Late Shopper Kozume Kenma

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Anonymous asked: Since it's almost the holidays could I request a scenario where Kenma tries to order the gift he remembered his girlfriend wanted online but everywhere he looks is sold out so now he has no choice but to find the strength to find it in a crowded mall full of holiday shoppers, crazy children, those people who try to harass you into buying what they're selling, and pretty much everything a boy like him doesn't want to be around?

Same Kenma SAME! I feel this request in my SOUL tbh. BUT Gift Cards are the way to go, Kenma. You should know this by now~! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Kozume Kenma:

Amazon: Sold Out Sold Out

Etsy: Sold Out Sold Out

Sold Out. Sold Out. Sold Out.

Everywhere he looked online were big red tags reading those God awful words. Kenma groaned to himself and covered his face with both hands as he curled forward on his bed. How could he have been so dumb? Christmas season was always so busy. Of course the thing you'd wanted was sold out online. Those were always the first to go. The smart people always got those months before the Christmas season, so why hadn't he? The reason was really too simple....

He forgot.

He thought about you every day, every moment he continued to exist you were on his mind. But your wants? Sometimes you'd point something out to him while on a date, and he'd take note of it on his phone... But he took note of EVERYTHING on his phone. He had grocery lists on his phone that he'd completed months ago. Your Christmas list was lost amongst the reminders to get milk and eggs.

Moving quicker than he should have, and shaking off the accompanying dizziness, he rushed out of his house, practically hissing at the sun beating down on him as he opened his front door. It was Saturday, the day before Christmas. Your family had made plans, and you'd been dragged away to attend them, but you'd promised Kenma you'd see him Christmas Day to give him his present.

Kenma didn't have a lot of time left. It was already 6pm, everyone and their grandmothers were out doing their last minute Christmas shopping. The trains were packed and cramped and he felt his skin crawl whenever he felt someone exhale near him. He'd forgotten to bring his face mask to keep moderately safe from everyone's holiday germs. His throat was already starting to feel itchy from being surrounded by all these sick people, and he knew he'd catch a cold or the flu or the black plague if he didn't get off of the train as soon as possible.

Thankfully, the mall was the next stop, so as soon as the door were open, he was out on the platform, walking quickly and fluidly through the crowd to get to any semi spacious space between the groups of families and friends. He kept his head down as he walked, not knowing if maybe you were in the crowd with your own family. What if you saw him? What if you teased him for being so forgetful? What if you felt hurt that he'd forgotten about what you wanted?

He wouldn't be able to live it down. The thought of seeing your furrowed eyebrows when he came to you empty handed made his pace quicken, his fingers biting into his palm to keep his mind on that thought rather than all the people around him. The doors opened to the mall in front of him, more people rushing out only to be replaced by the number of people pushing in. Kenma's huddled form among them. His breath was short, his forehead slightly damp with both the quick paced walk and his anxiety eating at him.

The store he was looking for was filled to the brim with women and their daughters. But the thing you wanted was in there. Something so small and cute that he was sure it was sold out there, too. But he chanced it anyway. He needed to make sure this trip wasn't a waste of time and hope. He wanted to get you the thing you wanted. He wanted to see you smile widely and wanted to receive one of your kisses. He wanted to earn it.

The moment he walked into the store, though, he wished he'd never remembered about the thing you wanted. He was honestly waiting for the earth to open up and swallow him whole. But it never happened. Instead, his entire being was swallowed up by the females within the store. All eyes on him. Just like he never wanted. He kept his eyes down as he walked quickly to the back of the store, his hand only reaching out when he was barely a foot away from the table your longed for item was at.

It was like the heavens opened up and shone upon your item. Like finding the health box glowing behind some terrible obstacle. He smiled to himself, quickly grabbing the thing you wanted and holding it tightly in his hands just as a young woman made her way over to look at the very same thing. He gave her a brief glance, but looked away quickly when he felt the skin around his eyes pull a bit too much; His composure was starting to slip. He needed to get back to the calm of his home as soon as he possibly could.

Maybe he should have brought Kuroo with him.

The very thought was immediately taken back. That would have been a terrible idea. Kuroo would have teased him nonstop. Kenma counted in his head, staring down at the thing you wanted in his hands, until he was called up to the counter. 12988. Almost 13000. He paid for the item, not caring if the price was a bit higher than when you'd originally seen it a couple months ago, and quickly left the store.

Kenma would have to remind himself to stop being so forgetful.

A/N: This didn't really have EVERYTHING the request was asking for.... But.... I mean.... Can you image how a mall IN TOKYO the day before CHRISTMAS is???? It's going to packed as hell! And the Trains??? Holy hell! I remember them being barely big enough for me to breathe in >-<

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