Chapter 39: Training

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3 days later...
Grayson's POV
"Are you ready Chandler?"
"Ready for what?" Chandler asks groggy.
"To go train."
"Train for what?"
"To execute the plan that we made three days ago."
"Oh, that. I actually don't think I can train today."
"Why not?"
"Last night while I was using the washroom I puked, so I think that I'm coming down with something, but you go ahead. And when I'm feeling better I promise I'll make it up to you."
"We're in this together Chan. So I'm not going to train until you're feeling better. Plus I heard you throwing up so I know that you're not lying."
"You thought I was lying?"
"I did for a few seconds, but then I remembered hearing you throw up a few times in the washroom. So I'm sorry for doubting you."
"Don't worry about it."
"Ok. I'll be right back with some medicine, some food and a nice cold beverage."

A little bit later...
"Here you go Chandler. This should make you feel better in no time."
"Thanks Grayson."
"You're welcome."
"Eat up, you're going to need your strength in a few days."
"Yes dad."
I just chuckled and let Chandler be by himself for awhile.

A few days later...
"So how are you feeling Chandler?"
"Better now thanks to you Grayson."
"I just did what Daniel would've done."
"I know you did. He was a good guy."
"Yeah, he was. But we'll see him again...someday. We just have to be patient. If he is back alive now I know that he's searching for us. But when we do meet again he's going to want his jewelry so even if he's not in the warehouse, we owe it to Daniel to recover each piece."
"Yeah, we do."
"The only thing I hate is the fact that..."
"It's too quiet around here." Chandler and I say, in unison.
"If he was here right now he'd probably say something along the lines of, "the three of us should go for a walk and just get some fresh air, and get some ice cream. My treat. And make sure you bring a swimsuit and towel so we can all go for a nice refreshing swim."
"Yeah, That does sound like something Daniel would say. But we should really focus on our combat training."
"I know. And I have a few places we can try out."
"Ok let's go check them out, you're driving though."

1 hour later...
"Well, here we are. Our first stop."
"So where going to be taking some MMA classes?"
"Yep, and Karate, and some kickboxing."
"Yep, now let's get inside. We don't want to be late fore our first lesson."
"Yeah. So how many classes are we taking?"
"Fifteen of each."
"Well we're going to need them. So let's get going."

50 days later...
"Well that was fun. It was still tiring, but we still had fun, right Grayson."
"Yes it was."
"Ok Chandler I want you and me to fight to see how well we can execute everything we've learned."
"I'm not fighting you. You're my brother."
"Daniel would've said yes, but obviously he would make sure that one of us was actually up for it before the fight started, if there was going to be one."
"That is so your new go to."
"But you know it's true."
"Yeah, I guess I do."
"We have to practice."
"I know."
"All right fine. I'll fight you."
"But let's not go too crazy."
"You ready Chandler?"
"I don't know about this Grayson. We've never fought with each other in our whole life."
"I know. It feels weird to me as well."
"But since it's for practice I guess we can do it this one time."

30 minutes later...
Chandler and I were standing outside shirtless getting ready to spar, when I could hear Daniel's voice in the front lawn, so I took off running, but I was immediately disappointed when I saw that it was just someone walking by listening to one of the episodes of "The Walking Dead," where Daniel and I were having a conversation while we were on a run for supplies.
I walked over to a nearby tree and just started punching it until both of my knuckles were bleeding.
"Grayson? Is everything all right?"
"No! I'm not all right! Every time I think I hear Daniel's voice near the house and go to see if it's him, I always end up getting disappointed. This is fucking torture! Why does everyone hate me!? I've done nothing to deserve this torture. To end this suffering all I need is for Daniel to come home, the real Daniel. That way I can hold him close and never let him go. He may be alive, but for all I know I'm never going to see him again. Unless it's on TV. Daniel's my whole world, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and his return. I'm sure he's trying his best, but he needs to come home and he needs to do it ASAP."
"You miss him, I get that. But standing here punching a tree isn't going to help. And you're not playing Minecraft."
"I don't care. I just want Daniel back in my life and to come back home."
"He will. I'm not sure when, but he'll be back. I promise. Daniel is probably searching for us right now."
"It's a possibility. He loves you and love is a powerful compass, so it shouldn't be too hard for him to find you."
"I hope he finds me soon. But until he does we need to practice everything we learned. So let's get this practice fight underway."
"Hey Chandler?"
"Yes Grayson?"
"I just wanted to thank you once again for being an amazing brother."
"You're welcome. But that's not all, is it?"
"No. It's not."
"So what else is on your mind? Besides Daniel."
"Daniel is really the only thing on my mind. I know I say this a lot, and that it really annoys you...but I really do miss him. It's just too quiet around here. But there is something else in mind that surprisingly doesn't have anything to do with Daniel."
"And what would that be?"
"I'm actually thinking of moving on if Daniel doesn't return home, but I'm willing to wait as long as I have to in case he does return."
"But that could be years from now."
"I don't care. But if I do end up moving on, don't tell Daniel because I want to be the one to tell him."
"I thought Daniel was the love of your life."
"He is."
"So why would you want to move on from Daniel to someone who barely even knows you? And to someone who's never done anything for you? Daniel saved your life more than once, and he'll be heart broken if he finds out that you moved on, because you went through a lot of trouble just to bring him back to life."
"I'm sure he'll understand why, if it does end up happening."
"I hope so. After all he'd never hurt you, even if he did try to snap your neck and threaten to kill you."
"But that's all in the past now, and I've forgiven him for all of that."
"I know. Now let's get practicing."
If I have to move on then I will, but I'm willing to wait a good ten years before I move on to see if Daniel will return to me. I'm sure he's doing his best, but I just hope he returns home soon.
"Ready Grayson?"
"Yeah. Give me your best shot."
Chandler threw the first punch, but I blocked it and knocked him to the ground with a quick punch of my own.
"Damn, that's one strong punch you got there Grayson."
I helped Chandler to his feet and we kept on throwing punches at each other, but since we kept blocking them only a few of our punches landed, the same went for any uppercuts, kicks, knees to the gut, a trip and punch combo, and a lot of other stuff.

2 weeks later...
"Well I think that's enough training."
"I agree Chan. Now we just need to gather the necessary weapons and then we can execute our plan."
"We are the only necessary weapons that we need Grayson."
"No we're not. We're going to need guns and quite a few of them."
"Grayson, are you crazy!? We can't murder anyone!"
"It's the only way to make sure they don't do it again, besides if we just call the cops they'll just escape from prison. They've done it before, and we can just explain to the cops that it was a life or death situation."
"And you think they'll believe that? This is first degree murder that you're talking about."
"I just don't want Daniel to be murdered in front of me ever again. That was extremely traumatic and extremely depressing."
"I know Grayson."
"If you don't want to help me, then I'll do this all on my own."
"Since Daniel would've helped you, I'll help you."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. I may not like what we're doing, but it needs to be done. You need your revenge. Now let's go gather those weapons."

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