got close enough they see a beautiful view. There was a small frozen lake with some trees around it. Albert smiled happily they finally found the exit to the woods. "We can be so close already!" Albert said in a cheerful tone. The two began to take a path that wasn't covered by any trees, This is the ending to be lost in the forest and the beginning to run away further somewhere called home.

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