Chapter 18: Finding a way out?

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They took Jack and I don't know why. It was comforting having him here with me. And the baby was moving like crazy when he was here. But since he left the baby hardly moved.

Last night they brought in someone again. I wonder who it was? I'm just hoping it's not Anna.

While Jack was in here with me he and I were planing on an escape. We had it all planned out until they took him out of the room. And now I don't know what to do or how to do it without Jacks help.

Suddenly I heard the door open. My heart pounded as the door started to move. I waited for the person to show and I gasped when I saw who it was.

Jamie: (8 hours earlier)

I was being dragged my two guys. We were in some weird building that looked abandoned just by the looks of it. They didn't know that I was awake. So I saw where we were going and the turns.

I was then thrown in a room. I landed on my side which hurt really bad. I groaned in pain while the guys slammed the door. I got up and started looking around hoping that I could find Elsa like she said she wanted me to.

I just wonder though if that was really real or was it all just a dream? I don't know, but for now I need to find a way out of here! I jumped suddenly when I heard a noise.

"H-hello?" I called out.

"Jamie?" I heard a voice say.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked.

"It's me Jack." The person says.

"Jack?" I questioned making him nod. "Will how do I know that it's really you and not a fake one?" I asked him.

"I know our secret handshake." He says.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah come I'll show you." He says.

I walked up to him and we did our handshake.

"It is you!" I cheered happily hugging Jack. But I stepped back quickly when I heard him wince in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Rapunzel. She had some guy punch me whenever I didn't corporate." He says showing me his stomach and back which was bruised.

"How dare she!" I said with anger in my voice.

"So how did you end up here?" Jack asks.

"Long story." I said with a laugh.

"Let me guess you were at prom?" Jack asks.

"No home coming." I said making Jack give me a strange look.

"Homecoming? It's been that long now?" He asks.

"Yeah and guess what?" I asked.

"What?" He asks.

"Rapunzel came to homecoming with a guy that looked like you and tried to pretend to be you." I tell him.

"You serious?" He asks.

"Yes and that's not it." I said and he waited for me to continue. "She had a belly. And an ultrasound picture she wanted mom and I to see and keep." I told him.

Remember Me (completed) {Undergoing Editing}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن