Chapter 14: Lost Memory

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Grayson's POV (CONT'D)
"Hey Grayson, are you ok?"
"Who are you? And where are we?
"Your brother Chandler. We're at home right now, and it looks like you need to go to the hospital. Your head is busted open. Come with me up to my bedroom, I have a towel we can use to stop the flow of blood. Then I'll call an ambulance."

At the hospital...
"How's my son doing doc?" Mrs. Riggs wonders.
"Besides the fact that he busted his head open, he's perfectly fine, but Grayson is experiencing memory loss. I'm not sure if it's temporary or not so you might want to keep a watchful eye on him, but I would like to keep him here for a few days so we can see what's going on."
"Ok, keep us updated please."
"I will."

Chandler's POV
"So Chandler would you care to tell us how Grayson ended up busting his head open?" Mr. Riggs asks.
"He fell down the stairs. Twice. There was some blood at the foot of the stairs that lead upstairs and a lot of blood on the basement floor. And if I had to guess I'd say he hit his head against the guardrail or the support beam for the stairs. Or maybe he hit both and that's why Grayson's experiencing memory loss. When I heard both crashes and Grayson literally scream I went to see if he was ok and that's when I found him in the basement with a busted head. So I took him up to my room so I could stop the blood from escaping with a towel and then called an ambulance before calling you guys."
"Do you know why he was going down to the basement?" Mrs. Riggs queries.
"I don't. It's possible that he was going down there to play on Daniel's Xbox or maybe he just wanted alone time down there and to maybe relive a few memories he had with Daniel when he was still alive, but other than those reasons I don't know the real reason why."
"So you and Grayson didn't get into a fight?"
"No mom. And even if we did I wouldn't push my brother down two flights of stairs. That's just harsh. I would never hurt Grayson intentionally. No matter how mad I am. I'm not a jerk like Daniel. Daniel almost killed Grayson quite a few times. I'm surprised that Grayson still wants to be his friend even though Daniel's dead now. Sure he made some mistakes, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he tried to murder Grayson. And I don't understand why you didn't kick him out after everything he put Grayson through. He had a place to go to, so why didn't you kick him out? Or call the cops. Daniel needs to be held accountable for his actions."
"But he's dead."
"I know that dad, but I really want to know why you didn't kick him out or call the cops on him."
"Because Daniel was family."
"Family doesn't try to kill each other dad."
"Grayson forgave Daniel and so did you."
"I know mom, and I know that Daniel would never intentionally hurt Grayson. After all they were dating and they spent a lot of time together back when they first met up until now. I know he didn't mean to hurt or try to kill my brother, after all we all make mistakes."
"You miss Daniel, don't you?" Mrs. Riggs asks.
"Yeah, I do. It's not the same without him. If he were here right now he'd probably be telling us some jokes or one of his outrageous stories."
"Or we'd be chilling in the living room watching some tv. So what you're saying is that Grayson just lost his footing going down to the basement on both flights of stairs."
"Yes mom."
"Ok. We believe you. Thanks for telling us the truth."
"You're welcome."

Tomorrow at the hospital...
-10:30 a.m.-
"Hey Grayson, how are you feeling?"
"Why are you people here? How do you know my name?"
"We're your family Grayson. I'm your brother Chandler and that's our mom and dad."
"Chandler is brudder. Tall people are mom and dad."
"Good enough."
"Do you remember how you got here to the hospital?" Mrs. Riggs wonders.
"In a noisy vehicle?"
"Correct. An ambulance brought you here."
"Honk honk."
"Yes Grayson, honk honk."
"Why you people here?"
"To visit you."

5 minutes later...
Grayson's doctor entered the room and told us that he had good news and bad news.
"What's the bad news doc?" Mr. Riggs asks.
"Grayson won't regain his memory.
"And the good news?"
"Grayson can go home tomorrow."
"Is there a slight chance that Grayson will regain his memory?"
"There's a slim chance, but it's probably not going to happen."
"I know who could bring back Grayson's memories but he's dead."
"Well we should let you rest Grayson, we'll be back tomorrow."
"Ok. Bye mom, bye dad, bye brudder."
"See you tomorrow Grayson."

The next day...
Grayson's POV
"So Grayson, how does it feel to be back home?"
"This is home?"
"Yes. Your bedroom is just upstairs."
"I'll show you. Follow me, just be careful."

"This is my room?"
"Yes. And Grayson if you're faking your memory loss, you can stop now this charade has gone on long enough."
"Never mind."

Chandler's POV
Wait, I think I know how to bring back the old Grayson. I just need to tell him about Daniel, but to jog his memory I'm going to have to start from the beginning. Back to when Grayson and Daniel first met.

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