Chapter Twenty - It's Not Your Fault

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Carol collected her medical supplies and walked off with her bags. I thought about hopping down from the table but knew I didn't have enough energy to do so and also knew it would hurt like hell.

Glenn sensed what I was thinking and butt back in to help. "Don't even think about it, let me help you down." He slipped his shoulder under my arm to support me and brought me to the ground before we hobbled together toward a long dark hallway. Beth stood next to the entrance looking worried as ever. "Beth, can you open one of the doors please?" He asked shuffling down the hall supporting my weight.

"Of course." She said in a fast and high pitched voice. Glenn replied with a thank you before she continued. "They've all been cleared." She opened a door to what looked to be a little girls room.

From what I could see through the darkness a bunk bed stood in the corner of the white room. Each wall had some sort of pink and purple furniture against it; a dresser, nightstands, a chest, and a vanity. There are even some toys and stuffed animals stacked in the corner.

Glenn set me down on the bottom bunk even though I'd honestly love to be on the top one. I laid against the pillows trying not to put any pressure on my wrapped bare thigh. My eyelids lowered as all my energy seemed to vanish.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" Beth asked with her eyebrows knitted together.

"Oh no." I waved her off. "I'm sure I'll be fine for the night, but could you ask someone to grab my bag for me. I'd like to put some actual pants on." I lazily smiled at the worried girl who squeaked out a reply before walking out of the bedroom door with Glenn.

I laid there in the dark replaying what happened as I played with the torn fabric of my jeans. I bit my lip in thought realizing how close I had come to being bit if Carl hadn't pulled me back. I was still shocked I didn't even notice the walker in the first place, usually I was more careful than that, at least when I was on my own. It could've been the lack of light or my exhaustion that made me miss it, but it still baffled me. Although I did come out on the other side with a huge slice in my leg I was still glad Carl was there to save me from getting grabbed or possibly something even worse.

I had just finished telling Carl how much I could handle myself and vowed to prove my importance to Abraham. I couldn't help but feel ashamed. Embarrassment hung the heaviest in my chest after everything that happened.

A knock at my door brought me out of my dejected thoughts. Carl stood at the threshold with both of my bags, one in each hand, and a sad smile on his face.

"I got your stuff." He stated slowly stepping into the equally dark room and placed them next to my bed.

"I see, thank you." I replied while twisting to search though the backpack for alternative clothes.

Carl backed away awkwardly. "I'm sorry I got you hurt, I feel awful. I didn't mean to, I didn't even know you had your knife out." He raked a hand through his already disheveled hair and then down his face. The bags under his eyes and the dread in them clearly revealed how exhausted he was all while blaming himself for all of this.

"It's not your fault, Carl. If you didn't pull me back I might have gotten bit. So if you weren't there I would've been in a lot worse shape than just a cut on the leg." I offered. He looked down at me understanding that he was not to blame. "I'll be back in my feet in no time, and next time I'll save your ass instead." He chuckled and shook his head.

I gave him a smirk and he sighed. "I still feel bad you got cut, but I see your point." He sat down on the edge of my bed clearly too exhausted to stand.

"Thank you, though. You really saved me there." I was serious this time around and he closed his eyes softly. "Go to bed, Carl. We've been walking all day and this, no doubt, was stressful."

"Yeah, you're right." He paused for a moment just staring at me. "Goodnight, Avery. I'll see you tomorrow." He stood and made his way to the door.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams." I called as he left but he stopped suddenly poking his head back through the doorway.

"Oh, by the way, Tara is gonna be rooming with you. When Beth told her about the bunk beds there was no stopping her." Carl laughed low.

"Alright, goodnight." I laughed along before Carl shut the door behind him.

With peering eyes gone, I laid out shorts for tomorrow and unbuttoned my torn jeans. I carefully slipped them off trying not to move or touch my wounded leg too much, but despite my efforts the cut shifted and stung awfully. It hurt like a motherfucker but I knew I was going to have to deal with it, there was nothing else I could do about it in a world like this. I untied my boots even slower and placed them close by.

I laid back down with a shuttered sigh and tried to block out my throbbing leg by closing my eyes. The exhaustion from days of walking in the heat come flooding back, the adrenaline and shock now gone. I gave in to it and sunk into the fluffy pink pillows.

While my eyes were weighed down from sleep someone walked into the room, placed their stuff by the door, and kicked off their boots. I guessed correctly that it was Tara from the excited sounds leaving her lips as she climbed the latter to the top bunk. She flopped down above me and it was the last I heard of her before falling dead asleep.


Another small chapter for you guys. Hope you enjoyed.

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Love ya.

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