Chapter 36: Back to Grayson

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A few days later...
Grayson's POV
"Good morning Grayson."
"Good morning mom, morning to you as well dad, and a good morning to you Chandler."
"You're sure peachy this morning, what's the occasion?" Chandler wonders. "Is it your friendaversary? Or the anniversary of when you and Daniel became a couple?"
"Even better."
"What could be better than those two things?" Chandler asks. "Did Daniel's murderer come forward?"
"No. I just found out that not only was Daniel being interviewed yesterday, but he's now in SUPERNATURAL."
"Yep. And I just found out that his character is being introduced in the episode that's airing tonight, can we please watch it?"
"Sure. But I feel like you're forgetting something Grayson."
"And what might that be Chandler?"
"Today is also your friendaversary. It's been eight years since you've been friends with Daniel, and in a month will be your dating anniversary."
"You've been keeping track?"
"Yes I have."
"Just in case you forget these very important dates."
"Oh, well...thank you."
"You're welcome."

Later that day in Chandler's room...
"Want to play some WWE 2K19 Grayson?"
"Maybe if Daniel was here we could, but right now I just want to focus on finding the shooter and killing them."
"Do you really think that's going to solve anything? And if you do, tell me one think it'll solve."
"My frustration, the pain I felt and still feel to this day, and it will probably help any negative feelings Daniel might be feeling at the moment."
"Just because he tried to take his life multiple times before doesn't mean that Daniel's "Mr. Suicidal," ok Grayson? Daniel gave all that up."
"I know."
"And if we find out when he's needed on set we can go and visit him."
"True, but I just want to focus on finding the person who killed him. Plus some things are worth waiting for."
"So if you can remember what they looked like then we can go from there."
"It all happened so fast, and I don't know if I want to go back and remember that fateful day, but if it'll help us track down the killer then I'll do it, but after we watch SUPERNATURAL. It's on in five minutes."

"I hope that they don't kill off Daniel right away."
"They probably won't, but we won't know until it airs."
"Everyone at AMC is probably watching this episode as well."
"It's a possibility, but since the show is starting now let's all quiet down."

1 hour later...
"Damn, that was intense. And the way they introduced his character Jason was pretty cool."
"I agree, I just wish that his hunting buddies survived. And being forced to watch your parents die must've been horrific."
"And Daniel did watch his mom pass away in the hospital, so hopefully he's doing alright."
"I'm sure he's fine, Daniel's a tough kid."
"Mom's right Grayson. Daniel is a tough kid, he survived a shit ton of punishment, he was even struck by lightning and lived."
"I remember that day as if it happened yesterday."
"So do I."

Daniel's POV
Grayson's looked up at me and he immediately ran up to me and hugged me.
"Ow. Careful Grayson. I was just struck by lightning." I spoke.
"Sorry. I'm just so happy that your back. I thought that you might've..." Grayson started.
"No. I wouldn't do that and I'm sorry you had to see me try and do it that last time." I replied.
"It's all right. I take it you read my little note I wrote on our picture together."
I hugged Grayson, but I kind of squeezed him a bit. Tears were filling up my eyes.
"I take that as a yes." Grayson exclaimed.
I released Grayson and gave him a friendly smile. I then left the room to go and see Chandler and Hana. I walked up to their room and as always the door was closed but before I got the chance to knock the door opened and Chandler had bumped into me.
"You're alive? I thought you were dead. We were looking for you and were worried to death about you. Mom and dad are still outside searching for you." Chandler implied.
Chandler hugged me lightly. I hugged back. The hug only lasted twenty seconds and then Hana approached us. Hana looked at me and punched me on the arm that the lightning had struck.
"Dammit Hana that frigging hurt! Plus I was struck by lightning not too long ago." I voiced.
"Well that's what you get for worrying us half to death. But I'm glad to see you're all right." Hana stated.
Hana and I hugged. The hug only lasted ten seconds. I then blacked out. My whole body started twitching. This kept on going for another minute or so until it had stopped. I was bleeding from my mouth since I did bite my tongue.
Chandler picked me up as best he could and placed me onto his bed. Chandler looked at Hana for some help but Hana wasn't sure of what to do.
"Hana, what do we do?" Chandler wondered.
"I don't know Chandler. I think we just have to wait it out." Hana responded.
"And how long will that be?" Chandler questioned.
"Maybe a few hours. I don't know." Hana answered, but she did sound like Chandler was getting on her nerves.

2 hours later...
I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was blurry at first but it cleared up pretty fast. I slowly sat up. I looked to Chandler for answers and he immediately gave me a response.
"You had a seizure. I think it had something to do with getting struck by lightning. You scared us there for a minute. You should rest get at least a good seven hour nap."
"Ok. Thank you Chandler." I turned to Hana. "And thank you as well."
"What about..." I cut Chandler off.
"Him too." I replied.
I soon closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

6 hours later...
I had awoken from my slumber and was feeling better. I still felt a little dizzy so I stayed in bed for at least five extra minutes and then I headed downstairs. Surprisingly they weren't home yet. I fixed myself a glass of water and drank it all. I did this a few more times since I was way too dehydrated. I went three days without water, but thankfully I got water back into my system. I bet that was the reason for my seizure and not being struck by lightning, but who knows it could've been both.
"Well, well look who's awake." Grayson stated.
"Yeah. I'm feeling much better now." I uttered.
"That's good to hear." Grayson said. "Just to let you know mom and dad are on their way home. We called them and told them that you were home."
I just nodded my head in reply.
"Care to..." I cut Grayson off.
"No thanks. I think I'll just go back upstairs and listen to some music off of YouTube and maybe catch some extra z's." I exclaimed.
"Ok, but this time I'm coming with you."
"All right."
Grayson and I walked upstairs and headed into our room. We climbed onto our bed and Grayson turned on both the TV and his PS3. Grayson opened up the YouTube app for me as I took off my shirt and straight down on my arm and on my chest was one ugly scar from the lightning.
"Damn. That must've hurt."
I looked at my scars and then back at Grayson and said, "Yeah, it did. It's definitely not fun."
Before departing Grayson handed me the controller and immediately left.
I signed into my account and played the playlist from my liked videos. So far I had over two hundred videos in there and they were all music. I fell asleep to the music.

Back to reality...
Grayson's POV
"Do you ever think about the time when Daniel was going to snap your neck, or when he held his forearm against your throat?"
"Surprisingly...yes...I do."
"Do you ever wonder if something like that may happen again?"
"No. I don't. It was a one time thing."
"I know. And maybe if we hadn't made Daniel angry, he wouldn't have tried to kill you."
"He did say that it would've been your fault Chandler if he actually did snap my neck."
"I know. But it wouldn't have been true, right?"
"He would've been responsible for his own actions, even if he was blinded by rage. But Daniel did stop himself, and I'm proud of him. But let's stop talking about the bad memories and start thinking about where Daniel's killers and grave robbers are held up."
"What makes you think that they're the same people?"
"Just a gut feeling. And it's always good to go with your gut."
"I know. So where should we start looking?"
"I have no idea. Maybe we should start looking at any and all warehouses that Daniel's coffin might be."
"Ok. And I can assure you that we will find Daniel. Daniel will be brought back home."
"We better."
"Listen to your heart and let it guide you, and we will find Daniel."
"I know we will. Now come on, we got work to do."

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now