Chapter Two - The Sheriff, The Redneck and The Boy

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I woke to the sound of birds chirping, as if everything was still alright for them. They were lucky they didn't have to go through hell like the rest of us. All their food was still growing and will continue to, plus I hadn't seen a crazed bird yet so I doubt they were having problems with that.

Once I dragged myself out of bed I headed to the bathroom. I grabbed my hairbrush to comb out all the knots in my wavy brown hair and once satisfied, I stepped back into the main room to sit at the wooden table near the door. Like every other day I didn't have much on my schedule, just lay low and don't get bit.

As I sat there spacing out I snapped back into reality when at the sound of muffled noises and the cracking of sticks and twigs on the ground. I bolted out of my seat and rushed to the bed, sticking my hand underneath my pillow for the gun I stashed there. As the steps grew louder, I fastened my holster on as quick as I could. Then I crept to the door, keeping my right hand on my knife and my left holding my gun.

It could be one of three things outside my door, an animal, a walker, or a person. Considering it could be the men that killed my family wasn't taking any chances.

I rushed to the window near the door and crouched down to pull back the light curtain. Carefully as I could I peered out of the window in search of what lurked. The sounds continued to grow louder as whatever it was rounded the corner of my home.

Through the window I caught sight of three men, two middle aged and one teen. One of the men carried a crossbow and once I registered the complicated weapon I immediately ducked away from the glass.

"Fuck." I whispered under my breath as I knelt low to the ground. I help my gun close to my chest as I breathed heavily. I knew they would try to come in here because who wouldn't check out a cabin that could potentially have supplies years into this shit storm.

If I hid I would risk getting all my stuff taken and possibly my life, but if I stood up and scared them away I just might have a better chance. Suddenly the door banged from rapid fists and knew I had to make a decision, fast. So I did, stepping into the middle of the room, shoulder square and scowl on my face.

"What the fuck do you want!" I shouted as the lock is busted in. A screw cluttered to the ground and the door flung open. Immediately, I lifted my gun in the direction of the man with the crossbow.

"Whoa! Hey, hold on there. We didn't know anyone was here." The other man says holding his hands up with a shocked and confused look on his dirty face. The redneck still had his weapon up and ready in a stance, but so was I.

"I said, what do you want?" I sneered holding my ground. I had no idea what they were capable of or what they'd do to me. I needed to be smart about this, for my family's sake.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, we were just checking this place out. We're just passing through, looking for supplies. That's all." The man said while putting a hand on the redneck's shoulder. "She's just a kid." He whispered and the dirtier of the two put his weapon down, staring at me intensely.

I slightly lowered my gun but still kept it gripped and ready to use just in case.

"I only have that bag, that's it. You can take it but if you take another step in here I will not hesitate to shoot your ass!" I yelled again pointing the barrel toward my bag beside the now broken doorway.

A small amount of relief flowed through me when they didn't make a move to charge my way. I swallowed, glad I split up my stuff into two bags. I knew this would happen one day. But they didn't move to snatch the bag either.

"No, it's fine. We don't need anything from you. We don't do things like that." The man tried to reassure me, his hands still raised in the air. Something in me switched at his words. I looked them over closely, studying each of them.

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