Part 3: Heated Argument with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: w ait...I love my salty child but Matsukawa...I love him too omg he needs more love....

Muahahahahahahaha~ That's the point, anon! I'm trying to break you all! Duh~! Lol Please enjoy the part 3 to this angst :D Thanks for semi requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei:

The moment you closed the door behind you, you felt... wrong. Like you didn't belong in the house anymore. As if you didn't belong anywhere near Tsukishima. But you were tired, so you pushed those negative feelings away as you trudged over to the couch, pulling the throw blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping it around yourself before you fell asleep. Your dreams were filled with memories; Tsukishima listening to your confession; Your first awkward date; The first time you slept over at his house; The day you told him you loved him..... None of them were of him doing something for you.

It was only 3 hours later that you sat up quickly on the couch, rubbing your eyes sleepily before walking back to the front door and pulling your shoes on. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and walked out the house, texting him and asking where he was. You wanted to see him again. And you almost sprinted towards his destination when your phone not a few seconds later.

You didn't know Tsukishima was watching you from his bedroom window, his golden eyes watching the small quirk in your lips as you stared down at your phone. He frowned deeply and drew his blinds closed before crawling back into bed, knowing he had really messed up if you hadn't even come to check on him before leaving. Did you even want to mend the wounds he felt he caused in your heart? Did you even want to talk to him? .... Did you still love him after being wooed by that Seijoh third year last night?


You panted loudly from the long walk from Tsukishima's house to the doors in front of you, sliding them open and apologizing for the intrusion when a tall boy with light pink hair turned to see you in the doorway. "I'm sorry." You apologized again, blushing a bit when the boy turned to look at someone across the gym with a knowing smirk. When you turned to see who he was looking at, you couldn't help but blush deeper at the sight of Matsukawa looking at you with surprise. He hadn't expected you to come all the way to the Seijoh gym once he'd told you where he was.

"_____? What are you doing here?" Matsukawa asked as he walked over to you, pushing the pink haired boy's interested shit eating smiling face out of the way and out of his business. "Did you talk to that middle blocker of yours?" He asked curiously, waving off his friend as he walked out of the gym with you.

"No.... He wasn't awake when I left..." You lied. You'd chickened out. Just the idea of seeing Tsukishima and having him ask about your whereabouts.... You internally snorted, who were you kidding? Tsukishima didn't care. He hadn't wanted you around, and you think he was worried about where you were? You frowned deeply and shook your head to yourself, there was no way in hell that he would have even thought about you after such a terrible argument. He probably fell asleep without a care in the world once you'd left the house.

But how were you to know that he had worried about you? Had gone out to search for you? To bring you home.

Matsukawa didn't believe you for a second, knowing from how you'd been the night before that you hadn't checked. You hadn't even tried. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head as he started to walk ahead of you, turning his head to look at you out of the corner of his eye when you called his name with confusion, "Hmm? Come on, let's go talk to him then. Can't have you without a place to stay, right? I'll help you move your stuff." He explained with a shrug, smiling to himself as you caught up quickly.

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