"No, it's not. Draco saved Luna," Harry said, calmly.

"That's right, he did!" Luna said, beaming at him. He couldn't help but tremble.

"Who'd believe her anyway? She believes in bludingers and crowned snapchats!" Corner spat, glaring at her.

Luna tilted her head and smiled at what he said like it was funny. It didn't help her cause.

"Saved her twice actually and he saved Ernie and Seamus, too," Harry declared.

Both boys looked at each other confused and then looked down at him. Draco felt his face go red.

"They aren't saying that he did," Wayne grunted.

"Seamus... what happened after I cast my Patronus during the battle? After we left you, Ernie and Luna?"

"Oh Merlin. That fuckin' giant was chasin' us. I was scared out of me mind," Seamus said.

"Yeah, it came straight out of the woods and charged us," Ernie agreed.

"And what stopped it?" Harry asked them, but they both looked at each other and Luna.

"He started screamin' an' grabbed his eyes," Seamus said, now staring at Draco.

"I think he was hit by a curse," Ernie said and glanced to Susan and Hannah who were biting their lips, anxiously.

"Conjunctivitis? The Eye-Gouging Curse? Now, how would I know that? Cause Draco told me it. Because he cast it, trying to save you," Harry explained.

Draco took Daphne's hand for support. He wasn't use to being in the limelight anymore.

"This is nonsense. He could be lying!" Smith said, realizing that the table was slowly turning against him.

"How would you know? You weren't there, you ran away," Hermione interjected.

"It's nonsense. Malfoy could have seen someone else cast the curse and just took credit for it!" Corner said.

"You can believe whatever you want... I'm done with you. Leave or we start dueling," Harry ordered, taking his wand out. "I got some hexes I've been itching to try."

Smith nudged by Harry and was followed by Hopkins, Rivers and Corner. They slithered down to where the rest of the "enemies" were, including the rest of the Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor girls. Harry put his hand on Draco's shoulder. Draco had to work hard not to flinch. He didn't look at him, not with everyone still watching. He nodded in thanks.

"You're welcome," Harry said, taking in his request not to stand behind him any longer. "Come on, guys. Let's eat before it's gone."

Harry walked back toward the middle of the table that the Trio had long claimed, like Draco once had at the Slytherin table. Draco tilted his head to watch him leave at least, but met the piercing stare of Ron's clear-blue eyes. He immediately brought his head down and tried to remember how to breathe. Smith, Dean and the others didn't scare him as much as Weasley did. He finally felt him leave and go sit down by Harry. He let out a breath of relief.

"Is that true? You took out a giant?" Theo asked, smiling.

"I blinded him. Another giant named Grawp smashed in his skull," Draco said, quietly.

"It's hard to cast even small spells against giants, Draco. Damn that's..." Theo began.

"Are you okay?" Daphne interrupted. Draco was still squeezing her hand. He only nodded. She continued, "I'm glad they finally know that you were fighting against Voldemort. Ernie and Seamus keep glancing at you."

Draco Malfoy, BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now