Chapter Fifty Four - Dessert

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The laughter died down and so did the excitement as everyone began to get situated for their first good nights sleep in a while. A few people left the church, others cleaned up the dishes. I grabbed Carl's empty plate and walked to the front table where the rest were being stacked. I greeted Beth as she placed hers down after mine.

"I haven't been this stuffed in a while." She chuckled and ran her hand through her long blonde hair. I laugh along with her happily.

"Me too, hopefully we can keep it this way for a long time. I'm tired of living off of scraps." I chuckled and leaned a hand against the edge of the table looking around at every relieved face.

"God sent us a gift; it would be foolish of us to take advantage of that." She said with meaningful eyes and a soft voice. I smiled at her as she fiddled with the cross dangling around her neck. I didn't comment, instead I wished her a goodnight and turned to walk back toward my pew.

Carl had already begun setting up his sleeping arrangement in front of the row. I approached as he moved both of our bags, smiling as he places them down softly. He was always so gentle.

"Is this okay?" He asked in a kind voice worried he'd gone too far.

"Of course." I hummed to him and pulled at the sleeves of my jacket.

I traversed to the small laid out blanket on the floor. I knelt down on it and opened my backpack to pull out another blanket and a new pack of mints. Then I shrugged off my bloody jacket and placed it where my head would lie for the night before pushing my bag off to the side. A shiver rose along my bare arms from the cool air as I unfolded the blanket while Carl began to settle down.

"I don't know if it'll fit over both of us." I said with a small pout as I plopped down to sit on my heels. He stretched out his arms open to me.

"It's not like we haven't cuddled before." He mumbled with a tired smirk. A blush rose to the surface of my cheeks and my lips forced me to smile back as I remembered the last time we fell asleep together at the ranch house, though that was when the others weren't looking. I swivelled to sit next to him and untied my boots before slipping them off. Carl sat up to swipe the mints from beside me before popping a few in his mouth with a satisfied smile. "Dessert?" He asks smoothly, a playful grin dancing across his lips.

I giggled and held out my hand for him to place them in. He grabbed the back of my hand and slowly pulled me to lay next to him before shaking out two for me. My heart dropped to my stomach and a shiver ran through my spine.

I stared down at him completely baffled by him before shaking my head with a laugh and placing them on my tongue. The small cool mints immediately melted in my mouth and washed through me.

"Thank you." I batted my eyes dramatically and laid the blanket out over the two of us.

As I thought, the blanket just barely reached my side when I laid down next to Carl. I tried my best to keep a bit of space between the two of us but the blanket slid to reach my middle. Carl chuckled next to me.

"Come here." He said with a flash of his teeth and opened his arm again for me to lay in. I blushed and shuffled closer cuddling into his side. I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around my back pulling me closer to him. Then he lifted the blanket to fit over me fully and sighed happily. I immediately curled up into his warm side as exhaustion took control. "Goodnight, Avery." He mumbled out, the vibration of his voice coming through his chest and onto my cheek.

"Goodnight, Carl." I sighed and relaxed against his soft shirt as he pulled me impossibly closer.

I hummed, finally feeling safe for the first time in a long time, and I knew it had nothing to do with being behind a locked door. A few whispers and chatter lingered around the two of us but we paid them no mind, instead just enjoyed the others company. I felt myself drift off to sleep shortly after, a smile still lingering on my lips.


A warm body shifted underneath mine stirring me awake. I kept my eyes closed attempting to drift back to sleep, the scent of warm cloves and sweet sweat drawing me back in. Suddenly, a voice called out much too loud shaking me fully awake.

I flinched and nestled into the soft fabric and skin below my cheek trying to get away from the sound. A chorus of shushes and mumbled whispers cut off the harsh sound which caused my brows to relax again.

In my sleepy state I slipped my leg out of the blanket trying to get comfortable again but my bare ankle grazed the cold ground causing me to hiss and tuck it back in.

Carl mumbled and shifted beneath my head. I barely had energy to open my eyes but did my best to shift my head back from the warmth of Carl's neck to see if I woke him. He turned toward me with a sigh and closed eyes. Carl's hand that still remained wrapped around my waist flattened against my back, his bicep protruding as he hooked his arm around me tighter to pull me closer to him. His leg curled in between mine, hummed, and relaxed again.

My head rested back into the crook of his neck giving into his heat as my eyes fluttered to a close once more. The chilly air lingered around our huddled bodies, but I knew he'd pull me that close even if it wasn't.


Aweee, my little babies are so cute! I'm sorry this was a shorter chapter but it's just too damn cute not to be given it's own chapter. I hope you enjoyed the sleepy cuddly moments between them, I know I did.

What was the loud noise that startled Avery? Will Carl and Avery's love continue to blossom or will they fight it? Let me know what you predict and what you think about this chapter.

Also! I learned most of you are from America, but I wanna know more about all of you guys! Where are you from? I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada!

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Love you all, happy reading!

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