Low Level IwaOixReader

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Anonymous asked: Can I request scenario where Oikawa fangirls threaten Iwaizumi girlfriend (since they assume she's dating Iwaizumi to get close to Oikawa although in reality she has zero romantic interest on Oikawa since he's her stepbrother) but intervene by both Oikawa (who adore his stepsister) and Iwaizumi?

Honestly, bullying in any sense is so ridiculous lmao but if the victim has two really beautiful boys come to their rescue... It's still ridiculous but a spicy kind lmao Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Iwaizumi Hajime: With a stray Oikawa

Being pushed up against a locker wasn't a new feeling for you. You're boyfriend really enjoyed being in semi-public places whenever he was feeling hot and bothered while at school, so you'd come to almost welcome the cool metal against your skin. But this was different. The chill of the lockers provided you with no relief from the heat, it only added to the cold feeling in the pit of your stomach as three girls slammed you against the hard surface, sending a painful clang throughout the empty hallway and into your spine.

"You really think dating Iwaizumi-san is going to get you closer to Oikawa, you little slut? Disgusting. How could you play him like that?"

"Not only are you not good enough for Oikawa-kun, you're trash for using Iwaizumi-san like that. You don't deserve either of them, maybe you should just go kill yourself, you disgusting piece of shit."

"She thinks saying Oikawa is her step-brother is an excuse for her. Ew! She's one of those freaks who has a brother complex!"

Their voices were a myriad of ignorance and insults, something you'd come to ignore, but not now. Now, they'd caught you after school on your way to watch your boyfriend and step-brother practice, pulling you into a side hallway and slamming you against the lockers over and over every time you tried to push past them. They were persistent to make you feel like crap though. You hated to admit it was kind of working even though you knew none of it was true.

You loved Iwaizumi. Not your annoying step-brother.

"What's this then?" A familiar sing songy voice called from behind the girls, who all froze in fear. You didn't open your eyes, knowing who it was, knowing what it looked like with you being pressed against a locker; you hated to think they would see you in this state, so weak to three jealous girls. "Step away from her." The voice darkened, and you could practically feel the usual friendly air he carried turn into dark clouds, crackling with just barely subdued fury.


"Get away from her." His voice snapped, and the three girls made way out of his way, but it wasn't his arms that wrapped around you. You furrowed your eyebrows before peeking your eyes open.

Iwaizumi's strong neck was what you first saw, the vein that showed when he was angry was throbbing against your lips, and you knew that he wanted to say something to your bullies, but he was too concerned over your well being. The way his large hand cradled the base of your skull and how his arm wrapped around you so tight and held you so close made you melt. There was no lie when you said you loved Iwaizumi. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice a bit gruff, not putting his guard down for a second, not while you were possibly hurt.

You nodded and wrapped you arms around his neck, pressing your face into his neck even more, "Yeah... I'm okay, Hajime." You whispered into his skin, pressing yourself as close as possible against him.

"Oikawa-ku-" One of the girls tried again.

"I don't want to hear it. You hurt my precious step-sister. I don't ever want to see your ugly faces ever again." Oikawa's voice held no friendly tones, no cheeriness, none of his previous happy demeanor remained. He honestly looked ready to kill. When you pulled your face out of Iwaizumi's neck to look at your brother, he pushed past the, now crying, girls and approached you and Iwaizumi. "Iwaizumi..." Oikawa started, surprising the both of you that he'd call Iwaizumi by his given name and not his silly nickname.

You shook your head and held Iwaizumi closer so he didn't pull away, "I'm okay, Tooru..." You smiled softly, "Come on... You two still have practice." You brushed off their worry, knowing the girls wouldn't ever bother you again and feeling the pain in your head slowly subside. You didn't want them to fuss over you. You pulled out of Iwaizumi's arms and took his hand in yours before you led him and Oikawa back to the gym where they'd originally left to look for you.

A/N: I think this has less of a brother Oikawa and boyfriend Iwaizumi and kind of gives off the sense of an Iwaoi and fem reader feel to it lmao... whoops! I hope you like it anyway!

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