Hold It In

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** Made by thepenisparker on Tumblr **

warnings: "intense" smut, alcohol, lil bit of swearing

words: too fuckin many 3,397

You laid in bed, watching a Netflix comedy special instead of doing the homework you were supposed to be doing. Your friends all went to a big party that didn't seem to interest you tonight. You didn't feel like going out, getting all ready just to be disappointed when the guy you've had a crush on since you met him chose other girls to take home.

So, you decided to stay in. Be productive instead of disappointed. So far, productive wasn't the right word but you were better here than watching some girl grind on Tom and settling going home with some guy that you'd never normally go home with.

You were fine with that, fine with laying in bed with no makeup, natural hair, no pants just your giant t-shirt from middle school that you never really grew into. Your roommate was texting you all night, you two never really got along but still let each other know whether you were going to go to be home or where you were.

hey girllllllll, everyones kinda leaving but
ive spotted a hottie w th a body im
gunna see if hes gunnan eat this pu$$y

read 2:34 AM

ok have fun ;) let me know
if you're coming home

delivered 2:35 AM

You wanted to turn in but you weren't tired enough. Trying to close your eyes but opting to dance around your studio apartment getting drunk off the homemade mimosa's. Only being cut off by a knocking at the door. Figuring it was a neighbor complaining about the noise, you lowered the volume and decided to just answer the door as is, just hiding your bottom half.

Upon opening the door, you were surprised at a boy's upper half that fell onto your floor.

"(Y/N)!" Tom muttered, rolling his head with his eyelids hooded and laughing at nothing. He was well dressed in a dark blue button up that sported adorable white flowers on it, dark jeans, and a leather jacket.

"Tom? What are you doing here?" You asked, still trying to hide your practically naked lower half.

"Harrison is getting laid.." he laughed, patting his stomach, "So I can't be in there."

"Ok, well. Come in." You said waving him in. He stood up but not very stable and he wouldn't stop looking at you. You tried your best to keep your shirt as low as possible.

"Ehe." You heard him laugh as you run to your chest of drawers.

"What?" You asked, grabbing a pair of leggings as quickly as possible and putting them on.

"You're not wearing pants." He pointed out.

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting company." You said, trying to put hair in front of your face to cover up the fact you were all natural. He was your friend for a long time, but you still had a big crush on him as much as you said you gave up on it. You know you didn't.

"You didn't have to put on pants for me," Tom said, sitting down at the counter in your kitchen section. You were always nervous about him being in your apartment since his was the penthouse on the top floor with Harrison and yours was this tiny little-broken apartment. It was good enough for you and your roommate but with Tom, you felt embarrassed.

"Yeah, of course." You rolled your eyes as your drunk friend put his head against his palm. You grabbed him a water bottle and started making him a grilled cheese so he wouldn't have as bad a hangover the next day.

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