Chapter 44: It's Almost Time

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A few days later...
Grayson's POV
"So Daniel's only avoiding us to keep us safe?"
"Yes, you saw how we were attacked by some random people at home after he saved your life from getting hit by a car."
"I know, so the only thing we can do is just wait u too it's safe to see Daniel. I know that's it going to take a long ass time for that to happen, but when it does we'll welcome him back with open arms."
"Well he'll definitely deserve it."
"But the time to execute our plan is dreaming near."
"I know, but do we really have to kill all of those people?"
"Yes! They helped with Daniel's assassination so they deserve to die. Even if it is quick and painless. I would prefer to torture them, but as long as we kill them I'm happy, because I need my revenge, my retribution."
"So why do you need my help when you're the one looking to get revenge?"
"Because It's always good to have someone watching your back."
"That is true, but what if we die in the process, or what if they somehow found out about our plan and moved?"
"Then we start our search again and execute the same plan. But I already know that they haven't left that warehouse yet."
"How? Hidden camera?"
"So let's practice a few more times to make sure that we're actually ready for this."

A few practice sessions later...
"Yeah, we're definitely ready. So in just a few days we finally execute our plan, and then I can finally have my revenge. No one kills my boyfriend and gets away with it. We can do this! I know we can. We've trained for this and obviously we're ready for anything they throw at us, plus we have something these other assholes don't."
"And what's that?"
"A huge amount of trust in each other and a lot of determination."
"True, now let's make sure that we have everything packed before we head out in a few days."
"Good idea Chan."

A few hours later...
"There, I'm all packed. What about you Chan?"
"I'm just as ready as you are."
"Now let's get some sleep. We're going to need a lot of it if we're going to pull this off."
"Right. See you in the morning Grayson."
"Nite Chan."
"Nite Grayson, sleep tight."
"You too."
"And Chan?"
"Yes Grayson?"
"Thank you...for everything."
"You're welcome Grayson."
"Now let's get the sleep we need."
"I love you Chan."
"I love you too Grayson."
"We can do this, just remember to have faith and never give up Chan."
"I won't. We can do this. We have to do this for Daniel. So when he returns you can surprise him with the return of his jewelry."
"And I'm sure he'll be happy about that. And then in no time the two of you will be married."
"And I'm looking forward to that day. Now let's finish this conversation tomorrow."
"I agree."
"Have a good sleep Grayson."
"You too Chandler."

A/N: That night Grayson had quite a few dreams. One of them was about reuniting with Grayson, the second one was about Daniel not returning at all, and the third one was about Daniel just being a jerk and before waking up screaming Daniel almost killed Grayson in his dream by snapping his neck. But he also had a fourth dream and that dream was about Daniel accruing totally different than he normally would. And I mean extremely different. Like he wasn't the same person at all.

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now