Moving Away with Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Bokuto Koutarou, & Akaashi Keiji

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Anonymous asked: Can I have scenario where Kuroo+Kenma+ Bokuto+ Akaashi (together) 1st year little sister figure has to move to Miyagi and attend Aoba Johsai (the rumor that Oikawa is player is strong that the four boys have heard it but unknown to them don't have to worry since she's more interested in Iwaizumi)?

Hmmm It took me a bit to think about how to fit all of these characters into a scenario, so I hope you like what I made for you... Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Nekoma/Fukurodani Protection Squad:

"When do you think she'll get home, guys?"

"Bokuto-san, your elbow is in my face."

"And your foot is on my stomach, Bro."

".... This... is dumb...."

You let out a deep sigh, looking at your two guests looking at your hall closet with confused expressions. You held up your hand as a silent apology before opening the door and watching all four of your older 'brothers' come tumbling out of the tight space within your closet. "What are you all doing here?" You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you stared down at their unwarranted dogpile.

Kuroo had got caught under Bokuto's body, Akaashi landing on Bokuto's legs while Kenma somehow landed on the one space of Kuroo's body that Bokuto wasn't already squishing. Kuroo grunted in the large expanse of Bokuto's chest, his hands moving to push his best friend off of him enough to be able to breathe and see your unamused eyes. "Aw, what? Seriously? We literally come all the way from Tokyo to surprise you, and you don't even crack a smile?" Kuroo whined with a small laugh, "Does this not entertain you?"

"______!" Bokuto yelled happily as he got to his feet quickly and pulled you into his arms, practically squeezing the air out of your lungs. "I've missed you so much, ____! It's been too too long!!!"

"Bokuto-san, it's only been 3 days." Akaashi sighed as he got up from the floor and dusted off his clothing.

You blushed deeply as the other three boys wrapped you and Bokuto in a group hug. Kuroo sent a challenging smirk to your two guests, "Oh? What's this, _____? You have guests?" Kuroo announced to the other of his party. Kenma had barely even been part of the group hug to begin with, so he was the first to pull away and go back to his video game, only glancing up at the two others in your house before nodding to Kuroo.

"You know _____-chan, hmmm? How cute! ______chan~, why don't you give me and Iwa-chan hugs like that?" Oikawa pouted as you were put down out of Bokuto's hold, his whine made you turn around and face them with wide eyes. "Such a cruel, Kouhai~!"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and pushed against the back of Oikawa's head so the setter lost his balance for a few seconds and got off your back. "Maybe she doesn't like you, shittykawa." He grumbled.

You shook your head and approached your two newest seniors quickly, "No, no! That's not it at all!" You assured before pointing to your other seniors, "It's just... I've known them longer than I've known the two of you." You explained easily.

Kuroo and Bokuto furrowed their eyebrows at the sound of 'shittykawa', knowing they've heard it somewhere before. Kenma noticed that they'd finally noticed that these were the two he'd heard and told them about, ".... Oikawa Tooru.... Aoba Johsai Captain.... Jersey #1." Oikawa looked at the pudding head boy with wide eyes at being boiled down to his title and number so easily. Kenma turned his pointing finger to Iwaizumi, "Iwaizumi Hajime.... Aoba Johsai Vice-Captain.... Seijoh Ace.... Jersey #4."

Oikawa pouted, "Aww! Iwa-chan! You got more stats from Pudding head-chan than I did!" He whined, smirking a bit when he noticed Kenma's expression sour at being called such by a complete stranger. He'd probably still have a problem if Kuroo called him that. Oikawa smirked a bit more and tilted his head at the four strangers, "Hmmm? It's nice and all that you know who we are~, but I don't know who you are at all~. Wouldn't that mean you're not as important to _____-chan as you think you are~?" He taunted.

Iwaizumi acted quickly, reaching out and pulling you to the side where he was standing just as Bokuto and Kuroo pounced at Oikawa at such a rude tease. You blushed deeply and looked up at Iwaizumi when he didn't remove his arm from around your waist, but he was intentionally not looking at you, instead watching how the tallest of the strangers you knew were now on top of Oikawa, Kuroo holding him down while Bokuto pulled at the setters cheeks or nose.

"You should be nice to those who are higher in rank that you, Oikawa-san~!" Kuroo smirked down at him, causing the setter to scowl and try to get out of his hold, turning his head away whenever Bokuto would grab at his cheeks and pull. Oikawa felt like he was at his grandmothers with how hard Bokuto was pinching his face. "Don't you know we're Tokyo's top players?"

Kenma rolled his eyes, "Bokuto-san is one of the top players, Kuroo... Not us." He stated in his monotone as he continued to play his video game, "We will be when we defeat Shouyou at Nationals."

"Eh? Nationals? Who says you're going to be the ones to take down my disciple?" Bokuto asked loudly as he looked over at Kenma with squinted eyes, "I've been to Nationals 3 times before and we're doing it again this year, right Akaashi?" He asked with determination, looking over at the quiet setter for validation.

Just as Akaashi was confirming Bokuto's words, Oikawa realized just who was 'bullying' him, and he looked between Kuroo and Bokuto with wide eyes, "..... Bokuto Koutaro... Fukurodani's Captain and Ace... Kuroo Tetsurou.... Nekoma's Captain." He remembered reading about them in his Volleyball magazine. Oikawa's wide brown eyes looked over at you, "You were the kouhai of these guys?"

"Awww! Bo-chan! You got more stats from pretty boy-chan than I did!" Kuroo mocked Oikawa's whine from earlier with a wide smirk, making Bokuto laugh loudly.

You blushed and leaned against Iwaizumi, nodding to Oikawa's words, "Yes... They're my brothers..." You explained simply, grateful that Akaashi and Kenma had sense to them and weren't attacking Oikawa or pulling you away from the heaven of being wrapped in Iwaizumi's gorgeous arms. You were also thankful that Oikawa had gotten on the wrong side of Bokuto and Kuroo so that they, too, weren't pulling you away from Iwaizumi's side. Maybe you'd actually invite your 'brothers' to come over more often to distract Oikawa while you got closer to Iwaizumi... Maybe.

A/N: Hmmmm Okay.... SO..... Not exactly what the request asked for... But I like how it came out mostly.... So.... If you want more, please feel free to request for it once our ask box is open!

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