Zatanna paid the bill with something of an evil smirk on her face, and then the boys set a bundle of money in the tip jar, then they exited, while I stayed behind, waving them on.

Kyra raised an eyebrow, sitting down on her side of the bar. "So, you planning on staying 'til lunch?"

"No, just enjoying the coffee and company. I have had a helluva coupl'a days, and I'd like to just sit, and relax, and maybe flirt not-so-innocently with a sexy goth barista for a while." I smiled, sipping my coffee.

She grinned, setting her elbows on the bar and leaning towards me. "Is that so? Give it your best shot."

I raised an eyebrow, and waited as she leaned a little closer... and then smirked when her breasts hit the edge of the boiling coffee pot, and she leapt backwards with a shriek.

"Careful, Babe, I'm Dangerously Hot." I quipped, and she stared at me, flabbergasted.

"You did not just-... okay, point to you. You've won yourself a date." She nodded decisively, taking off her apron and pulling a leather jacket out from under the counter. "Come with me." She demanded authoritatively, and I followed swiftly outside, towards a Harley locked up next to the building.

"Ooh, sexy bike... and leather makes everything better." I murmured appreciatively at the bike (and her leather pants,) and climbed on behind her.

She smirked and pulled on a helmet. "You're not too bad yourself, honey."

The engine roared to life under us, and she whipped us out into the street, heading towards the beach. It wasn't far, but when we reached it, she didn't stop, instead turning and driving along the water, towards the lighthouse, it seemed at first, until we passed it at close to 90mph.

"We headed outta state?" I chuckled loud enough for her to hear.

"You'll see!" She yelled back, and slowed, taking a small bike-path up towards the bluffs.

'Ooooh, bluffs are always good hiding spots. Good choice...' I smiled and leaned with her as we took a curve, then leveled out and stopped at the end of the concrete, about twenty yards from a small waterfall, maybe twenty feet tall, overlooking a lake that drained almost directly into the ocean.

We climbed off, and I whistled softly, looking out at the zigzagging river, and the perfectly clear bay. "That is a helluva view..."

"Goes to waste if you don't enjoy it!" She whipped past me, laughing, and dove off the edge, still wearing her jeans and shirt.

I chuckled and removed my jacket, laying it on the bike, then followed it up with the rest of my over-clothes, as they were all subject to water damage. "Make a Note, waterproof all armor and weapons." I murmured, diving off the ledge towards Kyra in the water.

'Noted.' The AI answered softly, through the little faux-hearing aid I was wearing, deep inside my ear canal.

I surfaced and smoothed back my hair, laughing at Kyra's look of surprise. A splash-fight began, but was quickly won when I displayed the ability to displace nearly the entire surface of the lake with one move.

"Well! I knew you were bold, but that's a bit surprising, no?" She asked after we had calmed down a bit, unashamedly ogling my bare skin.

"Nah, my clothes are laced with metal, too heavy to swim in! Also, I've never been shy about my body, so unless it makes you uncomfortable, I actually prefer it this way." I shrugged unapologetically, and floated on my back lazily.

She floated next to me, relaxing in the shadows, and smiled. "No... I prefer it too... for entirely selfish reasons."

"You'd better, else there's really no point besides my comfortability, is there?" I nodded, ending the matter.

UnMasked NomadWhere stories live. Discover now