Chapter 24: Another Conversation Between Brothers (part 1)

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"Grayson, I know that you're emotionally not ok. You're depressed and you're worried, and I get that, that guy got on your nerves, but you didn't have to try to kill yourself. You could've came to me or talked to mom and dad about what happened, so why didn't you?"
"There was no point. Maybe I shouldn't be alive, I should be with Daniel...dead in the ground. My life is meaningless."
"You don't mean that."
"Yes. I do."
"If your life was meaningless, then why'd you accept my hand when I was trying to talk you out of plummeting to your death? Why are you trying to bring back Daniel from the dead? And if your life was meaningless then why would your friends send you all of these letters explaining how much you mean to them, and how much you've inspired them?"
"Because I know that I mean a lot to everyone, especially you. Because I love Daniel, just like my friends love me."
"I still love you bro, and I'm always going to be here to help you. And so will mom and dad."
"It's just that..."
"I'm listening."
"What that guy said about Daniel broke my heart and I couldn't take it anymore."
"I understand that Daniel means a lot to you and still feel extremely connected to him, but instead of heading home you could've talked it out with me."
"I know, but I didn't want to. At that moment I just wanted to be alone. That's why I went home. Then after awhile I left the house since I was still thinking about what that guy said and ended up on that roof."
"You had a chance to talk to mom and dad, but you didn't take it, why?"
"I don't want to drag Daniel into this, but if Daniel was here talking to you instead of me, what do you suppose he would say to you?"
"That he's disappointed in me, and that suicide is never the answer. That he couldn't imagine life without me, because I'm his entire world. That he loves me more than I can imagine, and that I'm his sunshine on a rainy day as well as his own personal angel. And that we need each other."
"Even though Daniel may be dead for now, he still loves you, he still cares about you, and he definitely would love to see you again."
"But what if that guy was right? What if Daniel should've been aborted? What if he didn't deserve my love or friendship? What if...?"
"Grayson, do you really believe what that guy said? Or are you just trying to emotionally hurt yourself even more? Because we both know that Daniel deserved our love and our friendship as well as the other friends he made. And why would Daniel's mom go through all of that trouble to have a child of her own if she was just going to get an abortion? It doesn't make sense. Daniel's mom loved her son enough to give him a chance at life, and everyone deserves a chance to live. And Daniel has grown up to be a fantastic young man, he was a war hero, he saved your life a lot of times, even though he made a lot of mistakes in the past, and put your life in danger more than once, but you always forgave him, and you never gave up on him, just like he never gave up on you."
"You're right. Even though he and I were kidnapped by my bullies, even though it was all Daniel's fault, he still put me first before himself. He was even crying a little during the car ride to where we were locked up for quite awhile before we were knocked out with chloroform, but when my bullies "let" us go and my throat was about to be slit for a second time, Daniel took my place. He was willing to die so that I could live another day. And now that I only have to wait a little longer to see Daniel again makes me pretty damn happy."
"What that guy said was mean and horrible, but why would you think he was right about Daniel?"
"Because it seemed like he knew Daniel."
"But you've know Daniel for over a decade. So why would you take someone else's word over what you know about Daniel? You knew that what he said was false, but you still believed him."
"I just wasn't myself that day. So maybe that's why I believed him. But I appreciate that your helping me cheer up."
"That's what family's for. Looking out for one another. We love you Grayson, always remember that."
"I will. Can I have a hug?"
"Of course you can."
Chandler and I hugged and patted each other on the back.
"I love you Grayson."
"I love you too Chandler."
"Say, why didn't you interrupt that guy and tell him the truth Chandler?"
"I was going to ask you the same question."
"I told you, I just wasn't myself that day Chandler. I had a lot on my mind and couldn't think straight. Now tell me, why did you let him talk trash about Daniel?"

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