Fluff Comfort with Kozume Kenma

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Anonymous asked: Thank you for letting me resend this request! So, fluffy comforting kenma scenario where his s/o hurts their knee super badly during their game and they need surgery so they're really upset that they let their teams down. I actually did this and will be getting surgery next week 😭😭😭

Oh my God!!! I am so sorry anon!!! This got sucked into all of the asks!!! I hope your surgery went well and that you're on a fast road to recovery!!!! I hope my version of Kenma helps you feel better, sweetheart! Thank you for requesting! Good luck! -Admin Satori <3

Kozume Kenma:

There were few things Kenma paid attention to apart from his video games. School, Volleyball, and You. That's it. So, what better way to get double his attention for him to attend one of your volleyball games?

You were the libero of your team, which meant you were the most depended on when it came to receives, no matter how impossible they were to get; You prided yourself on how high your receiving rate was and how almost everyone on your team looked up to you as their savior!

Kenma's golden eyes watched as you dove to bump the ball back up into the air for another set and spike. He never understood how libero's could ever do what they did, how they can just throw their body on the floor to get a ball. He knew Yaku was always covered in bruises and raw skin whenever he'd undress in the locker room, but he never understood why the game was so important to the point of harming yourself. It just seemed silly to him. But then... He was just a setter. He never had to dive for the ball, too much, and when he did he made sure he'd receive the easier to reach ones. He liked being a setter, he liked being able to deceive their opponent without much effort on his part. It made him feel bigger than he was.

The sound of your body hitting the floor sounded through the gym and he brought his attention back on the present. Only... You didn't get back up and into action after this receive. He felt his heart drop to his stomach when he watched you roll to your side and pull your knee up to your chest, your face scrunched up as you let a few tears slip onto the floor under you. Kenma was out of his seat and down the bleacher steps in record time, rushing onto the court until he was stopped by the teacher sponsor, keeping him off the court.

He wanted to push the guy off of him and go to your side, but he knew that was against the rules. It didn't matter anyway because you were already being helped off the court by your teammates, letting you limp over to where he waited so he could wrap his arm around your waist while you rested your arm around his neck. You didn't turn your head up to look at him, your hair falling on either side of your face so that you could hide the tears streaming down your face.

"I let them down...." You whispered, choking back a sob as he supported most of your weight all the way to the nurses station. He didn't say anything right away, allowing you to keep letting out your disappointment, "I ruined everything... Why did I go for the ball? It was out of bounds anyway..." You continued to whisper, biting your lip roughly to force yourself not to completely break down. "It hurts." You whimper as he pushed open the nurse's door.

"I know...." Kenma murmured quietly, setting you on the examination table before stepping out to get the nurse from her station. When he came back, you had your face in your hands, allowing yourself to let out some grief over what had just happened and what you knew was going to happen. You knew the pain in your knee wasn't a simple sprain. Something felt out of place, broken. Kenma felt his heart constrict at the sight of you hurting so much, and he hated himself for what he thought earlier before the accident. It wasn't silly to care so much about something that was temporary. It just showed your passion. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you close so you were resting your head against his shoulder, "I know.... It hurts..... And I know that... You think you failed them..." He started off.

You sniffled and shook your head, "I did fail them, Kenma! I messed everything up!" You cried against his neck.

Kenma shook his head slowly, pressing his head against yours, "No.... You didn't... You did an amazing job.... You played an amazing game..." He murmured quietly. "You gave your teammates... The power to go on.... To not let you down with a failed game.... You became their strength." He was struggling to think of ways for you to understand that no one was upset with you about the injury. He knew he wanted you to understand that it was an accident and that these things happen, and it would only make you stronger, but he couldn't think of the words to say. His right hand stroked your hair out of your face while his left took hold of yours, "Don't.... be upset..." He whispered, glancing at the door as the nurse came in to tell the both of you what you already knew. "I'm proud of you." He finished as his golden eyes watched the nurse get to work wrapping your leg so that any movement wouldn't put it further out of place.

His words rang through your heart, made you forget about the pain in your knee and the discomfort the nurses' wrapping of your injury. You closed your eyes tightly and buried your face in his shoulder, biting your lip roughly.

"I'm very proud of you." Kenma said again, making you shiver at the conviction in his tone, "And... I'm going to make sure... You get back on that court... for the next tournament." He stated seriously, thinking of all the physical therapy you'd have to go through, but knowing you were strong enough to get through it, and that he'd be there next to you. Helping you take those steps at becoming stronger one round of therapy at a time. "I'm right here, _____. I won't let you fail." Kenma pressed his lips to your head, forcing his mind off of the public affection he was giving you in front of the nurse and instead keeping his thoughts filled with you and your road to recovery; Though his face continued to glow red as you tightened your hold around his waist. He wasn't going anywhere.

A/N: Hmmm I hope you like it, anon! I think I made him too touchy, but... You asked for fluff! Lol

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