Chapter Twenty One - No Rush

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I woke from the warm morning sun peaking it's way through the thin white curtains and shining across my face. I stretched my stiff body out of habit and immediately regretted it. My leg once again reminded me of its split down the side with sudden and sharp throbbing. I stared up at the top bunk looming over me to try to catch my breath from the shock. Tara's arm dangled over the side of the small railing and her soft snores filled the room.

I took my time sitting up not wanting to make too much noise and also not wanting to injure my leg even more than it already was. I used my foot to move my shorts that had fallen off the bed closer to my reach. In a slow cautious movement I snatched them off of the floor. After another breath, I changed as carefully as I could and grab onto the bunk above me to attempt to stand. The pressure in my contorting muscles hurt like shit but I was going to have to get used to it. It's all I could do.

I then tried to take my first step without someone else's help. I shifted onto my wounded right leg only to immediately jump onto my left wincing and clamping my teeth shut. A few beats passed and I attempted to put weight on it again, slowly placing my foot back down. I tried to take a step with less force and more caution.

I walked the length of the room only stopping a few times to let my leg calm down and rest. I didn't bother putting my boots back on knowing that would just be too difficult. I finally reached the door and twisted it open. Once I made it out into the hallway I turned and was sure to close the door quietly behind me so that Tara could continue to sleep soundly.

Carefully and slowly, I walked down the cool and dimly lit hallway and out into the living room. Looking around the house properly for the first time, it seemed nice enough. It was an open and cozy country home with stylish furniture and warm coloured walls. My eyes then found the empty kitchen and the wooden dining table I was bandaged up on. I rubbed above my cut and shuddered at the bloody handprints still on the back door.

"Hey, Avery. How you feeling?" Rick startled me with his serious tone and I jumped turning toward him and Judith. I tried to balance my weight on my left leg but a wince formed on my face.

"Oh, I'm okay." I dismissed but he looked to me with a raised brow. I sighed giving in. "My legs killing me. I can't put much weight on it, but I promise I can still walk to Terminus. I'll have Noah help me or something, don't worry about me." I rambled a version of the truth and forced a smile not wanting to look weak. Rick's face morphed like he didn't buy it, scratching his chin.

"We're not going anywhere till you can walk properly. That cuts gotta heal and running around all day ain't gonna help that." Rick said it straight.

"But we..." I tried to protest and express how close we were and I that wouldn't be a burden on the group, but he completely cut me off.

"Avery," he said my name firmly. "We have all the time in the world, we're in no rush. We've got all our people back and you need to rest. Go sit down, we'll get you something to eat." He offered with a fatherly gaze and I nodded my head. Judith gurgled and looked toward the couch, basically backing up what her father said. It made me laugh so I do as she instructed and sat down on the white leather couch.

Maggie made her way down the long hallway towards me, ruffling her hair free from sleep. She smiled before turning for the kitchen. Her and Rick talked for a bit before she grabbed some granola bars and other foods out of a communal bag.

I sat back gingerly into the pillows of the stiff couch and elevated my leg on the coffee table. A sigh left my dry lips as I rubbed my arms trying to warm up.


Sorry for the small chapter, but if I left it where it was it would've been 1200+ words and that's a lot more than I usually have for a chapter.

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Bye bye.

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