Sky Diving with Tsukishima Kei, Nishinoya Yuu, & Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: Could I request a scenario with Tsukishima, Nishinoya and Bokuto where they make her go sky diving and when they get done she's in tears? How would they support her? Female pronouns please!

Honestly, I've been avoiding this post since I've joined back in December. But, it needs to get done eventually. Sorry if it's not at my usual level of quality. They're also kinda short. Sorry.

~~Admin Keiji



You generally considered your boyfriend to have good ideas; he wasn't reckless, he enjoyed playing things safe. So when he suggested skydiving, you were fairly quick to agree. No way would Kei make you do something dangerous or scary.

But boy, were you wrong. When you peered over the edge of the door 10,000 feet in the air, you were terrified. Still, you steeled yourself; maybe the fall was actually fun. It wasn't. You were pretty sure if you didn't pee before taking off, you'd have done it in the air. And when your parachute deployed, suddenly changing the velocity you were going, you were ready to hurl. Swallowing it down, you braced yourself and waited for all this to be over.

Eventually, you reached the ground, where you did not land gracefully, and looked at Kei who landed a moment before you. He had an excited look in his eye, smile starting to spread on his face. He looked at you with a face that asked, "That was fun, yeah?"


You couldn't help yourself, adrenaline too high; tears spilled out of your eyes and Kei's expression changed form excited to worried. He unclipped himself from his parachute and rushed over to you where he did the same for you, then pulled you into his arms, rubbing your back and shushing you comfortably.

When he pulled away, he tilted your head up and looked in your eyes. "I'm so proud of you, _____. You did something scary and survived. Now you never have to do it again," he spoke encouragingly.

"Never again," you sniffed.

"Never again," he agreed.


The only reason you agreed to this was because he would not stop pestering you about it. You loved your boyfriend's tenacity, but sometimes you hated it.

The whole way up to the right altitude, you clutched the edge of the seat with one hand and nearly broke Yuu's hand with your other. He, naturally, just smiled that crazy smile he whole time. When it was time to jump, you were ready to ask the pilot if you could just chicken out and fly back down to the surface when Yuu pushed you out of the plane. In that moment you had two things on your mind: 1) murdering your boyfriend, 2) AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

You thought, Maybe I should close my eyes the whole way down, but realized you'd probably go splat. Yuu, on the other hand, seemed to be doing flips and you swore you heard, "ROLLING THUNDER SKY MODE" but the wind made it hard to be sure.

You did land, and without death, and somehow miraculously on your feet, while Yuu tumbled all over. You quickly unbuckled your parachute and helmet and thanked any deity out there for bringing you back to the earth safe.

Soon, Yuu made his way to you and saw you were visually shaken. Instead of searching for "the right thing" to say, he decided to simply tell you what was in his head.

"Good job, _____. Now you're for sure less wimpy than Asahi-san!" His eyes were alight as he spoke and his smile was childlike, yet genuine.

He didn't have to say much to make you feel comforted. You knew that a compliment from Yuu was anything but a lie–he was very honest about his feeling, both positive and negative.

Though, you did make him promise not to make you do that again.

"Next time we can go zip lining," he exclaimed and you knew you were doomed. He was lucky he's cute.


It was impossible to resist the puppy eyes, and Koutarou knew that. He used it on you, too, that manipulative bastard. That was how he somehow convinced you, the person most afraid of heights in the world, to sign a waiver to go skydiving. That was how he had you plummeting to your death on a lovely Saturday afternoon.

That was how you twisted your ankle. When you finally got to the ground, you landed a little funny. Koutarou didn't notice at first, and when he saw you still sitting on the ground after he undid himself of his parachute and helmet, he came to help you out of yours, talking excitedly the whole way over. So when he saw your hand over your already swelling ankle, he immediately deflated.

"I'm so sorry, _____. I never should have made you skydive. I'm a horrible boyfriend," he whispered whilst looking at the ground in between your feet. "We should break up, I'm no good."

Something about seeing your boyfriend down brushed away any fear you were feeling. You needed to comfort your cinnamon roll and ensure he wouldn't leave you.

"It's not your fault, Kou," you tell him gently. "I know that if I really didn't want to go, you wouldn't have made me. That's because you're a wonderful boyfriend. And besides," you added, "you can't break up with me until I make you my manservant for the next three days while my ankle heals."

"Really? You're not mad?" He asked, giving you those goddamned sad puppy eyes.


Something about comforting Koutarou comforted you, too. Even after this crazy experience, nothing changed between you two and that was comforting.

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