Chapter 6: Remembering Daniel (part 1)

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*knock knock*
"Grayson, it's time to wake up."
"I'm already awake Chan."
"You sure seem happy. What's the occasion?"
"There's no occasion. I just had a wonderful dream, that's all."
"Care to tell me about it?"
"Let's just say that at the end of it Daniel and I got engaged."
"Did your dream end with a kiss?"
"Yes, how'd you know?"
"And was there a shootout in your dream?"
"Grayson...I think you and I had a shared dream."
"Did Daniel propose to you in your dream?"
"No. He proposed to you. How else would I know about the kiss you shared with Daniel?"
"Good point."
"Come on, our parents are waiting for us in the living room."
"So we can relive some of our favourite moments with Daniel. Daniel would want us to honour his memory."
"I know, but I just don't think that I'll be able to handle it. Daniel and I were just too close."
"I know. You two did everything together. You slept together, you got kidnapped together, you..."
"I'd rather remember Daniel on my own time Chandler."
"Because it's better that way."
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Back on our third anniversary Daniel told me something."
"What did he tell you?"
"He wanted me to keep this between me and him, but I see no harm in telling you."

Flashback (3rd anniversary)...
Daniel's POV
"Well Grayson, it's officially been three years since we've been together. How are you feeling?"
"Any other emotions?"
"Nope. Just overjoyed. Since it pretty much says it all."
"True. Now, what should we do on this fantastic day?"
"We could stay home and just chill in our bedroom."
"Do you really want to just stay home?"
"It would be nice since we always go out for dinner. So it would be nice to just stay home and have some to ourselves."
"Then let's stay home and watch Titanic. I'll be Jack and you can be Rose."
"But Jack dies at the end."
"But he dies saving Rose's life."
"Are you hinting at something?"

"Little did I know Daniel was actually telling me the way he would want to die in the future. And in a way he did die saving my life because that bullet would've struck me if we were positioned differently during Daniel's proposal."
"So how did he reply?"

Back to the Flashback...
"I'm just pointing out that Jack saved the love of his life from dying of hypothermia in the Atlantic Ocean."
"But you've already saved my life. More than once."
"I know."
"I'd be six feet under by now if it wasn't for you. So thank you."
"Don't mention it."
"I love you Daniel."
"I love you too Grayson."
"You're my knight in shining armour."
I blushed.
"I know that we're home alone, but you're embarrassing me."
"That doesn't make any sense. How can you be embarrassed when it's just the two of us?"
"I don't know, all I know is that you made me blush, but I was imagining us out in public if you said that, so that's why I felt embarrassed."
"So are we going to watch Titanic or a different movie?"
"We can watch Titanic. We don't just have to watch just one movie. We can watch as many as we want until we fall asleep."

"So did you guys end up watching Titanic?"
"Yes and no. We fell asleep halfway through."
"But when we got home the TV was off."
"Daniel must've woken up to use the washroom and shut the TV off."
"Makes sense. And I'm assuming Daniel woke you up so you two could sleep upstairs, right?"
"So what did Daniel say to you?"
"I'm getting there."

Back to the Flashback...
"So pick the movie you want us to watch first Grayson, get it set up and I'll get brunch ready."
"Do you know how to make English muffins?"
"It can't be to hard. Do you have all the stuff for English muffins? And if we do can you come show me where, please."
"The English muffins should be in the freezer and the thing for the egg pancake ring should be with the silverware, and if it's not there look in the drawer with the cooking equipment."
"Why would it be with the silverware?"
"To save space. And it's possible that it could also be dirty."
"Found it! It was in the dishwasher."

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now