Chapter 35: Interviewed

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At the interview...
Daniel's POV
"Earlier today you and your kids were ran off the road by an aggressive driver, can we get your thoughts on that?"
"All that matters to me is that my kids are safe and sound. All we were doing was going for a car ride to drop off our new book at my publisher's place. I don't know what I did to make that driver so angry, or maybe it wasn't me, maybe something else got him riled up, I'm just lucky that I was able to steer clear of the gas pump."
"According to him not only did you cut him off, you also brake checked in front of him, flipped the bird, and you were mirroring his every move."
"He's lying. I never flipped the bird, and I wasn't the one mirroring his every move, he was the one mirroring me. He somehow managed to pop one of my tires, and he made it so that my car went into oncoming traffic. He tried to kill me and my children, but luckily my children weren't hurt, but after the accident they did have a pretty bad headache, but their headache has healed. Hopefully nobody else was hurt."
"Do your kids know why that person did what he did?"
"No. They were assuming that I might've cut him off, but even if I did it was an accident. And if I did than I'd like to say that I'm sorry, but what I would like to know is why'd he go so crazy."
"Let's bring him out and here his side of the story."

A little bit later...
"You!? You're the asshole who almost killed me and my kids!"
"I'm surprised that you remember me Daniel. We only met once, but that was back when you were only three years old."
"I have a very good memory. Now why did you run me off the road? Because if I did cut you off, then that's a bit extreme. And if I did I'm sorry."
"If I'm being completely honest, I took my rage too far. I didn't mean to try and kill you. I only meant to ram you a couple of times, that's it. You did nothing wrong, I was just angry because I lost my job and my girlfriend ended up breaking up with me as well. So I just want to apologize for almost killing you and your children."
"Did you ever think to take some deep breaths to calm down? Or did you just want to unleash your anger immediately?"
"I just wanted to unleash my anger immediately, but I did try to take some deep breaths, but that didn't help. Maybe I should've tried harder."
"I agree."
"So, will you please forgive me?"
"Well, since you are an old friend of my family I guess I can make an exception for you. After all you did let me and my mom stay at your place for a few days, since my mom and dad did separate for awhile before getting back together. So yeah, I will forgive you Tyler."
"You're welcome. Just don't do it again."
"I won't. I promise."
"Now Daniel, the audience would like to know...what does it feel like to be alive once again?"
"It feels amazing. And if they're watching I'd like to give a shoutout to Grayson and Chandler Riggs, plus their mom and dad. And I'd like to thank them for the millionth time for taking me in when my parents died."
"You must've been extremely good friends if they decided to take you in."
"We still are good friends. And we always will be."
"What are your plans now? Since you're alive once again."
"Reunite with my friends is my main plan, but I still want to be here for my children Kaden and Alice."
"Why do you want to reunite with them so bad?"
"Because I miss them. Why would there be any other reason?"
"Well you did spend a lot of time with them, didn't you?"
"Yeah. What's your point?"
"You didn't develop any feelings for one of them?"
"I have kids. So why the hell would I date another guy?"
"Because you know that you're in love with one of them. And they know it as well."
"Except I'm not. And since you're going to keep bugging me about this, I'm leaving. This interview is now over. Goodbye, Au revoir, Auf Weidersehen, slán leat."

"Hiya dad."
"Hi Kaden."
"That host was pretty nosy, wasn't he?"
"Big time."
"So, what are you planning to do now that your interview is over?"
"Relax, watch some television and maybe enjoy some pizza."
"Homemade or delivery?"
"Delivery. And I got the perfect combination."
"What's the combination?"
"Bacon, pineapple, mushroom, and onion. With ranch dressing as the sauce."
"Sounds good. Any breadsticks or cinnamon rolls?"
"How many pizzas are you getting? One?"
"I'm thinking of getting four extra large pizzas."
"Why four? That's a little much don't you think? There's no way we'll be able to finish all four before they go stale. Maybe just get one extra large and three medium sized."
"So we already know what's going on the first pizza, now we just need the toppings for the others."
"Why not order a pierogi pizza, as well as a California pizza, and a Colorado mountain pizza."
"Hey dad?"
"Are you only giving these short answers because you're still a little angry?"
"Should I go get Blake? Maybe he can help cheer you up."
"He can try."
"I see that smile dad."
"What smile? I don't know what you're talking about."
"The one you're trying to conceal."
"Oh, you mean this smile?"
Since Kaden was assuming that I was smiling I did a handstand to turn my smile upside down.
"You're still smiling dad. You can't hide it, or change it with a handstand."

"I'm full. Those were good pizzas, especially that four topping pizza."
"I told you that it would be good."
"Yes you did."
"Since it's the weekend, let's see who can stay up for the whole night and just watch some TV together."
"Ok. What would you like to watch dad?"
"Something good. Like supernatural or once upon a time. Even a cartoon would be good."
"So would you be ok with watching The Land Before Time movies with me and Alice?"
"Of course I'd be ok with that. Those are my all time favourite movies. But not all of them are on Netflix. So we'll have to improvise."

"Are you feeling ok dad?"
"Yeah. It's just that...these are my childhood favourite and watching them again after fifteen years brings back a ton of good memories. That's all."
"Need a break?"
"No I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure. Resume the movie."

For hours on end we continued to watch "The Land Before Time" and right as we finished the last movie we were all exhausted, but we managed to fight through it and managed to make it to the end of the day without taking a single nap, but by the time midnight came Kaden and Alice had all ready gone to bed, so I was the only one still awake. As a matter of fact I didn't sleep at all for four straight days, but when I did get some sleep I had a horrible nightmare. A nightmare so horrible I woke up crying.

A/N: What do you think Daniel's nightmare was about? And I know that I might've gotten a little carried away with this chapter, but I wanted to make it a little interesting, so I hope you enjoyed it, but now it's time to head back to Grayson's side of the story. I know you all probably don't want me to because you're all just getting used to Daniel being back in the story, but it's for the best. Plus, Grayson still has to get his revenge hence the name of the book. I'll see you all in the next chapter. And I'm curious to know should I do the same thing I did for the beginning of chapter 118 for Never Expected when I get to the last chapter of this book?

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