I'm love your sister with Iwaizumi Hajime

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Anonymous asked: Can I request scenario where Iwaizumi has a crush on the reader who is an Oikawa older sister (that Oikawa adore so much that some think he has some kind of sister complex) who has just returned from University in Tokyo?

AHHHHHHH I'M SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH THIS! I'm so sorry anon, I had so many ideas I wasn't sure which one to do and I ended up taking way too long! Well despite the long wait I hope you like what I've done here! I took a little artistic liberty but here's the finished scenario! Enjoy!! :) -Admin Terushima ;P

Iwaizumi Hajime:

You breathe out in relief as you exit the plane, rolling the stiffness out of your shoulder and wincing at the slight crick in your neck before moving on, making your way to the main terminal. As you walk past a window you catch yourself in the reflection and smile a little. You wonder if your little brother will even recognize you with how much you've changed since you were last together. Uni has changed you physically, mentally, and emotionally. "It's almost like I'm a totally different person you muse." You huff a little laugh at yourself to the confusion of the other departing passengers but you don't mind. You're excited to see your little brother again, even if he idolizes you like a god which does grate on your nerves sometime. Though it's not the worst thing you suppose, better he worship you than hate you.

As you make your way out into the main terminal you glance around briefly, but you hear him before you see him and you turn to the right with a huge smile. "Onee-chan!! Onee-chan! Over here _____-san~!"

"Tooru!" you exclaim running over to meet him. "It's been too long little brother!" you say as you wrap your arms around him, he's gotten considerably taller since you'd last seen him you note in surprise, he's much taller than you.

"Onee-chan! It really has! We have so much to catch up on I need to tell you all about-" You zone him out even as you smile and nod, it may have been quite some time since you'd last seen him but he hasn't changed a bit and you know that you'll hear the same diatribe in an hour or so, so you don't really feel bad about it. Once you zone him out you notice that the two of you aren't alone. There's a man standing behind Tooru just close enough to clue you in that he's either a total creep or Tooru brought him along. You don't recognize him so you meet Tooru eyes and cut him off asking, "Did you bring him along with you? Who is he?"

Tooru stops and glances behind him in confusion, the man does a little wave and Tooru bursts out laughing, much to your chagrin. "Onee-chan," he says in a teasing voice turning back to you, "you recognize your little brother but not his best friend in the whole world?? What kind of a mean sister are you? Mean, mean, mean!" he finishes dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes with a large smile on his face.

You look back at the man who fidgets a little under your intense scrutiny. Suddenly it clicks. "Hajime!" you shout throwing your hands in the air, "What the hell are you doing still standing over there come and give me a hug you brat!" His face looks a little shocked before that easy half-smile you remember and love stretches across his face. Now that you know who he is you take some time to look him up and down as he walks over to you and wow. Whew. Hajime has certainly... well, grown up, damn well if you do say so yourself. And you do.

"Welcome back ____-san." He breathes into your ear as he envelops you in his strong, muscular- you mean nice friendly hug. "Good to be back," you breathe back, and no you're not out of breath. Certainly not, and it's definitely not because you just got hit with handsome. Of course not. He steps back, a light blush on his cheeks and that's when you remember another crucial piece of information about Iwaizumi Hajime. One you fully intend to take advantage of during your time back here.

Hajime had confessed to you right before you had left to University that he had a crush on you, that he had had a crush on you for a very long time. You wonder if he still does. You hope so, because if he does you have a feeling this is going to be a great summer.

A/N: Ahhhh. Finishing that felt so rewarding. Hope you enjoyed it anon!

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