Doubtful Yamaguchi Tadashi with Male S/O

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Anonymous asked: Hey, hey, hey! Its the roleplay-asking anon again! I'll definitely check that out! Buy I'd like to make a request X3 Could I request a one-shot/scenario with the reader confessing to Yamaguchi in an angsty sort of scenario where he doubts anyone likes him? If you're comfortable with it, could it also be a male s/o? Thank you very much <3

WOOHOO! MY YAMA-SON! I love him. I LOVE HIM!!! ASDFJKL;! Enough words. Here ya go Anon! Enjoy! - Admin Terushima ;P

Yamaguchi Tadashi:

You are sitting on the couch staring at the TV but not really paying attention to what is on it because all of your focus is currently fixated on your right leg. Not that your right leg was anything special it was what was touching it that had you buzzing all over and unable to drag your focus away. Yamaguchi was seated on the couch to your right and the entirety of his left leg was flush against your right leg. Which wouldn't normally be a problem if you hadn't had a couple of epiphanies within short succession of one another in the past couple of days.

The first epiphany had occurred when you were with a group of your friends laughing and joking around when your friend Haru who had been suspiciously quiet for a little while whispered, "Guys, I think I might like guys." Had you not been paying attention you might have missed it and even so the rest of your group seemed to have heard it anyway, everyone turned towards Haru silently and watched as he seemed to shrink into himself a little. "That's... awesome that you felt comfortable sharing that Haru. Thanks for telling us! We support you no matter what ya know?" one of your friends piped in filling the silence with her cheerful voice. Everyone else joined in with their thanks and words of encouragement until Haru was beaming. "How did you know Haru-chan?" the girl piped up again. Haru smiled shyly rubbing the back of his neck, "Well I was hanging out with a friend of mine and he was looking through a swimsuit magazine and he was really into seeing the girls but I just didn't feel the same way I told him as much and he told me that maybe I was gay. I don't think he said it to be mean or anything but I took it the wrong way and left his house. Afterwards though I realized that he might actually be right, I think I've actually had a crush on him for a very long time and I just didn't know how to deal with my feelings until I accepted them so I just buried them." Something in you resonated with his words and it took you a few days after that encounter to realize what exactly it was about his story that spoke to you.

You were eating lunch with your friends and you were laughing at some of their jokes when it finally clicked. Epiphany number two. You think you might like guys. You don't know what exactly it was that elicited that idea but as soon as it crossed your mind you knew it had to be true.

Your final life changing thought happened just an hour previously right when Yamaguchi had come over to your house to stay the night so you guys could hang out. You opened the door for Yamaguchi and invited him in with a laugh and a high five saying what a great night it was going to be. He responded to your high five smiling a little and agreeing excitedly, it had been a while since the two of you had hung out alone and outside of school. You both sat down on the couch after gathering some snacks and various blankets and pillows when Yamaguchi looked over at you and he smiled at you his nose crinkling a little and all of his freckles bunched up. Fwip. You swear to god you could feel Cupid's fucking arrow striking your heart. You stared at him a little while longer even as he looked away and wondered when you fell in love with Yamaguchi. Well it didn't happen just now you supposed, Yamaguchi has always been there for you and was a wonderful person overall. He was cute, funny, supportive, and best of all he was one of your closest friends.

"Yamaguchi I have a cr-" you started before Yamaguchi interrupted you with a shush. "Hold that thought _______! The show is starting!" And that is how you found yourself at the present, Yamaguchi's leg pressing into yours and driving you to total distraction. Suddenly Yamaguchi turned to you smiling widely and laughed a little when he found you not even paying attention to the TV. "So what is it you wanted to say ______?" he questioned his eyebrows raising a little to indicate his curiosity. Your mouth was dry and your heart was pounding but you were never one to dance around an issue and you thought Yamaguchi might take it well, even if he didn't return your feelings.

"Yamaguchi. I really like you," you said holding your breath a little at the end of your confession. You didn't expect Yamaguchi to giggle and say, "I would hope so ______, we've been friends for a long time and if you didn't like me I don't know how you would have faked it for so long!" You laughed a little at his naivete. "No Yama, I like like you." You tried again hoping he would get your meaning. He froze a bit his eyes wide and scared and immediately you thought, "Shit, did I fuck this up?" Yamaguchi started to wring his hands as he looked away from you and began speaking, "If this is a joke it's not funny ______. I know I'm very shy and I don't have a lot of friends but I know when someone is playing a prank on me!" You stared at him in shock. You always knew that he was insecure and more than a little shy but you never realized the magnitude of his low self-esteem. "Yama, I'm not trying to trick you, I just wanted to get it off my chest that I really do have a crush on you. I only recently realized I like boys but I think I've liked you for a very long time I just didn't realize it! I would never play a prank like that on you, you have to know that?" you exclaimed grabbing his hands and looking him in the eyes.

You could see that he was hard-pressed to believe you but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "It's one thing if you don't like me the way I like you Yamaguchi I won't make you do anything you're uncomfortable with, but you are an incredible person so please don't doubt that I feel for you the way I do. Anyone would be lucky to have you and I need you to know that, if nothing else!" Yamaguchi looked down at his hands still secured in yours and smiled a bit even as a lone tear slipped down his cheek. "Thank you ______, I'll... I'll think about what you've said."

If it was for Yamaguchi, you would wait. You could wait forever if that was how long it took.

A/N: DAMMNNNN I FINISHED IT FINALLY! KILL ME. JKJK Haha but on the real I was like really invested in this for some reason. I love Yamaguchi he's a sweetheart, this didn't get as angsty as I wanted it but eh. There are plenty more asks to work my voodoo on!

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