Chapter Thirty Two - Cuts and Bruises

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Michonne walked over to me while I was still situated on top of the dead man but I had moved back to sit on his thighs that so no more of his blood would get on my brand new jeans. Michonne crouched beside me slowly, a worried smile playing across her lips.

"We should get going. It ain't healthy sitting on him for this long." She held out her hand for me to take. "He can't hurt you anymore."

I stared deep into her chocolate brown eyes, there was not a wrinkle on her face besides the one above her brows begging me to stand with her. She was the first to speak to me since we all strayed to process the night in our own ways.

Without a word I nodded my head sadly and took her hand. She carefully raised me to my feet and escorted me away from the body. Though I wished she hadn't, she looked back noticing the bloody note I left in the man. I pretended I didn't see her concerned eyes staring at me and slipped my knife back into my sheath.

I knew it wasn't the most sane thing I'd ever done, but what that foul man was saying and trying to do to me couldn't just be let go. Death was not enough of a punishment.

Inevitably, I was able to get away, but what if he did that to someone else before me? He would gladly do it all again after this. I could not live with myself if I let him continue on knowing that he would try something so horrible again. For once in my life I was glad we lived in this type of fucked up world when I took his life, one where we're able to solve our problems however we deemed fit. No consequences to worry about, other than the body coming back to life part.

But that message wasn't just for him, it was for any other survivor passing by, too. I knew others, including myself, felt somewhat sorry for a few of the fresher bodies lying on the streets. It was all of our fears, to make it so far only to fall. I wanted him to gain nothing. I wanted people walking by to feel disgusted with them all and not even look at him twice. People like him didn't deserve sympathy, and that message would hopefully set that straight.

Either way, I didn't allow myself to dwell on it much longer and I hoped the others could do the same. I'd rather not be looked at even more differently than I already was.

I tightened my ponytail hoping it would pull me back together again. It didn't seem to work all that well.

Alongside Michonne, we stopped at the grey truck, her hand now across my upper back guiding me with her. She opened the car door that I was once held against and grabbed my bags and handgun off of the backseat floor. She handed them over to me one at a time as I put each item where it belonged. A bag on each shoulder and my gun at my waist.

Noah stood up from beside the remains of the fire and walked over to us. His right hand was wrapped up in a strip of cloth, blood dotting through to the other side exposing the severity of his bloody knuckles. My face dropped a bit more at the sight of it.

"I can barely feel it, Avery. Don't look at me like that." Noah reassured. He read my features so easily yet I couldn't tell if he was merely saying that to make me feel better or if he actually was okay. I nodded my head anyway, not trusting my voice just yet. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I cleared my throat before replying.

"Better now that I'm up." I whispered looking around the barren road.

The wind blew the branches above us, the sound howled through them and a few birds replied. Carl stepped out from the truck, unintentionally slamming the door behind him. The rocks under his shoes ground against the pavement as he walked toward his father. Noah's voice pulled my attention back.

"Are you ready to head out? I think we'll make it to Terminus today if we get going." Noah asked trying to change the topic. I angled my body back toward him nodding. I didn't feel like talking anymore, however, I do give him a small smile to show him I still enjoyed his company.

We joined the rest of the group who were waiting for us. I couldn't help but notice how terrible they all looked. It was obvious none of the others were able to sleep well, we all were drained.

Daryl looked the worst out of all of us, already sporting a black eye, a split lip and eyebrow. Noah's cheek was bruised and puffy. The side of Rick's temple is red and damaged and mine probably looked the same.

However, the one that hurt me most to look at was Carl. A large rough scratch covered his right cheek, no doubt from the jagged road his screaming face was pressed against. It wasn't a life threatening cut but it must have stung his pretty face. I analyzed his torn up features, a tired and weary look was spread over both of our faces. Fuck, we all looked dreadful.

Rick silently turned toward the forest heading back in the direction of the tracks parallel with the road. The brown leaves covering the ground crunched loudly under our feet. We pushed twigs and branches out of our way until we stepped up onto the clearing of the railroad again. I followed behind Rick and Michonne, and stared at the large duffle bag Rick now carried. I wondered which body he took it from.

My eyebrows furrowed as I took notice of the extra weapons the people around me were newly equipped with. Rick had a second large rifle slug across his back under his bag, Michonne had a new machete hanging from her tan coloured backpack. Daryl's bag looked stuffed with everything he could fit in it, and Noah was equipped both a new gun and knife that he played around with in his hands. From what I could tell Carl hadn't taken anything, maybe just some bullets, he was smart like that.

I must've been the only one that didn't raid through their stuff, but I was glad. I didn't need to physically carry around a memory of what happened back there. I already carried enough reminders of the night in my head.


Sorry this chapter is a tad on the sad side. Just being attacked and almost getting killed doesn't make for a happy next day. Lol but isn't Michonne the sweetest!

(Also, you guys have no idea how excited I am for chapters in the future, I already have written a few scenes with Carl and Avery and it's so perfect! I get super eager for the two of them to be together and write little snippets and you guys are gunna love it!)

Anyways, what do you predict? Is something going to happen on the way to Terminus again? Let me know what you think.

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Love you all, happy reading.

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