Sicky Sugawara Koushi

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Anonymous asked: Could you do a scenario with a really caring s/o that is a really close friend of with a character of your choice and once he got sick and the s/o tries to make him feel better and never leaves him and that day they understand that their in love with each other? Hope the request is understandable. I also want to say that this is an AMAZING blog! Have a nice day!

Oh man~ To get away from the angst, I just HAD to do this request! And thank you so much, babes! I hope you have a wonderful day as well!! For this one I had to choose my sweet love, he's always so caring and making sure everyone else is taken care of... I can just see this happening to him. Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Sugawara Koushi:

The sound of your teeth clacking together was almost deafening. You were sure your blood was starting to freeze in your veins the longer you stood outside your best friend's house, "Koushi~ let me in! It's freezing out here!" You whined through the door, knowing he was on the other side holding it closed. You would have been inside already if he had just stayed on the damn couch.

"No, ____, you're going to get sick. Just go home and take a warm bath and eat something healthy. I don't' want to get you sick and make you miss school like I have." Suga's rational voice called from the other side of the door. He'd caught a cold a few days ago, his health still declining he'd missed school and had kept in touch with you and the rest of the team. He should have known better than to have sent that text complaining how he had forgotten to go to the store earlier in the week. He was out of soup and tea.

So, there you were! Bags in hand, having texted Suga that you were outside with his needed items, and just as you were about to open the door with your own key, he'd been on the opposite side, holding it closed. "Koushi, come on~ I'm only going to get sick the longer you make me wait! I'm not leaving until I know you're taken care of!" You pouted, looking directly at the peephole in the door, knowing he was watching you, "You always take care of everyone, Koushi.... And whenever you are in need of that very same care, you push us all away." You sighed, your shoulders slumping, "Please.... Just let me help you."

Suga felt his heart crack in his chest at how defeated you looked, and, with the heaviest sigh he could muster without going into a coughing fit, he opened the door and pulled you inside, "Alright, alright. Stop making that face." He huffed with a small smile, "You don't play fair." He muttered as he made his way ahead of you into his living room, taking his spot on the couch again, "Pulling at heartstrings like that, you should be a lawyer or something." He grumped some more.

You smiled sweetly over at him as you walked into the kitchen, "Oh come on, don't be that way! I bought your favorite~!" You cooed to him from the stove as you got the ingredients ready for his meal. He was off the couch and over at the island in the kitchen in a second with excitement, his ragged expression brightening up when he saw the multiple cans you were putting away in the pantry. When you turned back and saw him, you shooed away the sudden look of worry, "Don't start. I didn't buy it all... The team pitched in.... This isn't even half of what Asahi had wanted me to bring for you." You smiled to yourself, checking on the soup briefly before walking over to where Suga was leaning on the counter.

He leaned away, standing up straight so that you would have a harder time getting close to him, "No... Don't." He warned, but sighed, almost happily, when you reached up on your toes to place your hand against his forehead.

"Jeez, Kou, you're burning up!" You gasped as you pulled your hand away from his forehead, letting your hand go to his cheek instead, your thumb stroking across his beauty mark, "I don't know why you won't let anyone take care of you... You've done this since you were a kid." You rolled your eyes when he pouted slightly and looked away from you, but you caught the way his face turned into your hand; He'd never done that before. You blushed deeply and pulled your hand away just as his lips reached the soft skin of the inside of your wrist, turning back to face the stove with his boiling soup to try to hide away from his soft brown eyes.

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