Chapter Fifty - Scavenging Part 1: Tension

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"We're heading out. You guys stay safe, lay low. We'll be back before dark." Rick announced to the group loitering around the church. He then headed over to Tyreese to offer one last goodbye to Judith before kissing her head and turning to the door.

A few hugs were shared around the group, I headed toward the door not wanting to intrude but a hand stopped me. I looked down at Noah's large hand wrapped around my bicep confused as he tugged me back and pulled me to face him. I glanced up with a smile and he returned it.

"Stay safe, I'll see you soon, alright?" Noah pulled me in for a hug. I nodded against his chest as my arms looped around him. He gave me one final squeeze before letting me go. I took a step back feeling thankful for him before heading toward the door again a little happier.

Carol also caught my eye and I threw her a smile, she just waved like my mom would when we'd get on the school bus. It hurt my heart to make the connection but it also made me smile even more.

Carl walked past me quickly, brushing my shoulder slightly as he stepped out of the front doors. I followed, watching him thud down the stairs toward the others.

I straightened the emptied backpack on my shoulders and walked down the steps out of the creepy building, instantly becoming lighter. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly feeling as though I could relax again.

I stood beside Carl as Gabriel attempted to tell Rick where we were headed to the nearby town. Not before long we turned left following the gravel road through the forest. Gabriel and Rick lead the way while Sasha and Bob trailed close behind them. Maggie, Glenn, and Tara walked behind Carl and I, and Michonne herded us all together from the back.

It didn't take long before we came across a real road, I glanced up at Carl happily but he just looked at me. I wasn't really sure what that meant but I supposed he just determined to get there.

Not long after, the road became more cluttered with buildings and houses. Small stores and shops littered either side of the road. It was a small town that definitely had been raided and overrun with walkers before but we could probably pick out a few things from the debris.

Maggie, Tara, and Glenn already wandered off to go scavenge in the first few buildings we passed. They spotted a gun store and of course had to check it out, we were all running low in the weapons department.

"It's just over this way." Gabriel pointed to a road through an intersection. Carl and I began to slow down and veer off from the group.

"Hey dad, we're gonna head off now. See what we can find." Carl spoke for the first time since we left. I smiled at Rick and slipped my crowbar off my hip.

"You two stay sharp, and you yell if you're in trouble. We'll be at the end of this street here, don't go too far." Rick instructed before giving us a stern look and a nod. He turned back around to head toward the building again.

I twisted to Carl with a smile, he attempted to give one back then turned to face some buildings instead.

"So, which place do you want to go into first?" I asked slightly swinging my crowbar by my side. He didn't say anything, instead he headed in the direction of a crumbling building with the words 'The Drug Mart' just barely hanging on above it. I nodded and followed behind him.

He opened the glass door slowly. One of the panes at the bottom had been shattered, the shards crunched under Carl's boots as he walked in. He knocked on the door with the back of his knuckles and listened. The building stayed quiet. Nothing. Perfect.

We stepped inside and closed the door behind us. Carl took the left side while I checked the right. I peered down each aisle with my crowbar raised. Clear, clear, clear, clear. My grip lessened and I called out to Carl before looking around.

I backtracked two aisle to the female hygiene section. Most of the shelves were empty and clearly rummaged through. A single box of off brand tampons sat at the back of a shelf and I sighed in relief. I grabbed it and shoved it in my bag. A box of open razors was cluttered on the floor, I bent down and swiped two, not knowing when I'd need them. Most likely I could fashion the blades into something more useful.

I carried onto the next row. A sign hung above it that read 'Pain Relief.' There weren't many bottles of pills left but I managed to spot some day to day brands. There was nothing that would help with serious pain but maybe to help with headaches and such. I grabbed an orange bottle of Motrin and popped the lid to see if it had been opened. The seal remained untampered and I smiled while placing it in my bag as well.

I wandered to the end of the aisle to see Carl rummaging behind the large pharmacy counter. Smart boy. I hoped he knew what he was looking for.

"Need any help?" I asked throwing my bag back on my shoulder.

"All good." He replied in a bored voice not bothering to look up. I nodded my head and turned to the last rows.

Something inside of me shifted. I thought this would be more fun. Back when I was alone, scavenging was always a blast. I'd get so excited when I found something good and I thought it would be even better with someone to enjoy it with me. But maybe Carl was just doing this out of habit and routine. Either way I wouldn't bug him again and decided to keep my excitement to myself.

The last aisle was the beauty section from what I could tell with all the pictures of model's long eyelashes and bright coloured lips. I hummed sadly to myself. I never got the chance to play with makeup much as a kid. I had always loved it, always asked my mom to do mine when she was trying to do hers.

I remembered all the high schoolers' at the mall would look so much older than me. They'd always have their makeup done perfectly, but those days had been taken from me. I stifled a laugh as I realized I was at that same age now. I almost couldn't believe I thought those girls we're so put together and so much older than I was back then. I barely felt any older now.

Regardless, I scanned across the many different options of mascaras. This entire aisle was picked apart the least, obviously, however it still looked raided with a tipped over basket and lip liners scattered across the floor. Without thinking I plucked up a mascara and threw it in my bag. I grabbed a concealer and a powder that looked the closest to my shade, it was hard to tell with no light but I tried my best. Then I swiped a pencil eyeliner too and another chapstick, the most practical item in the whole aisle. I couldn't remember what else my mom used to use so I shoved them into my bag before Carl could notice my indulging.

I scurried to the end of the row where Carl suddenly stood. I slowed my pace trying to look less awkward as I put my bag back on my shoulders. He smiled for the first time but it was more of a smirk. I blushed embarrassed and began to walk next to him.

"You know, you don't need that." He stated brushing my shoulder with his. "One thing, we're fighting for our lives every day, and another, you're pretty enough without it." He mumbled out looking forward. He opened the front door for me and we walk through before I turned to face him.

"So you think I'm pretty, huh?" I gleamed up at him gaining enough confidence back to tease him. He didn't reply, turning back into not-talking-Carl. I merely smiled to myself proud as I lingered alongside the boy on our way to the next store.


Hey guys, here is part one of scavenging. I definitely didn't need to call them part one and two but I love doing two parters, plus they flow together. I hope you guys enjoyed. There's not much to this one, basically just gathering and a bit of tension. However, I know you guys are gunna love the second part, because I do!

What do you suspect will happen in the next part, I didn't give you a cliffhanger so lets see if you're an amazing guesser lol. Do you think they'll find anything good? Let me know what you think.

Leave me suggestions, corrections, or anything else you'd like. Vote, follow me, and leave me a comment wherever you'd like. I hope you're still enjoying.

Love you all, happy reading.

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