Chapter Forty Seven - A Priest

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"Dad, come on. Come on!" Carl pleaded to his father growing antsy as the cries carried through the forest. He switched his weight between each foot eager to help, already stepping in the direction of the terrified screams.

Rick reluctantly followed. Everyone rushed behind the two but I sprinted ahead to be beside Carl. He already held his Beretta lowered to the ground as we hurried past each crooked branch.

A large rock stood tall in the distance with a dark masculine figure scrambling on top. More pleads bellowed from the man's chest in complete fear. Four walkers reached up toward him grabbing and tugging at his legs trying to pull him down.

"Anybody! Please, help!"

Carl took the first shot, firing at the walker closest to biting the man's ankle. I dodged past him to get a running start at the next walker who turned around at the sounds and smells of new meat. I raised my crowbar over my right shoulder and cracked it down through the snarling mess of a walker. Blood sloshed out over my weapon as I ripped it out of its skull and it dropped to the trampled dirt.

Rick split the skull of another walker against the solid bolder with a powerful slam. It fell as Carol stabbed the last one that threatened the man's life.

Then, Daryl started to shout in warning. Before I had a chance to look, the sound of his crossbow fired and two thuds shortly followed. I looked toward Carol who now had two more bodies lying at her feet. She nodded at Daryl in thanks as I let out a shaky breath.

The man's cries had quieted down since our advancement, however a few whimpers still escaped past his lips as he looked to see that each one was dead. He sat curled up in a trembling mess on top of the rock. His feet remained tucked under him still afraid something was going to grab him, almost like a child who's scared of what's under their bed. But considering Abraham's stance and rifle pointed directly at him, I would still be scared too.

"We're clear, keep watch." Rick instructed the others scanning around the woods. The rest of us couldn't help but look up toward the shaking man. It wasn't every day you meet someone new, let alone save their life. "Come on down." Rick reassured the man.

He does his best to get off of the rock as smoothly as he could but his tense muscles restricted his movements. He stood uneasy on his feet as he dusted off his pressed suit. His jaw looked wired shut, almost making me question if any screams came from his mouth at all. The only sign of it being he was shivering in fear and nearly convulsing in his dress shoes.

"You okay?" Rick asked stepping closer trying to read him better.

The man held up a finger then, before turning and vomiting on his pristine black shoes. I immediately looked away and everyone else's gaze followed. Carl rolled his eyes in disgust as I stared at him instead of the weak man.

"Sorry." The man finally whispered out, head lifting from his hunched position. He straightened his back before looking around to all of our faces. "Yes. Thank you." He nodded while fixing his black suit jacket. "I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick began to ask his string of interrogation questions. Gabriel laughed quietly.

I couldn't quite tell if he had gone insane or actually found that simple question amusing. Either way, Michonne shut him down with a hard stare and I slowly stepped back closer to Carl. I would not fall for more tricks or be chased after by lunatics.

"Do I look like I'd have any weapons?" He held out his arms referring both to what previously happened and his priest's attire.

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like." Abraham barked holding onto his belt. Despite not exactly understanding what Abraham meant by that I stared down Gabriel anyway in agreement. What kind of person didn't carry a single weapon to defend themselves in this world?

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