Poly Relationship with Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru

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yachipie (https://yachipie.tumblr.com) asked: Hello~ May I request a Poly!Iwaoi x reader scenario where they're all outside playing in the snow? ❄️☺️

Yaho~! Of course you can! I'm weak AF for poly relationships! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader Poly:

Iwaizumi absolutely hated snow. He hated how it would somehow sneak into his shoes and inside his pants and chill him to the bone. He hated when it would make him so cold that it didn't even bother to melt any further. He hated that once he was inside, the freezing ice shavings would melt and make his clothes all wet and soggy and just create a mess that he knew he'd have to clean up later. God forbid you or Oikawa pull your weight around the house.

He also hated ice. It always ticked him off whenever the little walkway leading to the front door of the house would freeze so completely that it became a safety hazard to everyone in the house. He'd been the victim more than he'd like to admit, and he'd been so upset whenever you or Oikawa would carelessly rush outside and slip on the ice. He didn't want to get gray hair so soon in his life. He was only 24 for crying out loud.

"H-Hajime!" Your cry forced all thoughts of his distaste for the winter and caused him to immediately run out the front door to see you leaning up on your right elbow, your left hand holding onto your hip with a look of pain on your face. His heart squeezed in his chest as he rushed, careful of the ice, to your side, leaning on the balls of his feet as he squatted down, his hands out and slightly shaking from the cold, not sure what to do. He didn't know if you were hurt or if you'd broken a bone or if you were in a dangerous amount of pain.

You stared up at him with one eye closed tightly before you couldn't hold it anymore and a wicked smile broke out across your face, "Now Tooru!" You yelled before you rolled out of the way. Iwaizumi barely had any time to react to your smile, let alone to your yell, before he felt his stomach drop as a huge ball of snow was rudely dumped over his head.

"Did we get him, ____-chan?" Oikawa's voice called from the roof of your one story house, and you looked up to see his flushed smiling face, you gave two thumbs up and he laughed before he slid down the roof and easily jumped into the pile up of snow the two of you had created not long before. He walked over to you and helped you to your feet, wrapping his arms around you from behind before the two of you turned to see what state of shock or anger Iwaizumi was in at this point.

He was absolutely freezing. His skin had paled considerably from it's usual nice russet color, and you started to worry. Frowning, you pulled out of Oikawa's arms and made your way over to Iwaizumi carefully, "Baby? You okay?" You asked softly, not wanting to upset him anymore than he already was going to be, "Hajime?" You tried again, feeling slight relief when he turned his head to look over at you, his green eyes piercing yours.

Oikawa chuckled, "Oh, don't be so upset, Iwa-chan~! It was my idea!" He admitted before he walked over and grabbed Iwaizumi by the jacket, lifting up the former ace and dusting off any snow from his jacket.

Suddenly, Iwaizumi's quiet demeanor changed, his slight pout turning into a mischievousness smirk as he grabbed Oikawa by the jacket and tossed him off into the snow on the left of the sidewalk, surprising the both of you as he then turned to you, making you take a slight step back. He let out a huff before he rushed towards you, grabbing you by the waist and slinging you over his shoulder, "Since it was your idea, trashykawa, then you can stay out here and freeze while ____ and I enjoy a nice hot bath together." He called over his shoulder as he walked quickly into the house, closing the door behind him and putting the first lock into place.

"Iwa-chan~! Nooooo! I wanna take a bath with you both!!" Oikawa's whiney voice carried through the closed door, trying to open it and huffing when he noticed it was indeed locked like he knew it would be. He glanced in the window next to the door and saw Iwaizumi walking up the stairs, his hand on your bottom. You were blushing deeply, but looking at the window with helplessness, not knowing how to help your other boyfriend from the cold. Oikawa whined before he grabbed the spare key from the snowed in potted plant, unlocking the door and rushing upstairs after the two of you.

Unfortunately, the warmth of the bath wasn't enough to keep the three of you from getting sick the very next day. But tending to a sick Oikawa and Iwaizumi wasn't exactly the worst thing ever; You'd discovered they're both quite needy (Oikawa more than usual) for you when they weren't feeling well.

A/N: Uhhhh soooo yeah... I was going somewhere with this... and I forgot where it was... so.... whoops! Hope you still enjoyed it! 

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