Chapter 38: Figuring Out The Plan

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3 days later...
Grayson's POV (CONT'D)
"All right, here's my idea for a plan. We use snipers equipped with silencers to kill everyone outside of the warehouse, and then we blind everyone inside and kill them before they're able to regain any vision."
"I don't think that's a good enough plan Grayson. Because eventually the guards will discover our hiding place and then we'll be fucked. We need a better plan."
"So let me hear your plan if you think you have a better one."
"Let's destroy them from the inside and work our way to the outside. So we're going to disguise ourselves so no one will recognize us and apply for a job as two new guards. And the way we'll kill the guards will be two by two. So when two of them go to the washroom that's when we'll strike and we'll find a way to dispose of the bodies and then we'll go from there."
"I like the part of disguising ourselves, but we're going to to have kill everyone very discreetly. Some will need to look like an accident. Any ideas as to how we make a few deaths look like an accident Chandler?"
"I got a few ideas actually, but they're extremely diabolical. Just follow my lead."

A/N: As one on my readers pointed out in the previous chapter Daniel is no longer inside the warehouse and the reason I'm making it seem like he still is because I'm actually running out of ideas or I just forgot. It happens. So I just wanted to keep it like Daniel was still in the warehouse, but even if he isn't at least Grayson and Chandler can still recover Daniel's jewelry which'll play a massive role in part 2 of the third book. The first part of book 3 is The Abusive Relationship and part 2 is The Recovery. Now back to the chapter.

4 hours later...
"Ok, looks like we know what the plan is now. You'll be taking out the first guard Grayson and if anyone tries to sneak up on us I'll cover you, but we need to make a lot of deaths look like accidents, and we need to do our best to make sure no one escapes."
"I know, but remember making sure no one escapes isn't as easy as they make it look in movies, these kind of people always have backup plans, and they even have backup plans if their previous backup plans don't work."
"If Daniel was here and we had three people on this job then no one would escape."
"Yeah, no kidding. He was in the military after all. He's a war hero."
"I know that Chan. And even if he's not in their at least we can recover Daniel's jewelry, right?"
"Absolutely, and it'll be ready to use whenever you need it."
"But to make sure no one escapes we need to hide some traps around the warehouse, some fishing line will make a good tripwire, and with the right equipment we can build some more equipment that'll come in handy, stuff like explosives and make some traps that'll stun whoever steps on them."
"I agree, but first we're going to need training. Professional training."
"Sounds like a plan to me, I can't wait to let these assholes know..."
"Know what?"
"That they're fucking with the wrong people."

A/N: Just thought is bring back some memories with that ending, and hopefully all of you can remember which chapter in Never Expected that ending is from, if you can then you're definitely a true fan. I know that this is a short chapter, and I'm sorry for the long wait, but Daniel's and Grayson's story isn't over yet, and won't be until book 4. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one. Peace!

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