You (Tom Holland)

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Warning: Anxiety Attack, do not read if you are triggered by those.

Summary: Tom and you are at the mall on his rare day off when a group of fans swarms the two of you, overwhelming Tom.

You and Tom had been walking around the mall together for about three hours now. Today was one of the rare days that you guys got to just spend the day together, without Tom filming for Marvel or your job. Tom had refused to let go of your hand the entire trip, not that you wanted him to. Whenever you were around your boyfriend, he made you feel warm and bubbly, he made everything brighter. You were about to ask him if he wanted to share a pretzel when a teenage girl came up to you and started to talk to Tom.

She looked to be about sixteen and was wearing a Spider-man hoodie, she had blonde hair a big glasses. This was the first time you had been with Tom when he was being recognized in a public place. You couldn't help the smile as you saw Tom hug the small girl, you even took a few pictures of them. The young girl had said her goodbyes and gave him another quick hug before walking in the other direction.

Tom quickly grabbed your hand and continued walking toward the Barnes and Noble's when a crowd of teenagers started to close in on the both of you.

"I've never had this many people around me without anyone to manage the crowd." Tom said as he gripped your hand a little bit tighter. You started to rub your thumb over the back of his knuckles, attempting to sooth him.

You knew he loved his fans, but you also knew how his anxiety was. His mother told you about it the first time you met her, she taught you what to do if he ever had an anxiety attack and you had a feeling you were going to have to use it.

The thought of Tom being over whelmed made you feel stressed. You wanted to help him and make him feel safe, secure and happy, you couldn't do that if he was having an anxiety attack. So, you continued to comfort him until the crowd of teenagers closed in on the two of you and started to ask for pictures with either the two of you or just Tom. He of course said yes, not wanting to disappoint anyone.

"Tom, you can say no love. It's your day off." you leaned into to his ear. You tightly gripped his hand as he started to talk to the tens of people who came up to him. By the minute the crowd began to grow, making you feel more and more scared for the well-being of your boyfriend. He was starting to bit his bottom lip, which you know was his tell of being stressed out. You started to panic when his chest caved in.

You knew that he was having trouble breathing from the look on his face. His eyes were have slightly closed and he looked extremely pale. You were about to take him away from all the loudness when a girl ripped your hand away from his. You were pushed toward the middle of the circle surrounding Tom, you looked over to him and you felt your heart break.

He was finally showing the sadness on his face as he glanced down at his hand then looked around for you. He looked like he was trying to say something, but he couldn't, he was hurting and that caused you to hurt knowing that. You felt the weight of your chest from worrying about him drop to your feet and hold you in place. You felt like you couldn't move, you needed to move.

Tom needed you to move.

"I need everyone to move out of my way." You said at the top of your lungs. The crowd of girls quickly cleared out of your way as you crossed over to your boyfriend. You gently grabbed his hand and lead him towards the bookstore as you explained to the teens that this was Tom's day off and he wanted to have some free time, not that he didn't love them. He just needed sometime to breath before he and the rest the cast went on the films press tour.

The teens looked like they understood what you were saying but a few of them were giving you a smug look as you guided your boyfriend away from them. You shook it off, even though it did make you feel bad for the girls who were just trying to meet the guy that they were in love with. All they wanted was a conversation and a picture. But you knew Tom couldn't handle that, he was going through a major attack right now.

When you looked back at him, he was staring blankly at the wall, but his eyes were telling a completely different story. His eyes were anxious, wanting to leave all of the problems that he was having but he couldn't. You knew that you had to pull him back, so you sat him down in a chair by the Starbucks there and leaned over so that your face was in his line of vison.

"Tom, take a deep breath in." you said calmly, quiet enough to not disturb anyone else but loud enough for him to hear you. He looked into your eyes and you saw how upset he was. He looked flustered and tense. You felt your chest concave because of how sad he looked, it made you want to pull him into your chest and hold him, but he needed to breath. "Baby, you have to breathe!" you pleaded with him.

He eventually started breathing deeper and you saw the color start to return in his face. A wave of relief washed over you as you realized what was happening. Your heart wasn't as heavy, but it was still hurting seeing the guy you love in distress. Quickly, you tried to remember what his mom taught you, but the questions were coming to you slowly. You decided to ask the ones you knew while you prayed the rest would come to you later.

"Name one thing you see." You said calmly with your knee on his leg trying to sooth him. His eyes darted around the room as he kept looking at different things. His eyes wouldn't focus on one thing, instead he was glancing from spot to spot. "Tom, concentrate on one thing. Name one thing you see." His eyes started to slow down and you saw his irises settle.

"A table." You looked at where he was staring at. He then glanced at you, his eyes filled with fear. His mom told you that he would say something related to furniture. So, you went to ask the next question but were cut off when Tom laid his hand over yours. You felt your heart leap in your chest as you realized that he wanted to hold your hand.

"Ok, good. Name one thing you smell." You said looking at his face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose. He exhaled slowly, his body shaking as he scrunched his eyes together forcefully. When he recognized the smell, he seemed to relax.

"Coffee" he said before opening his eyes and looking into yours. You opened your mouth to ask the second to last question, but Tom leaned forward, almost as if he was going to kiss you. You wanted to kiss him, oh boy did you want to kiss him, but you needed to make sure he was calm.

"Name one thing you hear." You said softly, tilting your face slightly as you questioned him.

"My heart beating."

"Ok, name one thing you love." You knew he was going to say his family. That was what his mom said that he always answered. He looked at your face and answered the question.

"You." The one word made you explode with happiness, he made your heart slam against your chest. You wanted to scream of excitement. You were about to proclaim your love for him back, but you were cut off by his lips attack yours. You should be used to the feeling of his mouth pressed against yours but every time he kissed you, he found a way to make it different. It was so appealing to you, he made every kiss unique and special.

In the end, Tom Holland was the man of your dreams, anxiety attacks and all.

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