Lovey Dovey with Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, & Sawamura Daichi

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kccb16 ( asked: Could you do scenarios for Tsukki, Kuroo, and Daichi with a touchy/affectionate s/o. Like always running hands through hair, playing with hands/fingers, and always wanting to be touching them?

I sure can!! It's the least I can do to make up for the heartbreak of my last post, lmao. Thanks for requesting!!! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei:

It was study week, suffer week if you wanted to be completely honest with yourself. And your grades weren't looking as good as you wanted them to recently which meant that your final grades had to be above what you averagely made. This is the week I die, you'd thought before remembering that your boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei, was almost always getting the top scores.

So, that's how you ended up at his house, sitting at his dining room table, your study materials all around you on the table while Tsukishima sat across from you, his head in his arms, but his eyes watching you. He'd been in that position for a while, having given you a tutor session before letting you work on the problems on your own to put his lesson in action. Although, you couldn't focus without some kind of physical attachment to him as a form of support, so your hand was reached across the table and laying over his that was spread out on the table under his head.

You weren't focused at all. Not even a bit. You knew you understood the material, and you could probably solve the problems within the next five minutes, but how could you? The feel of the soft skin on his hand made you bite your lip as you stared down at the paper with a concentrated expression, trying to figure how you could increase the amount of contact you had with him without him noticing too much. You figured he'd probably notice no matter what, not much go past his senses, so you threw all caution to the wind and curled your fingers around the space between his middle and forefinger, feeling your heart flutter when his fingers curled around yours in response.

"What are you doing, ___?" His voice came out with a specific tone that made you realize that he'd known you weren't doing your work this entire time. When your eyes looked up from your problems, you saw his eyes were closed, his glasses off and folded to the side, but his head still in his arms and you couldn't help but smile softly. "Shouldn't you be doing your homework instead of looking at me?" He asked, a taunting smile evident in his words, making you puff out your cheeks in slight irritation before you squeezed his fingers with yours. You didn't say anything, instead reaching your other hand out and let your fingers slowly stroke through his short blond locks, causing his eyes to open and look at you. You were a blurry mess, but he could make out the way you smiled and the absolute care in your eyes, and his heart beat faster in his chest. A light pink dusted his cheeks and he closed his eyes again to avoid you seeing his slight look of vulnerability in them, instead letting out a small snort, "I guess a short break isn't a bad idea." He muttered, squeezing your fingers with his as you continued to run your fingers through his hair, feeling his stomach do somersaults with the tender way your fingers massaged his scalp.

Kuroo Tetsurou:

Today had been a long LONG day for you, filled with a slight scolding from your sensei for your tardiness after waking up a bit late that morning then realizing at lunch time that your bento was still sitting on the counter at your house, not only that but your boyfriend, Kuroo Testurou, had woken up with a flu and wasn't there in class to help you remember that this was just one bad day and that tomorrow was a whole new one. But he hadn't said that. You hadn't seen him all day, and the texts he'd been sending you since that morning were just barely holding you over as you walked to his house with his classwork in your backpack.

You walked into his house after giving a small knock and not receiving an answer, "Tetsu, I'm here." You called into the quiet house, frowning when you didn't hear anything as a response, "Tetsu?" You called once more as you walked into the living room without your shoes, feeling like you could breathe easier when you saw your middle blocker boyfriend laying out on the couch, covered in blankets, with a cute red tint to his nose which sniffled loudly as he cracked an eye open when he heard your footsteps come closer, "I brought your homework." You smiled a bit before setting your backpack on the floor and kneeling next to his head, placing your hand against his cheek.

"Wow. Thank you so much." He rolled his eyes with a weak smirk, "Just what I needed." He teased before he leaned into your hand, turning his head a bit and pressing a kiss to your palm, "How was school?" He asked, listening to you intently as you went on to tell him how you'd just suffered the entire day without him and how Kenma had almost seemed happy that he wasn't there and how Yamamoto had exclaimed during lunch that he'd be the captain for the day in his place and so on and so forth. He hummed before he closed his eyes, only for them to open in shock when he felt you lay yourself on top of him and his blankets, "____, you're going to get sick." He whined, looking up at you with sleepy eyes and a slightly runny nose, knowing he looked like shit but knowing you still loved him.

Rolling your eyes, you took a tissue from the box next to the couch and wiped at his upper lip and nose, finding a kind of homely feeling whenever you were able to take care of him like this, "Yeah, I might." You agreed before laying your head on his chest and closing your eyes, "But I want to be close to you right now." You whispered quietly, biting your bottom lip, knowing it must sound like a needy request, especially when he was feeling sickly like this.

His hand reached out from under the blankets and laid on your back, rubbing up and down to help sooth any tension you might have had, "I want to be close to you, too." He whispered back to you, leaning his head up slightly and pressing a kiss to your forehead, making you feel the small smirk/smile he had at your little confession.

"Plus, this means that you get to take care of me when I catch your disease." You added in a sing-songy taunt as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself closer to him like you did everyday at school.

Sawamura Daichi: (Ahhhhh Daddy Daichi my heartthrob captain tbh)

"___, I have to get to practice." Daichi chuckled as you only tightened your arms around his middle as you both stood outside the gym, "They won't be able to function without me, I told you what happened when we tried to let the second years run the show." He smiled down at you, knowing his words were true, but he wasn't even sure if he wanted to be out of your embrace. He'd noticed that you were always touching him wherever you both went, and that when the two of you had to separate for any amount of time, it was almost painful for the both of you.

"But Dai," You whined into his chest, pressing your face closer and breathing in his scent, "You can run a little late, can't you?" You asked, looking up at him, resting your chin on his sternum and giving him one of your breathtaking smiles that you KNEW he wouldn't be able to say no to. The blush that formed on his cheeks made you internally jump for joy, his hand taking yours from the small of his back and pulling you behind him around the corner of the gym building so the two of you could have some privacy while you enjoyed each other's company for just a little longer.

Once you were in the shadow of the building, he leaned against the wall with you on his chest, wrapping his arms around your torso and laying his head on your shoulder in a tight hug, "Alright, but only because I really like when you say my name like that." He muttered, his blush deepening as he admitted this to you, his arms holding you just a fraction bit tighter when you tried to pull back enough to see his expression, "... I'm sorry... Was that too much?" He asked quietly, sometimes feeling like he gave too much of his feelings away at once sometimes.

You shook your head, "Of course not..." You whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his cheek as best you could, "I think it's really cute." You smiled widely, feeling like your heart was about to burst at his admittance, knowing that from now on that you were going to call him like that whenever you could. After a few minutes, you took a deep breath and pulled away enough to cup his face in your hands, "Now, come along, Captain." You smiled up at him, "We can't keep the others waiting!" You took his hand in yours and kissed his chin before walking back around the building with him in tow, feeling like you could take on the world just so long as you and Daichi were side by side.

A/N: Sooooooo, I kind of went WAY off base of what the request was looking for... But I really did try my best! Please let me know if you want me to try again! Or if you have another request! Thanks for reading!

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