Bullied with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: so i was wondering if you could do a scenario with tsukishima being bullied, and i don't see him as the type to let stuff like that get under his skin i want to know how you think the team would react to him being bullied like being pushed around in the hallway or cornered outside (sorry for such a weird scenario / ~ \;;;))

Awwww nooo first Tendou being a victim of bullying and now Tsukki??? T~T WHY?? Poor salt babies! So I hope you like the way I wrote this... I didn't include the WHOLE team, but you can kind of guess that they know by the end of the request.... Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei:

"Where's stingyshima? We can't start practice without him, as much as I hate to say it." Hinata grumbled as the team got to work putting the gym in order for practice to start for the evening. "Bakageyama! Do you know where he is?" Hinata called across the gym, causing Kageyama to turn to glare at him with such a heated gaze that Hinata was sure his blood turned to ice.

"Why the hell would I know where he is, idiot?" Kageyama growled, glaring at the small boy as he approached, "Why don't you go ask Yamaguchi, he should know where that asshole is." He muttered as he finished setting up the net.

Just as Hinata was about to go scout out Yamaguchi, Daichi came into the gym and spotted Kageyama finishing his duty of net set up, "Good, Kageyama, you're done." He called as he walked over to the tall setter, "Go on and make sure the volleyballs are aired up properly, Hintata." Daichi nodded to the short middle blocker, who agreed loudly and rushed off to finish his duties. Daichi approached Kageyama, "I didn't want to ask you this in front of Hinata since he'd probably want to go along and I can't trust the two of you not to fight when you're out the gym doors." He teased, but his face showed how exasperated at the truth in his words. Kageyama stiffened and nodded, "I need you to go and scout out where Tsukishima went off to. Yamaguchi says he hasn't seen him since lunchtime this afternoon." Daichi explained, "I know you don't like him, but maybe... I don't know... I was thinking maybe the two of you could talk it out or something and have an emotional connection while without everyone watching...." Daichi shrugged simply.

Kageyama felt his cheeks warm a bit at Daichi's pure intention, taking back his cursing of Daichi for making him do something so terrible as looking for the salt boy. ".... I can find him..." Kageyama agreed, bowing to Daichi quickly, "I'll find him and bring him here." He nodded to his captain before rushing out the gym doors to complete his own duty. Daichi turned to watch him go, catching Suga's knowing eyes and giving him a thumbs up.

It shouldn't have been this hard to find someone so tall, but Tsukishima wasn't exactly a vibrant person in the first place, Kageyama reminded himself. He knew Tsukishima tended to blend in the background, deflecting anyone who looked at him to look at the 'oddball' duo on the team instead. Kageyama didn't understand why Tsukishima would do something like that, thinking if he had Tsukishima's height that he'd probably have the confidence to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.

"Such a freak!" A callous voice taunted around the corner of the gym, making Kageyama slow his pace down and peek to see what was going on. He felt his heart drop to his stomach when he recognized Tsukishima amongst the small group. It wasn't that Tsukishima was there, but that Tsukishima was the victim of those harsh words. "What a freak! Acting above everyone else just because you're 90% leg." The mean boy laughed, "You should have run away to the circus already, you fucking loser!"

"What? Don't want to fight? What a baby!" Another boy snickered as he pushed Tsukishima roughly against the wall, making the blond wince at the force his back hit the cement wall. "Come on! Fight back, you sissy!" The boy laughed before roughly grabbing at Tsukishima's backpack, tossing out everything inside it before scavenging the pile on the floor for the thing he wanted, "Hmmm?" He picked up Tsukishima's backup ipod. "What's this? A gift for me? Oh, you shouldn't have, Tsukki~!" The boy smiled widely at the bean pole, pocketing the ipod before shoving Tsukishima harder against the wall, "What a cute bitch we have here, so well behaved!" He crowed with a wicked smirk.

Kageyama felt rage surge into his body from the pit of his stomach and he quickly rounded the corner, "HEY!" He yelled, his face dark and threatening as he stalked towards the two bullies picking on his team mate, "Get the hell away from him." He snarled at the punks as he got to where they stood stock still, looming over them as he blocked their path to Tsukishima, shocked that they'd been caught. Kageyama grabbed the one who'd pushed Tsukishima by the collar of his shirt, his other hand reaching in the boys pocket and pulling the ipod back out, "This doesn't belong to you." He hissed, his eyebrow twitching furiously as he tossed the boy into his friend much like he'd almost tossed Hinata across the court that one time they argued in front of Yachi.

"S-shit! It's the king! Run!" The first boy yelled, a spark of terror springing in his eyes as he grabbed at his friend and ran off, wanting to get as far away as possible from the daunting always scowling boy.

After the sound of their feet hitting the gravel courtyard had faded into the distance, Kageyama took a slow inhale before kneeling down on the gravel to pick up Tsukishima's things and stuff them back into his backpack. "You don't have to do that, your highness." Tsukishima finally spoke, smirking a bit down at Kageyama when blue eyes met his golden, "How sweet of the king to care about a peasant like me, though." He waved off Kageyama's incoming comeback. "It doesn't matter, your majesty, I'll just deny that you ever saw anything of what you thought was happening." He shrugged as he grabbed his backpack from Kageyama's hold, "Please stick to your royal court and leave us commoners alone." Tsukishima stated cooly before walking away from Kageyama, not wanting to think about how he'd been so relieved to have heard Kageyama come to his rescue. He wasn't supposed to be feeling like this over someone he hated. It was stupid. It was irrational.

"A-Are you serious right now, Tsukishima? You want me to pretend I didn't just see what we both know I saw?"

"It doesn't matter, Kageyama." Kageyama froze at Tsukishima using his surname without any bitter note in his tone, "It's done now.... There's no need to talk about it...." Tsukishima stated in a monotone before looking over his shoulder at the setter. He didn't say anything for a long time before he nodded to his classmate, his team mate. "Thank you." He said as clearly as his pride would let him, which only happened to be just above a mutter, before turning back and walking around the corner towards the entrance of the gym, making sure he didn't look as disheveled as he felt.

Kageyama stood there for a longer time that he'd thought it'd taken Tsukishima to say anything, his blue eyes staring at the spot the tall middle blocker had been not too long ago. He let out loud huff before walking the same path towards the gym doors, knowing he'd have to tell Daichi about what he saw so that Tsukishima wouldn't be in danger of being cornered like that again.

In the days after the incident, Tsukishima noticed that he always had someone from the team, or even one of the manager girls, walking with him, even if their classes were across the school grounds. He wasn't alone. Tsukishima wanted to both push away the strength they were offering and tell them how grateful he was for their support, at the same time. But he chose the neutral position and said nothing at all, which was all the acceptance his escorts needed to continue to walk with him. To stand beside him.

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