Chapter Fourteen - Freckles and Eyelashes

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Waking with a squirming stretch, I sat and groggily looked around the chill room. Sleeping bodies and silence filled the space and only a few people were missing from their makeshift beds from what I could see in the morning light. Somehow awake before the rest, unlike the day before, I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes to reserve my energy the the trek ahead.

I rubbed my face to force the sleep away and sighed looking down at the sleeping boy next to me. The morning sun that came though the broken window next to us and shone softly across Carl's face. His eyelashes casted a shadow over his lightly freckled cheeks making them look longer than ever. He slept so peacefully, only squinting and furrowing his brows in the expressive parts of his dream. A breeze blew through the shattered glass and softly ruffled his brown hair across his forehead. I almost had the urge to push it back for him and a knot formed in my stomach.

Movement at my feet tore my lingering gaze and thoughts away from Carl's tan face. I blushed as Noah sat up in his makeshift bed in front of me, and I hoped he didn't notice. Noah only massaged the back of his neck wincing. He turned his head over to me while working through a knot with one eye closed from the bright light shining across him.

"Mornin'." He mumbled and stretched some more getting rid of of the tightness in his body from sleeping on the ground and walking for hours. I was sure none of us would be in the best condition today.

"Morning. Didn't sleep well?" I smiled back to him understanding his pain.

"God no, why couldn't we find a mattress store to stay at." He joked while attempting to fold his blanket.

"I really doubt there would be a mattress store at the side of a railroad track no matter how much I wish there was." I chuckled thinking of the wonderful mattress I left behind.

"If I've gotta wander off the path to find a nice bed, I'll do it." He ran his hands over his coiled hair then drops them into his lap still groggy.

I shook my head and giggled agreeing. All of our jokes and laughter caused Carl to wake next to me. He groaned and rolled over onto his back, shielding his eyes from the sun with an arm.

"Why do you guys gotta be so loud." He moaned squinting over at me hiding his blue eyes.

"Morning." I sang with a kind smile.

"What are you guys laughing so hard about this early anyways?" He looked between Noah and I questionably.

"Mattresses." Noah stated plainly with a small smirk. Carl paused, his body now propped up by his elbows with his eyebrows raised.

"Really? You had to wake me up by laughing about mattresses?" He couldn't stop the chuckle and laid back down with a shake of his head. "I don't understand you guys."

"Honestly, I don't either." With joy in my chest I started to pack up my blankets and slipped on my shoes and holster while Carl just watched lazily. Noah stood and left down the staircase mumbling something about the bathroom.

After I brushed my hair and put it into another high pony I looked over at Carl. He continued to stare at me with a content look on his face and I shrunk. I raked my hand over my hair assuming he was judging my sad attempt to do it without a mirror.

"What?" I asked slowing my hands to a stop, holding my hair where it was before finishing.

"Nothing, don't worry your hair is fine." He said quickly noticing my worried expression. "I don't know, it's early, never mind." He looked away shaking his head.

Before I could push him further, Carl began packing his bag and stood to retrieve his discarded shoes. I continued to put up my hair before I followed. I bit my lip wondering what was swimming through Carl's head though maybe he just spaced out.

Either way I grabbed my bags and adjusted my shirt noting that I needed to change soon. After two days of walking I was starting to feel gross to say the least. Typically, I would change my clothes every few days when I was back at the cabin. Now that we'd been walking in the heat for days and huddling under blankets from the cold of the night, the clung of clothes wasn't a nice feeling.

Beth and Daryl had left to meet with the rest of the group that was awake outside. Noah wasn't back yet so I placed his terribly folded blanket back into his bag along with the rest of his belongings and carried it with me to the front door below.

"Here, let me help you." Carl offered reaching for one of the three bags I lugged.

"Don't worry. I've got it." I said adjusting and tightening my hold onto Noah's bag. He back away, mumbled an okay, and followed behind me through the door.

The sun was back on us once again causing me to squint and look away to allow a few seconds for my eyes to adjust.

Daryl and Tyresse dug through the few cars that were around the building, checking for gas and supplies. Michonne was off to the side raiding the pockets of the walker she just killed, but didn't find anything to her liking.

Noah came walking out of the woods. He spotted me and I smiled raising his bag in the air. Once he saw he began jogging over, not wanting me to wait long.

"Awe, thanks man." He took the bag out of my hands happily.

"No problem." I replied adjusting my other bags so they fit nicely together on my back. Carl came up from behind me to be part of our huddle as we waited for everyone to join or announce what the plan for the walk was.

"Hey, Carl. Can I talk to you for a sec'?" Sasha asked trailing over to the three of us.

For a moment, he seemed hesitant to leave Noah and I alone but reluctantly mumbled a reply to follow Sasha off to the tracks.

I furrowed my brows after him confused as to why he seemed so weary to talk with Sasha. I hadn't talked to her since my joining, but she seemed nice enough.

Noah and I didn't say much while we waited under the rising sun and swaying tree branches, still listening to the annoying birds singing away. I hoped to myself that everyone packed up sooner rather than later. I wanted to head out before the sun reached a peak in the sky where no tree could cast its shade onto us, rather than just standing around.

I opened my mouth ready to express my halfhearted complaints to Noah when Abraham's strong voice bursted through the silence of the area.


Ooooo a cliffhanger! I feel like I'll do this more often even tho it is sort of evil. I usually skip cliffhangers because I don't like cutting off the flow of a scene but it really works here.

Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Please comment, vote and leave me any messages, suggestions or corrections. Tell me what you think about it so far, it makes my day.

Love you all.

I Saw The Lights Go Out - Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now