Chapter Eleven - On The Road

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It's was almost noon by the time everyone was finally packed, prepped and ready for what was to come. All except for me of course. Working cars were hard to find and gas was even harder so when I was informed by Noah that we'd be walking, I wasn't surprised.

Thankfully, I was given my weapons back which was a relief but was told by Abraham that if I got anywhere near Eugene with them he'd knock my lungs loose. I wasn't sure why the threat was needed or if he would be true to his word, but I wouldn't test him to find out. They obviously had a bond or deal, or maybe that's just how this entire group acted toward each other. Rick had already shown me how protective he was toward everyone else. Either way, Rosita told me not to take Abraham seriously but I still wasn't going to risk it.

Before we all officially set off, Rick showed everyone the vague route we would take and where we might be stopping on one of the railway signs. Just like Carl had told me, the map showed the route to get to Terminus and in big letters above it read Sanctuary for all, community for all. Those who arrive, survive. It gave us all a sense of hope finally seeing the posting with our own eyes.

We started down the tracks to where we would hopefully find haven. Tyreese held Judith close in the chill air while walking alongside Daryl and Carl. I stuck to Maggie, Glenn, and Tara. The others began forming their own random groups picking up old conversations or just enjoying the others company.

Even though they sometimes try to hide it for everyone else's sake, Maggie and Glenn were obviously head over heels in love and weren't as subtle as they believed they were. Though it was cute I decided not to comment.

I made a wonderful choice to walk beside Tara for a while just having small talk and making jokes. She was quite funny and refreshing to talk to, time flew rather quickly while with her.

To my surprise, we walked about a fourth of the way there with minimal brakes and the sun was just starting to set. We finally stopped along the tracks at a rickety looking building, only surrounded by about five walkers. Daryl, Glenn, and Sasha took care of the ones surrounding the entrance while Noah, Tyreese, and I turn to kill off the ones following behind us. If I wanted to be taken seriously, I'd have to prove my worth.

As we walked closer to the walkers that had taken the journey with us they grew louder and louder, almost as if they were excited their prey had willingly surrendered. The three of us spread out across the railroad to kill off our own walkers. I decided to take the two to the left of the tracks while Noah and Tyreese tackled the rest.

The two bodies tripped each other trying to determine who would attack me quicker. Before they could attempt to do so, I stopped the first walkers moans and struggles with a swift stab in the head. Its body weight fell to the gravel helping me to pull my knife out of its brain before I turned to the second one.

The next walker was a bit heavier but nothing I couldn't handle. It sped toward me, gurgling and spitting up blood from either its last meal or its own decaying organs. I stood there waiting for it to get close enough before jumping out of the way, spinning around, and stabbing up through the base of his neck. His body went limp and before it could snap my knife I slid it out from under its skull.

I looked over at the other two guys as they finished killing the last of the walkers. Tyreese began to raid the bodies that lay across the metal tracks as Noah and I walked back over to the group.

Once the walkers were slain, Rick went into the building first to check and see if it was clear, only calling us in when he was finished. There wasn't much to the warehouse style building being almost completely empty other than some boxes that Daryl already began rummaging through. There is a wide rusted staircase leading to the second floor in the middle of the open room. The entire building looked unfinished with its brick walls and water damaged plywood floors. From the looks of it, it could've been a maintenance tower or some sort of storage facility. It wasn't the cosiest, but it would do perfectly.

I ran a hand through my hair as I trudged up to the second floor, the stairs gave out a moan for each step taken. The second floor replicated the first floor's emptiness and layout, other than it wasn't as wide and had a door off to the right.

I sat my bags down in the far corner of the open room before dropping down beside them. Beth and Daryl came up the stairs as well, laying out a blanket on the other side of the room and sitting together. Daryl kept her close to him while they talked softly to each other. I didn't want them to catch me staring again so I gazed out the window across from me instead.

They would be very cute together I couldn't lie, even if their ages were a bit further apart than what some people would find acceptable. They seemed to keep whatever relationship they had together on the down low, but they obviously had a connection, a pull to the other.

Again, I found myself hoping that one day I could have a connection with someone like they had. I would like to get close to people and feel safe, trust my life in someone. That's the main thing I wanted. Trust, the feeling of being safe and secure with someone even when in danger. I had that through family and community, and so fast it was taken along with any hope I had. Daryl and Beth showed that trust completely. They looked to be complete opposites but I could feel that that's what made them so compatible and drawn to each other.

As my thoughts and the sun drifted away, the rest of the group filtered up and down the stairs trying to find a spot to settle down for the night. Most of us were upstairs, I suppose because being on higher ground was better for lookouts and dodging wandering walkers. Glenn and Tyreese chose to be on watch, Tyreese upstairs traveling around each window and Glenn downstairs guarding the door. Maggie obviously stayed downstairs with Glenn to keep him company and so did Tara though her steps were sluggish. Once the sun set completely, Carl and Noah came over to my corner of the large room and laid out their blankets and bags.

Beth now laid in Daryl's lap while she tried to convince him to rest but was dozing off herself. It funny to see her mumble every few minutes when she'd catch herself falling, while Daryl just pet her hair and protested lightly.

Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene were all fast asleep in front of the window I was looking out of. Exhaustion swept over all of us as we huddled in silence. Carl laid out to my left and Noah was asleep at my feet, I could barely see either of them through the darkness.

"Are you still awake?" Carl's soft voice barely broke the stillness of the room. I turned my head to face him, his dark silhouette laying back facing the ceiling.

"Hmm." I hummed trying to be quiet. I adjusted my backpack so my head rested more comfortably on it.

"What's up?" I could see a humorous smirk playing on his lips, so I decided to play along.

"Nothing much really, just laying here. What about you?" I whispered chuckling.

"Woah, really? Me too." He beamed with a whisper and I shoved his arm playfully.

I rolled over shaking my head. "Get some sleep." I smiled and he sighed in accepted defeat.


Hey guys, I've been away for awhile but I'm back! The reason I was gone for a bit was because I got a job! Some would say it's not that exciting but if you know me and know how shy I am and how I don't like working it's pretty shocking.

I hope you enjoy this chapter adding onto their walk to Terminus. Honestly it's not too exciting rn but I'll make it, I swear.

Please vote, comment and message me, leave me suggestions or corrections I'd love to hear from you guys!

Love you all!

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