17. How to love

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"Tess, are you sure about this?" I asked her. "Yeah. We have to do this. They at least deserve to know. Are you ready for this?" She asked me. "Yes.....no not really but I want to do this." I said. We exited Tess' car and walked into my house. "Mom! Alice! Can you come here?" I shouted. Me and Tess sat down on the love seat and my sister and mom sat on the couch. My heart was beating out of my chest. "Ok. So first off, me and Tess are getting married." I said. They looked a little confused. "I can explain and there's a reason why. More like two." I said looking at Tess. She smiled. "Well...what are they?" My mom asked. "Ava and Michael." I said. "Who are they?" Alice asked. "My babies. Our babies. Faternal twins. Tess is pregnant with my kids." I said quickly. They looked shocked and happy. "Wow." Alice said. "What are you going to do with them?" My mom asked. "Raise them. We created them, we want to raise them. We have a plan. Here's a picture of them. Ava's on the top, Michael's on the bottom." I said. "They look like Tess. But with your big head of course." Alice said. I laughed. That wasn't that bad. It was actually easy. If only Tess' family would be that nice about it. "Here. Tell dad." My mom said handing me the phone.

I gulped. I looked at Tess and she gave me comfort with her smile. I dialed the number and heard a dial tone. "Hello?" A girl said. "Hi. I'm Blake, is Carter there?" I asked. "Yeah here he is." She said. "Blake?" My dad asked me. "Hi." I said. "Hi. How are you? How've things been?" He asked. "Was that her?" I asked him. I heard him sigh. "Yes." He said. Good to know he's still faithful to someone. "I have something to tell you something that's important." I said. "Ok. You can tell me anything." He said. "So I have a girlfriend named Tess here. She's really amazing. And well we're getting married because she's pregnant with faternal twins named Ava and Michael so I thought I should let you know that you're a grandpa." I said quickly. "Oh. Wow. Congrats. Wow I sure have missed a lot..." He said. "Yeah you did." I said. "Now Blake-" "No. Don't give me advice. Don't tell me I made a mistake. I was raised by you and taught that I need to fix my mistakes, and there's nothing here to fix. You need to fix yourself though. Leaving me for some young slut? I hope you're happy. Thanks to you i'm this way. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have moved here. I wouldn't have met Tess and wouldn't have fallen in love. Do you even know what that word means anymore? I wouldn't have had sex and get her pregnant and wouldn't be marrying her. Full circle now. Karma. Thanks to your mistake by choosing that hooker instead of us, I am now a proud father of twins who is getting married. And trust me, i'll be a better father then you ever were. Tell Dana the bimbo I said hi. Bastard." I said and hung up. "We're going to Tess' house now. Can I see that picture?" I asked my mom and sister. They looked at me with shocked expressions. I then saw them smile. I did what everyone wanted to say to him, and I had the guts to say it. Once I got the picture me and Tess went into her car. "

You ready?" I asked her. "No." She said with a crack in her voice like she was about to cry, and then she started to. "Pull over." I told her. She did. "We can't go back now. There's nothing we can do now. We already told my family and we survived. We can do the same with yours. I wouldn't let you do this if it would hurt you. Trust me. I love you." I said. I didn't feel good about what I just said, but we had to do this, for Tess' sake. "I love you too. Ok." She said while wiping away her tears. She drove to her house and got out of the car. She held my hand. We walked up to the doorbell and rang it. It was her dad. "I told you i'd bring her back, but we're talking first, and you're going to listen." I said to him sternly. "Come on in." He said. We went over to the infamous fighting and sex scene couch. Couches: Where memories are made. I should do advertising as a job. We took a seat and talked. "I would just like to say that we are still getting married and we are keeping the babies." I said. "Babies?" He asked. "Yes. Ava and Michael, faternal twins." I said. "You really messed up didn't you?" He asked Tess. She looked so broken after that. "You're a disgrace." He said. She looked like she wanted to die. "Stop. Stop saying that! You're killing your daughter! How can you talk to her like that?!" I asked. "You watch your tone." He said to me. "How can you treat her like that?" I asked. "Watch it boy" He said angrily. "How can you call yourself a father and sleep at night knowing your the reason for her pain?" I asked. He got up and punched me right in the face. Hell no.

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